Well, at last I posted off all outstanding giveaways this morning. No wonder I hadn’t gotten around to it……………90 fat quarters all up and a stack of parcels to take to the PO with the kids in tow. Phew!!!! And I’ve decided to do a giveaway each month this year to share the fabric love around the world (in other words fabric is taking over my house). Here is January’s offering and I’m soooo taking it easy this time……
Excuse my curling ribbon……my mum is so good at it and I obviously wasn’t paying attention to the master!
Dream On charm square pack and jelly roll – it’s precut fabric, perfectly ‘vintagey’, all wrapped up and ready to go. And all you have to do is leave a comment and I’ll draw a winner on the 20th January! Everyone is welcome to enter too, wherever you live in the world
And now that I look at it here, I just want to keep it for myself. But I won’t.

Hi Corrie – what a sweet bundle of Dream On! I could think of a few things to make with that!
oooo it looks so pretty
You’re a kindhearted lady, Corrie. It’s a delicious photo, I must say.
Hey Corrie – am fairly new to your blog, but have been following you since i saw a good friend had a link to your page on her website! Love your creative flare and gorgeous designs! HAPPY NEW YEAR xxx
You always have such great giveaways! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed.
Beautiful! Thank you! That would be perfect for the quilt I am wanting to make for my bed once our renovations are done!
Wow! That’s really pretty! Thanks!
Beautiful fabric! I’ve been dreaming of getting my hands on some… thanks for the great giveaway!
Me, Me, Me!!! It looks so so so lovely!
oh pretty. I’m in.
Pretty fabric! Lovely! Even if I don’t win, it looks like something my mum would absolutely love and will have to purchase the fabric for her.
so pretty! i hope i win!
Hi Corrie,
What a wonderful give away.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to go in the draw to win this delicious parcel of fabrics.
Have a wonderful day.
Yes please!! I’m still not over not winning the sugar flower giveaway. But I’m sure these fabrics are just as pretty.
I’d love to have a chance to win this bundle of cuteness!!!!, thank you so much for sharing
Thanks for the chance to win this dreamy fabric.
Oh this fabric perfectly matches my daughters new curtains…love it
I LOVE IT!! Sweet of you to have it open to everyone.
What absolutely gorgeous fabric Corrie! It would be a perfect present for me as I could give it to my mum who is turning 60 on the 21st! It sounds like you must be clearing quite a bit of fabric to have a giveaway each month, and I can just imagine all of the beautiful fabrics in your house! Thank you for hosting such fabulous giveaways too!
yes…lovely vintage…without the fear of bed bugs! right up my alley!
What a dreamy give away!
Happy New Year!
After seeing a lot of projects completed in Dream on on blogs and flickr it has really grown on me, so I would love to win some and have my own vintagey loveliness!
Oh, now, who doesn’t adore Dream On? I don’t know such a person yet!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Hi Corrie, Another giveaway ! One a month! Boy are you going to be busy! Please please put me on the list and I will also spread the word via my blog.
Happy stitching, P
The more I see that fabric the more I love it
WOW!! I am dreaming of the quilt I could make for my new bed! Lovely
Oh I love your giveaway bundle. I have my fingers crossed hoping I can win this. xx
You are like Santa but all year long – woo hoo – please include me in the draw.
Oh just lovely! And a giveaway every month? YES PLEASE!
Thanks Corrie.
xo MODELmumma
Thanks for your generosity, it’s such pretty fabric I can understand why you’d want to keep it!
I absolutely love this fabric – would love to turn it into a quilt for my little girls.
Thanks for being so generous!!! Please count me in! I will add the image to the sidebar of my blog.
Hi Corrie, You are so generous!
I would love to have the chance to win this gorgeous fabric
Fab fabric – fingers and toes crossed. Thank you, Corrie.
Lovely! What a gorgeous giveaway!
Oh Corrie, what a beautiful give away. Thanks hon for the chance to win it.
What a lovely giveaway!
You sure are! Thought I’d throw my hat in the ring for this one, I have a bit of a crush on Urban Chiks fabrics!
I love the fabric and what a lovely idea. Love keeping up with your blog.
Oh my!! That would be fantastic to have my first go at quilting with.
Gorgeous! I’ve never won a giveaway but I live in hope

You’re a generous girl
so pretty!!
Count me in too please. The fabric is just gorgeous!!!
Oh, I have been drooling over that fabric for ages – I’d love to enter! Thank you Corrie
Oh love love love! I am new to blogging, new to quilting and newly addicted to beautiful fabrics. Retromummy, you are an amazing source of much inspiration! x
pretty pretty!
oooooohhhhhh gorgeous fabric!! I would love to make a quilt for my little girly!!
Oooh, lovely Corrie! I’m in
Oh my word! Busy busy busy! Seeing them wrapped together is making me drool. So incredible, thanks for the chance!
What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for an opportunity to win! Have a great new year.
Wow! Sooo pretty!
Ohhh, I love that range! And wow, monthly giveaways, you are one beautiful, generous person Corrie!
Dream On is so dreamy – thank you for the great giveaway!
Corrie ~ I am new to the sewing world and I have just been given a very cool retro sewing machine from my Mother in law but oh where to start. Thinking this material could help get my creative juices a flowing and start creating for my little people.
I have been thinking about buying one of the charm square packs, so I would love to win this. AND, it’s being drawn on my daughter’s 1st birthday so maybe that’s a sign!
Hi Corrie thank you for sharing and having this wonderful giveaway, love the vintage look and could make myself a 50th birthday quilt, oh dear that is coming up next month.
Take care have a good week
Moda and Dream On! Such a combination!
Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful prize!!
You have the BEST giveaways!
Beautiful vintage-y bundle Corrie! Fingers crossed
It looks great. Please count me in.
You are an amazing woman, doing all you do with 4 littlies! And so generous too – what a beautiful roll of fabric.
I hope Dreams do come true and magically appear in my mailbox! Thanks Corrie
Ooh here’s hoping that looks truly devine!
Wow Corrie! You are amazing, I have been telling my hubby all about you today, your blog, your store, your little ones, and the way you inspire me!
What a divine bundle of Dream On…Fingers crossed me! xx
You are such a kind lady Corrie
Love your blog
How wonderful! I’m on a super budget this year, but would love to get some fabric. I’m excited that you want to do more too.
Hi Corrie, thanks heaps for the giveaway. Those fabrics are just so pretty. Love your new hair by the way. Thanks for sharing!
Hey Corrie, thank you for your generousity in offering such great giveaways! This is the first one I’ve entered, how exciting to be a part of it all!!
that looks perfectly yummo corrie, thanks for another wonderful giveaway.
Great give away! I would love to put my name in the hat too. Thanks a million. Vreni x
Me me!! That’s a gorgeous looking bundle.
If fabric is to sit around while I figure out what to do with it, then it really should look that fabulous all on its own.
Wonderful giveaway! This is going to sound terribly lazy, but I do so love pre-cut fabrics, especially pieces with such lovely colours.
Wow what a way to start quilting!
oh what a cute bunch of fabrics!
I’m already dreaming of my WildKat Kreations using that gorgeous fabric! A monthly giveaway sounds like a fantastic idea. Thank you for your generousity Corrie.
Love this bundle of fabric. It’s so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win.
Very pretty!
Thanks Corrie! Lovely giveaway!
Love it! Such a sweet jelly roll..yummy!
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
You have always inspired me. Thanks for the chance to win and begin a new life of quilting!
ohhhh, I love those colors! Please put my name in the hat.
Love your Givaways Corrie..
