thinking of our fellow australians

I wrote my previous post very early this morning before the day’s events unfolded.  And as we go to sleep tonight I wanted to let our Queensland friends know that we are thinking, praying and crying tears for them. I have been glued to the tv all day. In my own little world I feel so grateful to have retro daddy here with us as he spends half of his week working in brisbane and it is just by chance that he didn’t go up this week. 

I had been chatting to a lovely blog reader very early this morning on facebook who was alone with her girls and her town cut off by water. Thankfully she is safe for now but separated from her husband, other readers are also safe up high but roads are closed. I’m keeping everyone in my prayers – all of those people who have had to leave their homes, are nervously waiting tonight to see what happens, for those who have family and friends affected and for those missing. And of course the lives lost including precious children, innocent little children who couldn’t be saved. As a mother it is an unimaginable loss.

The scene of destruction is like a hollywood movie and who could imagine that floods would have the potential to affect Brisbane and it’s CBD. So please my lovely friends up there, stay safe and dry……….my heart is breaking tonight and I know I’m not alone.
It is heartwarming to see Toni’s auctions are gathering steam and next Monday bidding will start. I know we can make a difference so if you want to get involved join in with an auction, a purchase or just putting the blog button on your blog.
All images from ninemsn


  1. So much loss, so much sadness.

  2. I still can’t believe it :-(
    I have so many friends stranded it’s just so scary.

  3. It truly is heartbreaking. I too spent the day glued to the tv bawling my eyes out at times.
    I am in Central Qld and have extreme flooding on the south, north and west of us. We are essentially blocked in which mean no supplies are reaching our supermarkets.
    Whilst I am so grateful that the waters have spaired us, my heart is breaking for those that are affected.

  4. thank you Corrie for all your prayers.
    We have had a day of worry and nervousness but we are now being told the worst is yet to come in Brisbane.. over the next two days.
    We are so thankful we are safe on a hill between two suburbs that are under water and totally cut off. We have friends who have been evacuated, others who are separated from their husbands, who are stranded half way home.
    the supermarket shelves are empty as everyone panics but we are together and we are safe.
    We are going to sit down and watch a funny movie tonight because todays stress and worry is taking its toll, along with watching it on tv too…
    My prayers and tears go out to those who have not been as fortunate as us.

  5. It is scary. I can’t turn off the TV, it is too unbelieveable.

  6. It is completely and utterly unimaginable what these people are going through. Here in the UK we like to complain about the weather and it’s affect on our lives as part of a ritual almost, but I’d take a bit of drizzle everyday to be able to escape what’s happening on your side of the world this week.

    I have been following Toni’s posts, yours and a few others as the events have been unfolding, I hope the auction manages to raise enough to make a difference.


  7. such frightening pictures, it makes it very real. Hoping and praying that things get better rather than worse over the next couple of days

  8. Siento mucho lo que está sucediendo en tu país.
    Ojalá pase pronto.


  9. OOOOhhhh!!!

  10. I have heard bits and pieces of the flooding, but had not seen pictures. Prayers for all Australians from NM (USA).

  11. We are safe in WA, but deeply saddened by the news.

  12. A friend here posted on facebook:
    Okay – our weather is not bad at all. Praying for folks in Australia effected by the flooding there.

    We are praying for everyone affected!

  13. How terrible pictures. It’s so sad. Györgyi

  14. Just praying to it to clear. Nick is back this morning hopefully, the river will go down but unfortunately up again at high tide. HIs mum is unwell so he needs to prob head out again to stay with her.
    I had a sleepless night here with the girls but can’t help thinking how lucky we are regardless. Thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost family, children and friendsxx thanks Corrie

  15. I’m with you. I couldn’t sleep last night thinking about the loss and fear of everyone going through the floods. I’ve read about the blog auctions this morning and am getting on board. I’m setting up an auction, to help in a tiny way.

  16. It’s keeping us on the edge of our seats…we have friends and family in the midst of it all.

    I can’t bring myself to watch the news…just too heartwrenching.

  17. The flood is yet to peak, which is the worst part. It will peak over the next 48 hours, thanks to the King Tides that have decided to inconveniently arrive while we are experiencing the worst flood in 118 years. Just this morning I found out I have family who have lost their house. My brother is supposed to get married on Saturday. So far the reception has been cancelled, half the guests are stranded or have lost homes, then there are some who can’t fly into Brisbane anymore because the airport is no longer fully functioning because of the rising water. The flowers have been cancelled, we have no fondant for the cake, there are no decorations, the honeymoon accomodation is flooded… it’s really quite depressing. I think the wedding will end up being cancelled.

    It’s going to be a rough few months for Queenslanders. We have lost ALOT of our fresh produce. I sent husby to the Golden Circle Factory & the grocery store yesterday and we stocked up on ALOT of non perishable food. Food shortage will come about, and prices will sky rocket.

    Oh the fun ahead!

    I hope everyone stays safe!

  18. Yes, can’t believe my husband is driving towards all this carnage, but he has to go to work, such is life in the Army & they are helping rescue people.
    Doing an auction is a great idea from Toni, i’m doing 2, auction of a quilt & raffle of book & craft supplies tomorrow, will be brilliant to feel a little less helpless. Love Posie

  19. This is going around facebook…
    Might be great advertising- but it might be true.

    STORAGE KING! has just put out an offer for those who live in Brisbane affected by floods for free storage, they have trucks and trailers available to help evacuate just call 1800storage. Paste this on your page let’s get the word around guys :):)

  20. I have been thinking and praying for those in Australia, impacted by these floods, since I’ve heard about them. But admittedly your photos show more insight than what I’ve seen in my local news. All is sad, but your photos are more devastating.

    I do hope the rains stop soon and that everyone will be safe. Until I hear this is over I will keep those impacted in my heart & prayers.


  21. hi, thanks for all your thoughts, we are in Ipswich but luckily on the side of a hill but we can still see the water, we have had 2 families staying with us as they heeded the warning to move to higher ground, we are lucky we have water and power and food for now so all good, but our heart goes out to all those less fortunate than us as across the river our friends have no power! But we are basically cut of from Brisbane by road so pretty much stranded till the water drops! Like Leonie said we are so thankfull and we are together and safe! Thinking of everyone out there who is not as well off and thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!


  23. How sad and horrible….
    If there’s anything we can do from Spain, just let us know.
    We are with you.

  24. Oh my word….that is just awful. Going to make sure to send prayers. My heart breaks for disasters such as this one.

  25. Oooh! it is terrible…

  26. It is really incredible… Can’t imagine what it is like to live in…

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