Last year I think we had just mastered getting to mass in the nick of time…….now with Elodie here I find we are back where we were ………..late. And of course today we had the speedy gonzales of our priests (blessing and a curse) meaning that eventhough we were 15 minutes late the gospel was almost finished as we were sneaking in the back!
But I would like to say that at 8.00am everyone except for yours truly was still in their pj’s. But somehow we did hair, outfits, shoes (ok not the matching sandals for outfits but we had shoes on!), made bottles, ate breakfast and were strapped in and driving out the driveway at 9am. So I won’t beat myself up too much. That is quite the achievment for us now we are 6 – the trick is being there before 9am mass though!
keira is wearing her cinderella crown but looks more like she is going for the whole peasant look!
I’ve also learnt to be up, dressed, hair and makeup done before I wake everyone up. And I’m so happy that my hair is still looking great. I never had time to straighten or blow dry my hair before so I am loving that if I am going out I can put a dash of moroccan oil in, quick going over with the ghd and I’m done. Short hair is definitely working for me!
and just for a laugh this is my ‘I need botox’ picture! I am not sure why I made this expression but it’s a funny one. My mum has always been telling me (for like my whole life) not to frown or wrinkle my forehead….this is probably why!
And no, I’m not getting botox.
I saw a photo of myself holding Adelaide taken at a lunch this week and declared I needed botox, an eye lift and a skin peel. I think I’ll just settle for wearing my hat whenever I’m in the sun though.
Funny, I still picture myself looking about 30 so it’s a shock to the system when reality hits.
Love Keiras dress, its gorgeous!
and I love your hair!! makes me want to chop mine off short again..after spending two years growing it out…oops.
We are generally racing to get out the door anywhere too.. and my kids are bigger and can usually dress themselves… usually …lol…
Botox is for boring people who don’t ever want to look like they’ve had an ounce of fun in their lives!!
Just wait until school honey, getting 4 with matching shoes, hair (you’ll start cursing 3 girls wtih long hair, trust me) & all the right components of homework, lunch & hats . . . as you get a nasty late slip & glare from teachers.
You’ll get it sorted, hell i can & i live 25km from school with a husband interstate 90% of the time, “it won’t happen over night, but it will happen”. Set your clock forward & never EVER let the television go on, love Posie
I’m impressed you are only 15 minutes late! Is a later mass a possibility? And your hair looks fabulous, botox or no botox shot!
The trouble with getting to church on a Sunday is that Sundays by nature are a rest day. Mentally they take a lot more effort to be on time anywhere ‘cos the rest of the country is relaxing…my story anyway!!
kylie our church is just 9am! the other church in our parish has other times so if we’re super late we do another time!
Well I think you did exceptionally well. We’ve sort of given up going to Mass since we moved to Canberra. *sigh* oh well.
I won’t ever do Botox… I saw a lady (whilst I was standing in line to see Oprah) walking past in her ‘workout gear’ and honestly… she looked like a plastic mannequin… age will catch up with her and it won’t be pretty. LOL.
Your hair cut suits you!
Well done for making it to mass only 15 minutes into the service. The hair looks great. Have you found a winner for you competition yet?
Posie: you are funny! components of the lunchbox lol
Im in that state and I loooove the tip about setting the clock forward fantastic idea !!
Corrie: you look great Im still deliberating on the short hair. Maybe this week with some foils? right in time for this humid Qld weather that i hate.
I love Keira’s dress too!
Bless! Tillie looks like a porcelain doll in that top picture – I know she’s hard work sometimes but gosh I would steal her in a millisecond, she’d fit in so well here
Botox?? Me-no-think-so. That’s you trying to see your pic is taken at the right angle. You’re perfect as you are x
Ahem…. that’s not a wrinkly face. Not even close.
The girls and their dresses are adorable!
I HEAR YA SISTA!!!! When we only had 1 we still were at mass late. Now with 2 we get there later! It’s really hard and sometimes we spend it all out the back where “the noisy kids go”. BUT my friend reminded me that we make the effort and continue to do so every week and that has to count for something!
And I get up at 530am so that I am ready before I get the girls up and kick hubby out of bed!
xo MODELmumma
Well, I have just come home from minding the twins next door. They are 3 months old. Hubby helped me and I am exhausted. I do admire their parents. They took there older daughter (aged nearly 5) out for a quick meal. It amazes me that anyone copes well with twins.
well done Corrie, you are a better Catholic family than we are as we rarely seem to get out of the door for Mass these days…oops. Need to make more of an effort as Luca is being baptised in February!
Great job on the hair. I wish I looked good with short hair but sadly I just look really butch! Definitely doesn’t do anything for me!
love thaat little red flower dress – so sweet! I love to get mine all dressed up when we go to church (which is so not every sunday) – you did very well to make there only 15 minutes late!!
My trick to getting somewhere on time is to always plan on leaving half an hour before I really need to (tee hee).
I did a self portrait this evening too (they’re a bit tricky aren’t they?) – although I don’t look anywhere near as glam as you (I’d just finished a fun run!)
You have so adorable kids!!!
And your haircut is perfect for mums
My, Corrie, how you even *attempt* it with all 6 of you is brilliant, let alone getting there on time. My in-laws were the same, always arriving late at church with their *6* children! It always made the congregation smile – no doubt yours does the same when the Retro family (finally) arrives
. J x
Your hair is great! It is good too it doesn’t acquire too much effort or time as you just don’t have this with little ones around!
You look so pretty in your hairstyle…no botox needed..You are gorgeous!
You do well not being late all the time!! There are only 2 of us and we are still pushed getting to church on time LOL
Great photo of your kids – and you know what I have noticed lately in the kid photos?….Tilly is smiling in all of them!! She has such a beautiful face!