My fingers are crossed
What a lovely give away, great way of cheering up a bleak January it would put a smile on any ones face please count me in on your give away please.
Hugs Pat.
Santa bought me my first sewing machine last month and I’d love to have a play with some fabric so beautiful as yours!
Thanks for another great giveaway. Please count me in!!
Seriously?! You’re giving that away… ohhhh…pretty!!!
Regards, Kylie
So pretty and summery – I’ve nevervhad a jelly roll and would love to try one out. Thanks for the chance to try and win one.
Thank you for your generous giveaway. It would certainly be loved if it was re-housed to my home
Happy New Year. Ihope it is a happy, healthy one for you!
Today is my birthday and my mum just bought me a quilting book (long time sewer, but not a quilter) so this would be the perfect start to something new…If my kids (4 under 6) ever give me a break!
Well, I’d hate to see you ship BACK to the US, but that’s just what I’m hoping for! Thank you for your lovely giveaway and the chance to win.
Oh, perfectly named fabric – just think of the projects you could dream up…
Happy New Year!
Oh my those fabrics are SO pretty! Could I be so lucky?
Oh what a yummy stack of fabrics! I was just thinking how my coffee table needs a Spring-y runner (i must admit to still having fall leaves there!).
I’m countin’ on winning! OK, maybe “counting on” is a bit optimistic. But I’d LIKE to win.
I love the material, would be a lovely gift for my birthday next week!!!
Love fabric. Would love to win. You have a lovely family. I bet they keep you busy.
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So bright and happy! Would love to win! Thanks for the chance
Great colores. I don’t know what I would use them for, but count me in the give away. Thanks
I can imagine how hard it is to go to the post office with 4 kids in tow. I have 2 and it’s hard enough. They always seem to make us line up near all the books and gadgets which the kids just want to play with.
Count me in please. Love this fabric line. Thanks for sharing the fabric love
pick me, pick me!
What a lovely giveaway. . you rock
Golly you are so generous Corrie, I am crossing everything I have here to win, my fingers, toes, legs, arms and even my eyes too!!
Ooh…I’ve never used a charm square pack or a jelly roll, but it looks like fun! Love the colours!
Looks like a gorgeous fabric range. I’m prepared to sacrifice some space in my house if it stops you from drowning in fabric.
Oh, how lovely. I do like vintage-y things. Fingers crossed.
Happy New Year.
So pretty, I would love to win it. I read and check your blog several times a day – love reading it
Hi Corrie – love this fabric and look forward to learning to use my sewing machine this year!! love ur blog as always xx hope 2011 is a great year for u and your family!
Oh so pretty, my goal this year is to learn to quilt this would make my first quilting experience a dream.
Thanks for sharing your giveaway for everyone!
oh what to do with this bundle…..thanks Corrie
How pretty. What I could do with them
Oh another gorgeous giveaway from you!! you are so generous!
Oh Im dreaming of the quilt I could make with this one already!!! What a great giveaway!
This is such a lovely combination of Dream On. I already have several quiltalongs that would love to make with this. Please enter me into your drawing. You are so generous. Thank you for this giveaway.
Looks dreamy! ;-P
I’ve been trying so hard to use fabric from the cupboard for the last year but maybe it wouldn’t count if I won some new stuff?!
Thank you for the giveaway Corrie. I would really love to accessorise my new Dream On quilt… Hmm what could I do with a jelly roll??? Matching pillow cases and sheets (one is in possession of a roll of Egyptian cotton)?? Walling hanging? Matching curtains? The possibilities are endless.
Those fabrics look lovely. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Another awesome giveaway. I’ve got a few projects in mind that I could make with these
Oh bless. My eldest is moving in to a room on her own and is desperate for ‘very girly’. A quilt from this would do the trick! I promise to photograph the end result….
Thanks for the chance to win! X
Hi Corrie! happy New Year!
lovely giveaway, again. Fingers crossed (toes too-LOL)
My fabric obsession is in its infancy – I am too scared to cut! So pre-cut is excellent. Thanks for doing another giveaway! xx
So pretty! And vintagey! Pick me, pick me!!
Well, yes I’d want to keep it for myself too..! Thanks for the chance to win..
Pretty. Yes please.
Beautiful fabric…thanks for the opportunity to win this..I’d adore it!
Eek , 129 entries already…??? Guess you have to be in it to win it though – so count me in too please!
You are so generous to want to share your fabric goodness!
The 20th January is my birthday, if win, what a perfect present! Feeling the itch for some quilting so this is fantastic, thanks Corrie.
Yeah for Corrie … a monthly giveaway. What a fantastic idea.
With 11 more giveaways to come I am very hopefull of being in the winners circle.
You generous girl, Corrie. I’m still thinking about you lugging those goodies to the Post Office with the 4 children in tow! I would love to make my first quilt – this could be the prompt I need! J x
So pretty and all beautifully wrapped up too
can’t blame you for not wanting to part with such beautiful fabric!
My birthday is January 21st…this would be the perfect present!
I would lOVE that! my girls would LOVE it too!
Oooooh, I have a project in mind just *made* for that fabric… Delicious!
Thank you Corrie for offering another giveaway!!!!!
Hope to get chosen one day !!!!
PS – made your one cup cookies and they were FAB!!!
Oh Corrie, How giving are you please add me in for your giveaway. I don’t no how you do it with those beautiful kids to look after and running your business from home. Must say i did love the Christmas Photo of your beautiful family.
Hugs to them all
Am n love with that fabric and would love to win. Thanks for the chance.
Hi Corrie, A lovely givaway I would love a chance to win thankyou
Hi Corrie! You are so generous. What a perfect giveaway for the start of the year!
I am Dreaming that it will come to my place! (Now wouldn’t it be nice if it came true!?!)Oh the things I could do!!!
I shall Dream On that I may win…..
Wow! Such lovely & pretty color fabrics. Hope to be the lucky one.
-Jennifer (Malaysia)
I’m already dreaming up the beautiful quilt I could make with that
THANKS for the chance!
Ooooh Corrie I have coveted this line. What a great giveaway you are so generous. (:
Oh that is nice!!!!!!!!!
Loving your blog.
Wow, you are sooo generous , i love dream on, thanks for counting me in!
What a lovely give away! Thanks so much and happy new year!
Wow! This is a very generous giveaway!
Gorgeous JR and by the way when it comes to curling ribbon I wasn’t paying attention either lol!
Sweet dreams are made of this.
Beautiful fabrics. thanks for the chance.
Ooooooo lovely jubbly I’d sure like to win this one – great giveaway thanks Retro Mummy
Another great giveaway, thanks Corrie.
Gorjus materials!! THanks for the chance to win it!
Oh Corrie you are such a beautiful generous woman.What a beautiful jellyroll!!!
Hi Corrie – I already have a plan for the fabric!!!
Hi Corrie. You’re such a great person – giving away fabric every month!! I don’t belive I’ll won, but I’ll try my luck.
Hello!! Its very sweet candy!!! I dream to win. Thank you for chance!!http://alyaakh.blogspot.com/
Oh Corrie, that was my first choice before you got sweet broderie. SOOOOooo pretty!
I will try my luck. Thank you for next wonderfull giveaway
Me, me , me! Coz I really need another project :o)
Thanks Corrie, happy fabric disemination in 2011.
Ab x
I love Dream On – it’s one my dreams to get my hands on some!
What a great giveaway….would love to be a winner!!
OMG Corrie – look how many comments you’ve received!
What a wonderful giveaway.I´m in.
That is a lovely jelly roll!
Thank you so much for sharing. I would absolutely love to have this.
