a quilt for Elodie

A very lovely reader Danielle emailed me and asked had I made a quilt for Elodie. Sadly, no. There just hasn’t been enough time and you might remember I seemed to have the fastest pregnancy on record. So she asked would I like a quilt that she’d made that was sitting in her cupboard. Oh would I ever but it was such a generous offer………….
the quilt
dress from country road – thanks grandmummy
and oh wow it is such a beautiful quilt. Linen and liberty half square triangles and oh so beautifully made. Danielle even appliqued a little russian doll on the bag it came in! And I knew as soon as it arrived that it deserved a little photo shoot with my little model Elodie.
she loves it!
And as you can tell Elodie has no problems in the growing department. Lots of little rolls of baby fat and oh her thighs are too cute for words! How do babies get such cute little thighs…oh to have such cute thighs!!!  Elodie you are not helping me agree with retro daddy that there will be no more babies, not helping at all. I could have a few babies if they were all as cute and placid as you are.
more of the hair
this hair is still growing
And she is such a happy little model that we even had time for a quick wardrobe change into a little fuschia number by gymboree. I also love that Elodie is revealing her love affair with ceilings, lights, walls…..she’ll stare and giggle at them as if they were a person and it’s so funny to watch.
loves ceilings and walls
So thank you, thank you, thank you Danielle. It is the most beautiful little quilt that Elodie will keep forever. And isn’t that the beauty of a quilt….clothes and toys will come and go but a beautifully made quilt can last forever.


  1. The quilt is lovely…but oh my goodness…that little baby of yours is scrumptious!!Totally loving all her little chubby rolls…gobble, gobble, gobble!! That green dress is divine too!

  2. How sweet and special – the baby and the quilt! Elodie is a doll!

  3. Beautiful. The quilt and your little bubba

  4. That is so nice!

    Cute baby rolls!

  5. Wow that quilt is stunning but not as gorgeous as dear sweet Elodie. She is absolutely adorable…who could resist having more when they are all so beautiful!!

  6. What a lovely thought and she is just toooooo cute for words.
    Makes me smile,smile………..

  7. How sweet and generous of Danielle! and how gorgeous is your daughter!! You are truly blessed!

  8. What a lucky girls to receive such a beautiful quilt. I love the chubby rolls too, makes me want a cuddle.

  9. That really was a Lovely Gesture of Danielle’s & A Gorgeous one at that…
    Love the little Green Dress with that Hair Elodie will suit any colour….
    She is just Divine!

  10. Oh what a lucky little girl Elodie is to receive such a precious gift! I absolutely love Elodie in that green dress, the color suits her so well! I think if I were you Corrie I would have trouble saying no to another baby as you make such adorable ones!

  11. What a lovely and thoughtful gesture. Little Elodie looks simply precious on that quilt.

  12. What an incredible gift & such vintage styling, you’re a lucky family to have that to keep forever. Love Posie

  13. What a gorgeous little babe!! The quilt is lovely too!

  14. Model beautiful baby!
    A long enjoy the quilt!

  15. Qué muñequita mas linda besos

  16. What an incredible gift! Such beautiful fabrics too. Elodie is gorgeous…such beautiful thick hair too!

    PS: Love the little rolls above the waist band of the green dress! Very pinch worthy ;P

  17. What a beautiful and extremely generous gift! And what an adorable little model :)

  18. Oh my goodness!! How amazing is that quilt, and how gorgeous is your baby!! Gush!

  19. Lucky you! Beautiful quilt, beautiful bub!

  20. Krásné…

  21. what a wonderful gift, and i love your chunky monkey, Elodie…

  22. the quilt is lovely.

    You made me laugh though. Our fourth child was super easy too. I said to a lot of people that she was our gift from God to help Steve want more. Maybe Elodie will help Retro Daddy say the same thing.

    After all, I am mum2eight now.

  23. That babe is just too darn sweet!! My son was a real chub and we couldn’t get enough of the kissing and snuggling. And that quilt is gorgeous. Liberty and linen, it just makes me drool. Does Danielle want to be my friend? lol

  24. How wonderfully sweet of Danielle! Elodie is just scrumptious. I had big babies too and you could just get lost in all those rolls – love them.

  25. Awww so precious, both gorgeous ♥

  26. Adorable…certainly not a newborn anymore Corrie. That green dress is amazing…oh…and the quilt is lovely too….:)

  27. Lovely 😀

  28. Gorgeous! Lucky Elodie. I agree, thoses rolls – she is even making ME want more!!! Too cute.

  29. What an amazing gift – it is so beautiful! And she is just the most scrumptious bubba! So cute :-)

  30. A beautiful quilt and one beautiful baby to go with it. Love her new clothes, too.

  31. Oh your little girl is so beautiful.
    Little girls should have those little elastic band rolls, I know mine did.
    I have a collection of liberty prints, and have been waiting for inspiration.
    What a timeless gift, your daughter has been given.

  32. Oh How adorable….the quilt and your little treasure…its so so lovely when you are so busy with the giving to ‘receive’…..enjoy!

  33. Your blog is absolutely stunning and so is your daughter!



  34. Oh my, Elodie is delicious! Too cute and kissable. My little Lotte (11 weeks) shares Elodie’s yumminess. Love the quilt- what a special gift! Emma. xx

  35. A beautiful quilt for a simply gorgeous little girl. I am sure it will be treasured through the years.

  36. Oh my goodness…how cute is Elodie??? I think she is getting cuter by the post!! I could just kiss those little cheeks Corrie…and the wardrobe change, hahaha, she will be lining up with Keira before too long! Btw, the quilt is lovely, how generous?

  37. A lovely quilt indeed and such an incredible nice gesture, but I can’t win from this baby!
    But… when I was reading about this little girls thighs I kept thinking you wouldn’t be as thrilled if they were yours in the same proportions LOL!

  38. Oh how lucky little Elodie is — that’s a beautiful quilt. Elodie is adorable too — she’s growing so quickly!

  39. what attracted me most is the baby’s cute smile with her pink eye let dress.. i am not much in quilting these days but i love to
    continue if my budget allows me..

    thanks for sharing…

    in Sweden

  40. What a lovely gift for a totally adorable baby.

  41. What a double blessing ! Both sent from our loving Fathers hands:) A quilt given is such a treasure. You must be very proud of you little girl.

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