Love, Love, Love your blog it is still my favourite….yet!
Hi Corey, beautiful fabric. I would love to win it.
ah, such lovely fabric – thank you, lovely Corrie!
ohhhhh, you are too kind!
Wauwww it’s such a beauty!! thank you retro mummy!
Great giveaway!! Im in!
Oooh, pretties! You’re so generous Corrie
Gorgeous fabric and great giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks so much for the comp!
MMmmmm the imagination is working overtime with ideas on how to use these if I win,fingers crossed
Lovely and generous as always. Love that shade of green.
Oh so lovely fabrics – Thanks for a great giveaway.
Such wonderful fabric – and drawn on my birthday – fingers crossed for an extra special present
Nothing like a big number to post on Corrie I love your adventures you make parenting look easy -Please enter me in your giveaway. i am on a fabrc spending diet and one little treat would be fun
oh, what a way to begin 2011! My daughter is ready to move to her “big bed” and a new quilt would be perfect…
What a lovely giveaway Corrie.. I adore moda fabrics and would love Dream On to make quilts for my granddaughters as its so pretty.
Lovely giveaway Corrie. Thanks for the chance to win the gorgeous jelly roll.
I’ve been eyeing this….so pretty. Thank you for the giveaway!
This is gorgeous. It would make a lovely birthday gift for me since DH won’t let me spend on anymore fabric. Lol. xx
One a month! Looking forward to that. Thanks Corrie. It’s in my side bar too
What a lovely giveaway! Please count me in!
Wow!So generous!!!
Amazing fabric and it looks like a cake with a cherry on the top, when I saw it in my news!
(because I’m your follower)))
I like your blog, it is so sweet and bright!
so much yumminess!!!!
Oh Corris, I think I might just Neeeeeeeeeeed this!! My bestie is having her first baby soon and she loves all thing vintagie, especially if there is a touch of green in there
I would love to make a charm quilt for her!! PICK ME PLEASE xxxxx xxxxx (- all my fingers and toes crossed )
January 20th is the day before my birthday.. ill keep my fingers crossed!
Have been wanting to get some of the dream on charm sqares for my first ever quilt I want to make for my daughter. Love them. Love most fabric actually. Bit of a fabric floozy.
What a lovely stash of fabric, such a great give-away
I just MUST have it!
Fabulous giveaway. Can you count me in please! x
Oh what a lovely lot of fabrics.
Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
I’ve almost finished my first quilt, so it would be great to win and make another one!
yum yum yum deliciouso
Your giveaways are so much fun!
That fabric looks so pretty.Would love to win it.
Oh i love this fabric line! It was about time someone realised there wasn’t enough reclaimed linen for all of us!
Gracias por tu generosidad haciendo este regalo,apuntame a tu sorteo,me encanta tu blog y lo visito muy a menudo pero sobre todo me encanta tu familia.besos
What a fab giveaway, Corrie. You could be assured the fabric would be going to a good home if I won
Glorious, of course, simply stunning, yes please, love Posie
ci provo! ma siamo troppe! non ho possibilità di vincere. ed è solo il primo giorno….
We made banana bread today – yum and I met up with 4 Wise Monkeys and her household also made banana bread today. Thanks for sharing.
Corrie, I NEED to win this to justify a new quilt making exercise around ere! Thank you for your generosity!
Mrs C
please enter me as well!
Its very generous of you to share with all of us each month! Thanks for a wonderful opportunity!
I’m in.
Made a new years resolution to start quilting (always wanted to but never had the guts) and these would be perfect for my daughters room.
Mmm Moda, so so pretty!
I would love love LOVE to win this. Thanks for the chance!
Please count me in – what a nice birthday present that would be for me! (I’m dreaming on…)
it might be fabric for new projekts!
oooh, looks so good. Would love it!!
I love your giveaways!
Yep you are learning girl!!! LOL make life as easy for yourself as you can. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hey Corrie,
Thanks for the opportunity to win……..hope I do!
Love all your choices of fabric!
Ohhh yes please! That looks gorgeous.
Hi Corrie thanks for the opportunity. It looks just darling to win!
Count me in *waves hands madly in the air*
hola, corrie. Lovely giveaways.
Thank you, please count me in
What a gorgeous set of fabric and so nicely wrapped too.
You are a very kind and generous blogger Corrie. I hope something good happens just for you every month this year too!
Oh it is lovely just like you thanks for the opportunity to enter. Have a lovely week.
Hi Corrie, I just received my order from you today of the sherbet pips and kokka fabric — just gorgeous — Thank you!!
And this bundle you’re offering looks fabulous!! Fingers crossed
Oh it looks Gorgeous..Thanks for such a Generous Giveaway…Hope I’m Lucky.
Thank you for your generous giveaway!!
Miles de gracias por el sorteo, Corrie. Hace unas semanas que conocí tu blog y desde entonces lo sigo habitualmente. Disfruto un montón con las cosas familares que nos muestras.
Abrazos desde España
Yay!! I’m commenter number 237.
I have this one IN. THE. BAG!!!
Ooooh! Thanks for the chance to win! I would like to participate in the raffle! Thank you! Link on the sidebar: http://moja-planetka.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the giveaway. I love the fabric.
Hey Corrie, It looks lovely and would really assist in my current personal challenge to survive the school holidays by getting creative at least once every day.xx
oh you are too generous!!! I would love to win this as it looks so pretty
Hi Corrie,
How lucky we are to have your generous giveaway!!!
And well done on the new year fitness campaign, I started too, trying to shift those few kgs that have crept on over the last 3 (nearly 4!!!!) years of being a mummy!!!
Bye for now,
Christine xo
Oh! Great!!!
Thanks for the chance.
U’re really lovely, lady.
Jelly rolls look so dreamy. Lovely colours! Jacinta
Always love a chance to win some of your gorgeous fabric.
Just thinking of all the things I could make!!
Поместила ссылку на боковую панель.)))
Again another fabulous giveaway you have
please, please, please – I’m already dreaming!!!
This fabric looks wonderful, I would love to win it.
Your giveaways are always so much fun
Oh, it looks so pretty all wrapped up in cello paper. I want it
What a sweet giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
precioso lote de telas. gracias
OH my lovely, you must let me have this…..I have my brand new sewing machine to sew my first gorgeous thing and this fabric would make it soooo special x x
my heart has taken a very fast pace …. how much generosity on their part … beautiful fabrics!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Oh thanks !
So cute fabrics !
you are so lovely to do this! thanks for another great giveaway!
Oh Carrie I’d definately be able to “Dream On” if I had this fabric – I could make a fab quilt for my bedroom:)
Oh, choose me!
Happy new year.
What a beautiful giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win!
Hi Corrie, it´s amazing how you manage the situation… four little chidren, I have three and no twins. You are my hero jajaja.
Thanks for the give away and congratulations for your wonderful family. I take your logo to my blog.
A big hug.
Hi! It’s so wonderful and bright! Thank you! I cross my fingers!!
This is a very nice giveaway. Love the vintage looking fabrics. Thanks.
I really love the way you have it wrapped up and ready to go! Thanks for this wonderful chance. The giveaways are so much fun!
it looks so pretty !
i love fabric!!!
Oh what a fantastic giveaway. I’m in! Thanks Corrie.
I love this fabric and would be so happy to win it.
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
a give a way a month! oh my! you are so kind!!
So pretty!!
gorgeous! Yes please!!
Such lovely fabric! I love jelly-rolls, and so far I have not seen any here in Korea where I presently live. Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow how generous of you! It has such beautiful colors … oooh I would love to win. Well I’ll be Dreamin On about winning it.
I love this line! I bought some yardage not too long ago and am going to make some wall hangings with it in my guest/craft room so I can look at it all the time! I would love some pre cuts so I can finally try to get over my fear of quilting!
Another beauty of a giveaway (that I most likely won’t win *sniff*)!!!
I sooo wish i had extra fabric lying around, but I do thank you for sharing yours.
wow, its amazing i love it
Hi Corrie,
Looks very dreamy that giveaway of yours!
Love your banana cake recipe, it is very timely as I have 3 very ripe bananas that were going to go to waste, but I am inspired to try your recipe now.
Hi Corrie – can think of loads of things to make for my girls . . . love love love
ooh how lovely please count me in!!!
How so very generous of you…who wouldn’t want to win this. Thanks for the chance.
They must have loved you at the post office with all those parcels! Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful fatric.
How lovely! And generous!!! Thank you for the chance to win.
Gorgeous!! Send it to meeeeeeee!!!
I’ve only been following your blog for a short time, but I love your blog! Thanks for this awesome giveaway – I love the fabric, and would love to win this!
Love your blog and love this pretty fabric!
Great give-away. I love to read your blog every day.
Grettings, Riet Klein from Holland
Great give-away. I love to read your blog.
Greetings, Riet Klein from Holland
Gotto love precuts. Thanks for the chance.
How could I resist this! Thanks again Corrie for such a wonderful giveaway.
Woww this is really gorgeous!! tks fr this great chance!=)xoxo
Oh how beautiful, I would love to be entered into your gorgeous giveaway! x
Please add or name into the drawing, wonderful gift.
Happy day.
Gorgeous fabrics!! Crossing my fingers!
Hi Corrie, these fabrics are gorgeous! I do like your blog, I often come and visit it! I really hope that this great giveaway will reach the opposite side of the planet, here in Italy!
Oh my, you are one popular lady! Thanks for such a generous giveaway and the chance to win. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know your blog and look forward to following your year ahead
I love Dream on!!
I never met anyone so generous, recently I discovered your blog and it’s wonderful. Greetings from Spain
I can see why you’d want to keep it, but am happy that you’re not, and we get a chance to be the lucky new owner. Thanks for the opportunity to win it. Hugs Naomi
I really have to start my quilting – been tatting and hand dyeing threads for the past two months.
Thanks for the chance to win this pretty fabric collection.
Hi Corrie! I love yelly rolls but I never worked with it before. So please count me in! Györgyi
I would love a chance, thanks!!!
Wow what a lovely giveaway ! Thanks to propose it.I like this fabrics !!
So pretty and fresh colours! So springable!
Wow. What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win some Dream On – I’ve been coveting it for a while now.
Cool candy!!!
I want it)))og
A girl can never have too much fabric….I’m just saying! It’s lovely, thank you!
I can do with a bit of Spring feeling, all dark and wet overhere hihi! Thanks for the opportunity! happy sewing, Daniëlle
This looks really pretty. You have the most beautiful, and unique Fabric I have ever seen . Simply divine.
Thank you so much.
You always have the dreamiest fabrics and are so willing to share. I need to learn to let some of my fabric go. I hope to be you when I grow up.
Hi Corrie, So generous of you to offer another give a way! I look forward to read your bog every day. thank you for sharing your life and family with us! love maggie
I would dearly love to win this fabric as I have never bought a jelly roll before please count me in for the giveaway.:-)
Какая красота! Может в этот раз мне повезет)Ссылка на панели слева.
The fabrics look gorgeous! I’ve never won anything before, but nevertheless I keep on trying…
Sending greetings from the other side of the world –
Such pretty fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh Corrie, thank you for the chance!! I love this fabric so much. SO cheery for the dreary days of January in the U.S.
Pretty stuff thanks for the chance
Such pretty colours! Thanks for the chance to win… good luck me!
cjlgauk at hotmail dot com
What a beautiful line of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!
Too cute!!!!! I am new to your blog—Love your creativity!!!!
oh! I need them!
Thanks for the chance
BEAUTIFUL fabric! I love this! I love your blog – your children are beautiful and love the new short hair. I have a twin. My twin brother and I celebrated our 50th birthday a few months ago. Your two will have a bond forever. Thanks for the chance to win!
Ooh just love it!
Here in Belgium you just can’t find such a beautiful fabric!
x Inge
Thank you so much for sharing, it is so kind of you!
Hi Corrie,
My new years resolution is to win something! so here goes! what gorgeous fabric……….thanks so much – I’ll keep dreaming
That looks all pretty and bright. Perfect for brightening the gloom of a UK Winter.
Wow thanks for another chance to win – love the fabric
Oooh! That would get me started on my first ever quilt!!
Aren’t you kind? I’d love to be entered, it looks beautiful x
I would love to win this giveaway! Thanks for offering it up!!
You are too kind! Pretty little roll to dream and make with! I have a project in mind this would be perfect for.
Wouw wat een prachtige Jelly roll.
Wat lief dat je die weg wilt geven!!
Hurray, hurray for a Giveaway! What a generous ambition of yours for this year. Too sweet of you. Thanks for the chance to win that gorgeous fabric~!
Amazing Candy!!!
So so so huge and beautiful, in place where I live there is no such treasures! Hope to win your candy – because this is my dream!!
Sweet i love those i’de like to win this.
Hi Corrie,
What a great give away! I would love to enter.
Thanks, Wendy
Great fabric and giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Ooop! Hope I win
How exciting. Would be such a nice jump start to some projects on my list. Thanks for the op.
I love dream on! Thank you for the give away. I just became a follower so I don’t miss out an anything. You have so many followers, wow!
OOh love it…
yes please!
Wow, Corrie, what a lovely fabric……:))))))))))))))))))) http://tuvarazslat.blogspot.com/
Oh gosh that fabric is TDF. It wants to come and live with me….surely?
Would love to win! Have a jelly roll book ready and waiting
Love the vintage look fabbie and what a great quilt it would make. Thank you for sharing.
What a fantastic beautiful bundle of fabrics , and you are giving it away. Wowee!
It could live in my sewing room.
What a sweet person you are to be giving this away!!!
Thanks for this chance.
Dream on is just so dreamy, isn’t it? Perfect for the coming spring!
Love the colours!!
I have yet to use Jelly rolls, but have only been quilting a few BOM for the kids room.
I’ve always admired Moda fabrics and this is a gorgeous jelly roll. You are so generous!
What a great give-away Coralie and very generous of you. Please enter me. Thanks
hi Corrie, Happy new year to you and your family.
Pick me, Pick me, Pick me….. LOL
such cute fabric.
kath x
Corrie what a beauutiful giveaway I am sure whoever wins will be stoked
Hi Corrie, Next time I see you I will show you how to make a gorgeous ribbon bow (similar to the stick-on ones from the newsagent – but much nicer) out of some thick curling ribbon. They are super simple to make. I made hundreds of them each Christmas holidays for the local jewellery store in my teens! Then you will always have beautiful bows ready to go! I think I will send you some in the meantime. Have a great day! Cath x
Love those colours – reminds me of a big bag of lollies! Lovely giveaway :).
Gorgeous fabrics:)
vail in tn
Ooh I’d love to share fabric love here in western australia x.
Hi corrie
You are very kind.
I would love to win this giveaway.
Thank you
Whoever wins will be very, very lucky! Thanks for the great giveaway
I love your giveaway’s, this one is so yummy and a fat free indulgence! Thanks for sharing Corrie!
I love your giveaway’s, this one is so yummy and a fat free indulgence! Thanks for sharing Corrie!
I love your blog! Beautiful fabric, I love the vintage style!
Hi Corrie…what a wonderful giveaway…so very generous!!! Please count me in…Dzintra♥x
so right now i have a 1 in 364 chance…almost like a snowball in Hawaii…lol
Would love to win though..
Hi Corrie, My first post ever on your blog, even though I am always reading about you and your beautiful family. I am in awe of how you can achieve so much! So many little people and so much craft, you are amazing!!!! I’m by no means a born seamstress although I do wish I was, perhaps a nice fat bundle like that would help me start!!! Happy New Year to You!
i look at pre cut fabrics everytime i see fabrics but they never jump out at me or fit with a specific project in mind. i usually cut my own as i need them, but they are on my list of things to buy
Ohh. Loving it. Pick me, pick me. Happy New Year to you.
Well you have to be in it to win it
I’m more of a yarn girl BUT I do love fabric!!
It’s so pretty (and the curling ribbon looks like when I do it).
How’s the running going (or is it too soon to ask)? Not that I’ve done anything post baby.
Yummy! Love this line! Thanks for the chance to win some of it.
Sandy A
scotty4me39 @ yahoo (dot) com
Dream ON………..that is what I am doing dreaming on about having that jelly roll to make a quilt.
oh how beautiful..
what a perfect giveaway..
count me in…
wish me luck..
Love love love. Thanks for the giveaway. Just made a small quilt from the Sherbet Pips and am a big fan of pre-cuts!
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Yum, yum, yum… that’s me eating this lovely fabric. I’m like the fabric monster.
Giveaways and Corrie… what more do we need? I may never leave! x
From one mummy of 4 kids to another – I love your work!
Oh dear!! So pretty. And fresh. And cheerful. Like spring. I think I need it to warm me up this winter. And pick up my spirits if I need it. Thank you!
Im new to your blog too. Great selection of fabrics. You must have sooo many!
You are so kind. You have such great giveaways. Lovely Fabric.I am new to Blogging and I enjoy you bloggs very much.
Oh please let me win this one!!!!
Thanks for the giveaway, and just read about your new Go Baby cutter so can’t wait to read how that goes.
Oh count me in please!!! Think all Mums are good at curling ribbon, mine is while my ribbon just fizzes!!!!
Those fabrics are fab!!!
Oh I love Dream On and generally vintage bedlinen for sewing and creating!
Thanks for another great giveaway.
Like all your fabrics really gorgeous. Bev
Love the colours. I’m envious of the winner already. Thanks for the chance.
I love the fabric! I haven’t been able to find it where I live. Thanks!
Fabulous colours Corrie and very generous of you.
A very sweet bundle and just the thing to make my very first quilt!
Great giveaway Corrie – look at all the comments!! Kate x
I could finally make a stripwork skirt for my daughter. Thanks so much for another lovely giveaway.
How generous of you! I’d love to win some lovely fabric!
how fab – great colourways
thanks for the giveaway – best le
Wow, you are so generous! Those are beautiful fabrics.
Would LOVE to win please… very nice fabric… very nice fabric…
Hi Corrie.Thanks for being so generous!!!Count me in too please
Count me in…..just the inspiration I need to get back into sewing! Love your blog – makes for great reading. xoxo
Thanks Corrie!! And im a bit sad you cant make SIT after all!! xx
Finger crossed, you’ll be posting it to my house
I’m taking the link to my blog.
I’m 65 and keep on dreaming
and I’m a big modafan.
Love Ines
This is such a sweet bundle of fabric!
I would LOVE that!
That looks wonderful, love the orange/apricot tones I could see. You are so inspiring.
Hi, I’ve just discovered your blog, it’s wonderful to read – thanks. I’ve just done some fabric shopping and am eagerly waiting for it to arrive – nowhere near a much as your recent buys! But a giveaway? well I can never have enough fabric!
Oh that is gorgeous! Please Mr Random pick me!
I’m just about to start making Roxy a quilt, so this would be the perfect way to get going.
Love your new blog header!
Wow, I’d love to win this. I’m thinking of atempting my first ever quilt especially for Lily’s first big girl bed but have no idea where to start! This would help!
My..talk about spoil yourself…thanks so much for the giveaway..sp pretty…
Yummy yummy fabrics for a giveaway! I’d love to win!
I would love to get my hands on this bundle of pretty! Fingers crossed
Hello, I love the looks of the fabric. Happy new year.
How gorgeous! What fun!!
I would love to win this – I see you have a lot of people in on it already!
What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you for your generosity. I would love the opportunity to win this and use it to make my girlies’ summer clothes.
dawsonsnest AT gmail DOT com
I just read your Christmas Haul post, what great fabric.
Thanks for the chance at the jellyroll!
lovely colors.. Thinsk this could be the perfect start of my 1st patchwork blanket
Count me in. I would love to win that wonderful roll.
Thank you very much.
such a gorgeous bundle of fabric!
I could soo use this, would love to win
Great fabric! It makes me want to start sewing right away.
Of all the giveaways I REALLY want to win this one. My goal for the new year is to make my first quilt. This giveaway would get the party started. I love it.
Thank You for the generous giveaways!
Oh my goodness. How generous of you to give these away rather than keeping them yourself! Thanks so much and fingers crossed!
yayyyyyy… what an attractive giveaways…i have already a crafty plan for this bundle of dream..
Nice, Corrie. Dream On is one of my favorite must haves. Thanks.
Great giveaway, it would be perfect for spring sewing!!
Corrie I love your blog and now a chance to win a beautiful jelly roll what more could girl wish for!
It’s a dream! Корри, вы удивляете и восхищаете! Имея 4 детей, вы столько успеваете, буду у вас учиться!
Hi Corrie, Just found your blog. Very inspiring. My number four baby is starting kindergarten this year – a new chapter…. might even find some time for those creative “to do” projects!!
I have a new sewing machine on order and would love to start sewing with this beautiful fabric.
Awsome! Greetings from Poland!
Such lovely fabric – I can see why you would want to keep it for yourself!!
Tienes razón provoca quedárselo, debe ser muy difícil regalarlo, quisiera ser yo la ganadora, pero suerte a todas y para ti…un fuerte abrazo.
Thanks for the giveaway!! I would love this fabric. I wonder what I could make?
Ah, Corrie, that’s a great giveaway! Each one is better then the one before
What a great giveaway! The fabric is beautiful!
this fabric looks amazing. Thanks for the entry!
My fabric stash is pretty sad! This would be just the thing to perk it up!
How nice! I was just looking at a pattern Thursday that called for a jelly roll and matching charm pack. Course if I win that means I have to find the pattern again.
We all need fabric to dream on – this looks like a spring like vintage collection. Someone is going to have fun creating with it.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such nice fabric.
Wow what great projects I could actually finish.
What a Dream it would be to win this!! Thank you so much for the giveaway!
Love the fabric giveaway!
Oh, that baby girl of yours is a cutie!
I simply adore the Dream On range! I’m thinking of getting some to make a quilt for my bed to cheer up the place a bit!
Oooh, pretty! I think that lovely fabric would be just the thing to get me to finally attempt my first quilt.
This comment has been removed by the author.
My delightful Adelaidean friend Leah (who either knows you or stalks you, LOL) put me on to your site and a good thing too – LOVE.
And even though I don’t have a hope or prayer of actually winning this it’s a lovely notion to dream about. I want to make a quilt. Never made one before. But if I win I promise to lovingly handle each square.
Or gloat in front of Leah. It’s almost worth that
Karen @ Her Handmade Life
Hi Corrie – Oh the fabric is gorgeous! It would be perfect for me to attempt my first ever quilt!
Such sweet, sweet dreams!
Thanks for a great giveaway, Corrie.
Love the fresh prints and colours of dream on.
What a wonderful giveaway, so many projects but yet so little time.
Dream on is my favorite fabric right now!!
How generous of you! Happy New Year, and thanks.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
Oh so beautiful!! I have just the most beautiful niece to match a lovely quilt in it to!! Thank you so much for your generousity.:)
Son unas telas maravillosas.Espero que me toquen para realizar un hermoso trabajo.
Hi Corrie, Oh my goodness, you are very generous to offer a Giveaway each month this year! Quilters are just such a lovely bunch, arent they? I just adore little Elodie on the quilt you were given for her. She is adorable!! I have 2 granddaughters, aged 3 and 9 months, and the youngest one looks a lot like little Elodie. Thanks for the chance at winning the Giveaway! Ooohh I do hope I am the lucky winner :0) !!!
Hugs n Blessings to you!
What a great giveaway. I haven’t made a quilt yet so this would be a great way to start!!!
pretty please – choose me!
Hi Corrie,
I am dreaming about this giveaway! It is so kind of you to share your fabrics each month, wow!
Best regards,
I would love to participate in your drawing …. you are a very generous person …. a big hug and I put the image on the side of my blog …
Hola Corrie,
me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Qué generosidad por tu parte. A ver si tengo suerte.
Gracias y un saludo
What a great giveaway!
Count me in please!
It so cute present!
Oh what pretty fabric. I can think of several things to make. Thanks for the chance.
Hi Corrie, I wisch I’m the fortuned one who win this beautiful stach.
Wet greetings from Belgium.
I love your giveaway bundle.
I’d love to win it!
It’s a great idea!!!.
oh i love it!
i hope i will be very very very lucky to catch it!
Such a generous giveaway and such lovely lovely fabric. My fingers and toes are crossed!!! Thanks!!
It’s a wonderfull candy! Link is on the right bar http://dommozanna.blogspot.com/
How does the song go?..Dream, dream, dream….names just suit somethings, dont they?.
Oooh, nice! I’m picturing a “new baby” quilt. Thanks for hosting another great giveaway.
It looks so lovely! Thank you!
Hello Corrie! We are quite many who would like to sew and create with those beautiful fabrics! I hope there is still space for me too! Thank you so much for this chance to win!
Wishes from Crete! Teje
You are very generous to do all these giveaways. This one looks just as good as all the others.
thanks for the opportunity.
Hi corrie.
this is wilma. I don’t know if you remember me. I was among the two ladies who stayed at your home during world youth day there in Sydney. You were such gracious hosts and kiera my she’s all grown up now!
hope you could pick me. Am starting to learn how to sew. And really loving your website. Happy new year! 
You are soooo generous! Thank you. This fabric is gorgeous.
Hi Corrie!! Nice to meet you!! What a wonderful give away.
Just know your blog, but I´m going to link you so I can visit more often cause you make beautiful things!!
Cecilia from across the world!!
The fabric is lovely, but I’d much rather win Elodie. What a cutie. All your kiddos are darling. Happy New Year.
What a busy mummy you are from bringing up your family to sewing quilts and fabric give aways, I envy you I am a nearly out of nester mother who loves life and family and chuck in a ton a sewing too thanks for the chance ttfn Nicole
Just awesome!
I’d like to have a chance to win this bundle. Thank you.
What a yummy giveaway.
Thanks so much for this opportunity.
Oh how pretty! Love this bundle!!
awesome blog!
We’ve had so many weeks of rain here in queensland that I’m missing all those pretty garden colours. Maybe I need a fabric fix
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I love this fabric. Please put my name in the hat for the draw.
Happy new year corrie,
We all love a good giveaway and yours are awesome.
What a beautiful bundle of fabric! I would love love love to win that!!!! I have something in mind to make which would be fantastic! Thanks for your generosity!! Beautiful blog too!!
ohhh how do I enter?
Your giveaway is wonderful. Please enter me
Have a nice day,
Шикарный блог!Чудесная конфетища!Записываюсь,правда без особой надежды:)http://pugowka-natka.blogspot.com/
Such beautiful fabric.
Awesome giveaway! Count me in
Oh, what a lovely package
This is such an awesome giveaway. I’m so glad that I couldn’t sleep or else I would not have had the pleasure of coming across your blog.
oohhh I love this fabric. I do! So lovely of you too Corrie. What a great giveaway!
please count me in.. and thank you for being so generous !
Very pretty – Thanks for the opportunity!
It is beautiful. I wouldn’t be able to give it up.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wanting to get this candy very much!. But I hope to get lucky. Thanks for the chance. Link posted on the left sidebar by date http://www.fantasy-of-sequins.blogspot.com/
Hola que generosa eres al sortear este magnifico lote de telas me gustaría participar a ver si tengo suerte ya que por aquí no venden esas telas tan bonitas, besos
A giveaway every month will be something to look forward to as yours are always so lovely.
Sew many comments. I will be happy just looking at the photo, it is yummy!
Oh Corrie, what a gorgeous giveaway!!! Such summery colours…simply yumm!
a beautiful bundle of fabric, the perfect material to make my little baby girl a quilt out of
Выглядит ооочень симпатично, очень хочется выиграть. ссылочка на правой панели http://moshkakrasotka.blogspot.com/
Oh, I love it. Thank you for sharing.
O, it is so beautiful!
Link in my blog http://ogachka.blogspot.com/
С уважением, Ольга!
beautiful fabric,
I hope I am the lucky one this time…
I love the Dream On fabric. Thank you so much for the chance to win!
how lovely, I would love to win! xo Steph
оооо! какая красота! я бы пошила одеяло для внучки, которая должна родиться в мае.
This comment has been removed by the author.
really want such tkanyushki! We have no such (((link on the side of the panels: http://natali-wonderland.blogspot.com/
Sweet, sweet, sweet
oh! great giveaway. I never win anything though….so will keep my hopes at bay until you make the big announcement.
And again you have a very pretty give-away.
Such gorgeous fabric and such a generous giveaway, please count me in!
What a great giveaway, love the bundle of fabric.
I just had to come in and say hello here too, to enter. So hi Corrie!! Dream on is a bit nice. My birthday in January, so I would love it
i hope i win! ))))))))
I will be also glad to take part in such lovely giveaway! Hello from Russia)
Beautiful fabric! How awesome of you to do a giveaway EVERY month! That’s dedication!
What a beautifull fabrics!!!!!
Greets, Mirjam from the Netherlands
It is my dream!
It’s my dream!
beautiful fabric,
I hope I am the lucky one this time…
I’m taking the link to my blog.
I’ll try too
Very good sweetie, thanks for the chance.
Greetings from Ukraine.
link on the side panels
Здравствуйте. А можно мне тоже поучаствовать в вашем розыгрыше тканей? Ссылка: http://deslin-des.blogspot.com/
What lovely fabric! And a very happy new year to you and your family.
wow, how pretty this is….i’d love to win
Okay, leaving this comment-You have a great blog that read almost daily and regardless to whether I win a giveaway or not I’ll continue to check in on your blog because it is so refreshing and inspiring and real. Have a great day
I just found your blog and love it! And a giveaway on top of it all. so fun!
Enjoy your blog and would love to win the fabric!
Oh very pretty fabric Corrie. How generous, thanks for a chance to win.
Now that I’ve commented on the most serious post you’ve made since I started reading your blog, I may as well comment elsewhere as well…
I love jelly rolls and charm squares – they make quilting with a toddler around so much more do-able.
What a great giveway.
I cross my fingers.
I love your giveaways.
So, here I am
Hugy from Germany
Oooh, looks such a pretty bundle!! My fingers are crossed
This is fascinating! thanks for the chance! http://intheorderofthings.blogspot.com/
Fantastic giveaway! Thank you so much for a chance to win!
Best wishes,
me encantan esta telitas, seguro que se puede hacer un bonito trabajo con ellas. Me apunto al sorteo.
Oh, who wouldn’t love to Dream On!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hello! Happy New Year! Sweet prize)))
That fabric is deliciously dreamy… love it.
Happy New Year.
Beautiful fabric! I’ve been dreaming of getting it… thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Привет из Украины! http://love-skrap.blogspot.com/
What a wonderful gift for any needlewomen! Thank you!
Oh, what great fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win.
Greetings from Germany.
Hola Corrie, que bonito es todo lo de tu blog y que generosa regalando ese jelly roll, me gustaria me tocara a mi. Besos desde España
Hola Corrie, me gusta mucho tu blog y que generosa regalando ese jelly roll, me gustaria que me tocara. Besos desde Espana.
Wow! This fabric looks like cake!
Thanks for chance!
Your blog is so creativ and positiv/ Amaizing!
It’s really nice you are doing this. Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful gift!
It’s a beautiful give-away! Would love to make something nice with it. Thanks, Ingrid.
I want play in your giveaway!!!
Best regards
Hi Corrie: I’d like to participate in the great sweepstakes. Thanks. Greetings
Gorgeous fabrics – you are such a generous person Corrie!
Wow this would be so much fun to create something with!
how lovely! thanks for the opportunity to win!
Corrie what gorgeous fabrics! I umm’d and ahh’d over these and left it too late to order them from FQshop in the US. Please count me in for your draw. I only recently found your blog through a friend. Congratulations on the new baby! I have five children, aged 10 yrs down to 4 yrs – we are undecided on whether 5 is it or not; also living in a building house mess doesn’t help. Your daughter is just gorgeous….
Wow! So great candy! Count me in, please
Nataly Klik
Best wishes from Russai
Fabric, fabric …. It is never enough. Maybe I’m lucky?
OMG How I could to miss this gorgeous giveaway!!!!
I love the fabrics and would love to make a quilt for someone in Queensland that has lost everything.Our quilt group did many for the fires 2 years ago so know we will be busy again down here in Victoria .Thanks for the generous offer,
Hi Corrie, You are so generous!
I would love to have the chance to win this gorgeous fabric
What a wonderful giveaway…it would so inspire me to create many things. Thank you so much for the chance of winning. Have a wonderful 2011.
smiles…always, Tammy
Wow! Corrie, it’s great giveaway! I want it very-very-very much!!!
I added link on my sidebar
pues si quieres que viaje por el mundo….. ¡yo vivo en España!!!! y sería un fabuloso destino para estas telas.
Te dejo mi correo electrónico
Muchas gracias y feliz semana
Спасибо за возможность! Россия
Me encantaría participar!!!! Muchas gracias y un gran abrazo!!!
Nice gift!
Wow, beautiful fabrics!! I’d love to win. Already have something in mind to do with them….
you are so generous, please enter my name, thank you for this chance. hugs
I just found your blog and I love it. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
lag110 at mchsi dot com
Wish I may, wish I might, wish for fabric in my sight! Thanks.
Thank you for giving us a chance to win these beautiful fabrics!
Marilyn in NJ
Oh please!!! Please!!! Please!!!!!!
K xx
Thanks for the chance to win this dreamy fabric
Dream On charm square pack and jelly roll – oh so lovely to look at and DREAM of winning.
Hola!!! Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Haces unas cosas geniales. Un saludo desde España
OOoo! I never try Moda before and I’ve always want one! ( due my budget) I think it’s so pretty!!!
oh, a dream on jelly roll sounds divine!!! please count me in! thanks for sharing!
What a gorgeous bunch of fabrics!!! Count me in!
Amanda. xx
just lovely!
Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful prize!!
so so sweet!!!
Oh me please – what a gorgeous pack! lalalee1 (at) gmail (dot) com.
Son preciosas!!! Are precious fabrics!!!
Hi, I love fabrics, but I’m rookie, haha..
I would like to win because I can do many things with them
but do not touch me, thanks for being so generous
well the truth is that much like it was for me
kisses from Spain
I want to take part from españa and to win these nice fabrics. Thanks.
lovely fabrics…thanks for the giveaway
Zyour bundle looks great. I hope I win – pick me! Pick me!
Meanwhile, hope you dry out soon.
such great giveaway! I really want it!
I wish my dream comes true!
wow… that would be oh such a nice compliment to my new sewing machine!
So generous! I’ve decided to try my hand at making a block or two for ‘Quilts for Queensland’.
Love it! Yes, I do!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Очень очень хочу, ссылка на правой панеле блога http://nervozik.blogspot.com/
I love it, really want to win!
Tremendous beauty!
Gorgeous fabric … thanks for the chance to win.
What a beautiful lot of fabric thankyou for this giveaway i will keep my fingers crossed.
cheers Sheryl
What gorgeous colours! I’d love to win! Thanks.
Oh Corrie…how generous. It looks the sweetest bundle. Thank you for the chance of winning it!1
Rainbow smiles :]
Have a great month
Hi Corrie. te escribo en español, gracias por todo me encanta tu blog y también los jelly rolls. Puedo participar? saludos desde Panamá.
I would love to go in the draw please. You’ve inspired me with your jelly roll quilt to donate, and I would love to do one to!
Thanks for sharing, Michelle
Great quilts.
Beautiful blog. I’m new to quilting, I am finally getting the hang of it.
Thanks for the great giveaway. The fabric is beautiful.
I have SO enjoyed getting to know a bit about you after finding your blog an hour ago!
I am excited to start sewing again, after getting away from it for awhile. And most especially quilting, you have inspired me!
I loved your profile, and felt like it could have been written by myself a few years ago. I am a mother of 5 lovely children (now grown).
I hope the person who needs this most wins, and bless your heart for what you are doing to help the tragic flood victims.
Hello! I am charmed with your blog and the gift is a precious .quiero to take part.
Thank you!
Kisses from Argentine!!!!
Just think how many quilt blocks you could make for Quilt for Queensland with that lot!
What beautiful fabric! i would love to make a precious quilt for my first niece,( Madelyn!) due in may!Thanks for the chance to win. x
Hi Corrie I can’t believe how unselfish you are to share this beautiful fabric with others. I plan to make something bright and cheerful to send to family members affected by flooding in Toowoomba and this would be perfect! Happy New Year and good luck to the winner whoever they may be. Cheers
I’ve got my fingers crossed too
a completely awesome price that i would love – and to make my very first quilt!
I would love to be able to use this fabric in my first quilt, thanks for the chance!!!
love crochet, love quilting and patchwork and love your blog~!
I have just acquired a reading blogs to avoid housework addition. So far it is working a charm and I am finding inspiration from lovely people all over the world. Thanks for becoming yet another blog person I will have to follow. If I don’t read blogs to avoid housework I can definitely be found sewing instead. I call it prioritising!
Hi! I like your blog, it’s very interesting and cognitive!
My link here
I would love to have it. It would be perfect to help me procrastinate whilst I write my dissertation!
Я тоже очень хочу такую конфетку!!!
OMG your works are amazing! and i love the fabric in a giveaway! i hope i will win!
here is the link: http://elizavetta-swit.blogspot.com/
Ссылка на боковой панели: http://komkofa.blogspot.com/
Lindas telitas. Gracias por la oportunidad de tenerlas
the gift is incredible, I`ll shyly stand in the long queue
I would like to enter in your giveaway.
Hugs from Spain
Gosh, this would be amazing to win!
would love to be a winner….have been contemplating lately wether or not to go out and by a jelly roll ….this would be great!!
Ooooh count me in! I plan to do a quilting course this term, it’d be perfect
beautiful collections of fabrics! thank you for chance to win!
link on the right panel: http://ariskina.blogspot.com/
I’m number 630! I would so love to win this – I’d make a strip quilt like the one you posted the other day – and I’ll donate it!
It’s so beautiful and it looks so sweet! Thank you! Link’s here in My little space
Oooooh please be me – I love this range!
What a generous giveaway! Would love to “Dream On . . . “
Великолепные подарки. Эти ткани обязательно должны быть у меня)))
I’m yr folower!!! Love yr blog and read it as soon as a new post shows up. Tks!!!xoxo
WOuld love to win this-thanks for the chance!
Love it! Beautiful
I just stumbled onto your blog after a link to the Queensland Quilt fundraiser…so great! My only daughter, sandwiched between two brothers would love a girly quilt with that gorgeous fabric! Cant wait to visit again!
Ах! Как красиво! Душевно и заманчиво! http://tilli-milli.blogspot.com
Beautiful fabric! Thank you for chance! http://gal4ena.blogspot.com/
So beautiful giveaways!
Please count me in.
What an absolutely beautiful prize. I’ll cross my fingers
Ahhhh I’d love to win !!!!!Thanks for the chance!!! Kisses
Beautiful bundle of fabric! Thanks for a chance to win!
I love your giveaways!
Szereteném megnyerni!
Wow! That’s really fantastic! Pretty fabric! I love it!!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
{LOVE}ing your blog, your sweet creations and your giveaway!
thanks corrie – love your work:)
ooo tooooo me- me pleasure
Im new to the world of blogs but am loving yours. WOW, 657 comments so far. I know the chances of winning are getting slimmer but id love to make my very first quilt from this fabric. sooo pretty and with a house full of boys id love to make something a little girly just for me
Oh, nice fabric….would love it.
Beautiful candy fabric!
thank you for the chance to win.
my blog http://oshelli.blogspot.com/
Love the jelly roll fabrics. Would love to make them into one of my many patterns that I have stored in my sewing room
I love reading your daily blog and being amazed at how much beautiful crafting you get done with 4 little ones.
Good on you, you’re an inspiration.
Rain and flood stricken we haven’t been able to travel anywhere for a while from our little country town. How lovely would it be to keep myself busy sewing and delivering some cheer to others less fortunate. (Oh, by the way it’s not my husband… he doesn’t know anything about sewing.)
Pretty fabric! Lovely! Even if I don’t win,
thanks for possibility to participate in it
Oh that lovely!
I will win….
Sweet dream! I hope it will come true)) Thank you, Corrie! http://marusino-pridanoe.blogspot.com/
Unas telas muy bonitas, ideales para hacer un montón de cosas hermosas.
What delicious fabrics, I’d love to get my hands on those. Should I be lucky enough to win I promise to make you a quilt top for the Q4Q appeal & send it right back to you!
Please count me in for this amazing giveaway. Pam x
A pretty jelly roll to start the year would be great!
Hola Corrie, Gracias por tu generosidad, te envio un abrazo desde Magallanes, Chile, cariños Juany
Having just checked out your Quilt Tutorials post – I’d love the fabric to give quilt as you go tut a try!
Hola me encanta esta oportunidad de recibir tan bello regalo, me apunto para ver si tengo suerte…me gusta tu blog, te felicito.
aca te dejo mi blog
y tambien te dejo mi correo
Desde Chile con cariño.
Is beutiful¡¡¡ congratulations¡¡¡
Wow, how lovely! I would love it.
Kind regards
Elegant lottery! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in it!
Wow! What a terrific ‘bundle of joy’!
I’m in..
it is very tasty !)))))
WOW look at all the people – got to be in it to win it.
It looks so lovely!
Hi Corey!
What an extraordinary blog and delicious candy!
I love to use fabric and ribbons in му works.
I’ll be the happiest girl in whole world, as I wish to win the prize!
I wish you inspiration and love!
Hugs and kisses, Olga xox
I don’t know how I missed this post – If I am lucky to win I will be turning it into a quilt for QUEENSLAND – hope I win:)
And me! What a lovely giveaway! http://bigmami.blogspot.com/
Que bonito,gracias.
What a lovely giveaway, thanks for sharing.!!!
So unusual to write in English/ Don’t laugh at my mistakes/ ) I’m also mad about handmade things. So be happy to win Your giveaway. You are so generous.
I can understand wanting to keep it – the colours are divine, but I’d love for it to come and live in my house too
Ayyy Diosito has que saquen mi papelito…. Esta es mi plegaria porque realmente quiero ese rollito de cuadros…. Como llegué… ays pues es una laaaarga historia, pero desde Colombia te agradezco la generosidad de compartir tus tesoros
Hasta prontito y lo mejor para ti ♥
Cuando quieras, pásate por mi blog ahí te espero siempre ;OD
I want to participate in this sweepstakes, you are very generous
corrie, god this would start off my sewing box for sure just about to unpack my first sewing machine.
Hola Corrie!!!so pretty!!!Happy new year!!!Silvia (Argentina)
OH Corrie, if your certain you don’t want to keep this beautiful treasure for yourself then I would love a chance to have it. Thanks so very much and GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!! Hugs…
Whoa, Mumma! What an awesome and generous giveaway!!!! Thank you for a chance to win…and may you find some time in your day to sit and do a whole lot of nothing or a whole lot of sewing or a little bit of both!
What a yummy bundle to win! Thank you for giving us the chance to win – I hope I’m not too late?
It looks delicious…
Am I the last one? Had to take a look at our Aussie clock to see what time it is, but still 20th for you. Pretty fabrics. And I enjoy your blog. Greetings from Moz.
Oooh, lovely Corrie! I’m in
count me in!
your projects are lovely, maybe I can do such beauties too, let me try
Hi Corrie – what a lovely giveaway. I am loving all of the quilting tutorials on your blog and dream of making my first one sometime soon. Would love to be included in your giveaway.
Hello. I am not able to communicate in English language, therefore I use a translator. Sorry to errors, but very much liked your drawing. you will settle and to try luck me.
here reference to your drawing. http://yestar7.blogspot.com/ Thank you
Beautiful blog. Your videos are excellent. Please don’t fore the voice over lady. Her accent is lovely…do I detect a hint of kiwi?
My eldest daughter (of 7 kids) turned 16 on the 2oth Jan, she would love this jelly roll made into something exquisite. Thankyou for the chance to win it. In case I don’t I can still dream on….
Oh Corrie, the giveaway looks delightful. I have never quilted before – but your videos and tutuorials you have been posting make me want to give it a shot. If I won I would use it to make my baby boy his very first quilt. Teresa
Fabric…you can’t have to much of it. It keeps my mind dreaming, just one more quilt….Love your candy… Thanks for the chance.. I will be following you
Wow what a lovely haul of fabric!
Hi!! I would like to enter, please!!
I follow you via GFC as hueleacoco
My mail is hueleacoco @ hotmail . com
Son preciosas, una maravilla, gracias por compartirlas con todos nosotros. Besitos. elenasiciliamartin@hotmail.com