Then I thought of some wholesome, sweet, ‘I’m a good catholic mummy set a good example for the little people’ kind of goals like be a nicer person, gossip less, volunteer more, put more money in the plate on a sunday…that sort of thing.
And how about I stop hiding things in cupboards as a way of cleaning the house, because it only makes retro daddy get the crankies (ditto for under the couch). I really need to work on this. I’m a huge fan of the quick fix solution but you can get away with it when you’re newly married but it’s catching up on me. I’ve run out of cupboards and hiding spots and he’s on to me!
So funny… I just watched that movie the other night and was thinking that particular kitchen would be my dream… that beach house really… one can dream, right?
No resolutions here… just a promise to continue to give back, pay it forward, and generally be a good person…. and to train for my 60km walk in September that benefits women’s cancer research…
Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!
Happy New Year. I have decide to set myself goals to reach this year to. Good luck with yours.
Sounds like a fabulous list. I too am carrying over my resolutions from the year before but I have no baby as an excuse! Love that first picture. Exquisite! xx
Goals sound far better than resolutions – far more achieveable!
I married a bank manager…I know your pain. ;-P
Te deseo que todos tus deseos se cumplan y que el año que esta a punto de empezar te traiga a ti y a tu hermosa familia mucha salud,mucho amor y mucha felicidad.besos.
My husband is exactly the same…we have 4 little people, im a SAHM and my dream is to have a new kitchen – only been promised las 5 years, but we keep on having babies….so 2011 is new kitchen time. But we have to save. Which is going to be tough….for me. But thats my 2011 goal, to stop buying clothes for my 3 girls, to stop buying thomas toys for my boy…and save.
Lots of great ideas for 2011! Good luck with the dream kitchen, it’s so lovely. Enjoy your last little bit of 2010, with your gorgeous family xo
Great goals. I’m the saver here and my husbands the spender
I try to “face a fear a year” and pick something that holds me back to try and achieve. It think 2011 is going to be about letting go and accepting that my kids are moving onto a new stage, with Ayden in Yr 12, Maya going into Prep, Callum starting at the Middle School (different campus) and Kane being a big Yr 3.
I’m a bit of a spender too. And it makes me feel so guitly – tightening the belt is going to the top of my list this year! And I’m also a fan of the quick fix and I don’t finish projects. I blame my creative personality!
Happy new year Corrie!
Oh i can imagine my husband thinking, if she doesn’t talk over the top of me, i’ll build her a whole freakin house!! Hmmmm, i could do it!! Happy New Year gorgeous retro family, must sort out my studio with all YOUR new fabric, love Posie
What beautiful children you have!! I enjoyed your post and wish your family a wonderful new year.
I think that is my most favourite house in the world..I love everything about it..and being on the beach..a bonus!! Retromummy..if you have all these things in your heart you will work towards them everyday, be kind to yourself this year. Just a p.s.~ I don’t think it is us who ‘talk over’ our menfolk but often they don’t want a conversation just a monologue…they see any interruption as a disagreement…funny..just different I guess!
Oh, my, such lovely children. love your family picture.
Good luck with your kitchen. I am opting for a new washer and dryer this year, hopefully in January. That old agitator is hard on clothes!
It sounds like you have your goals at an achievable level Corrie! I am not going to list anything too hard for myself, just more walking every day so that will help in the weight loss department, and try and eat better starting tomorrow. Your dream kitchen looks amazing! I think I better stop with talking over my partner too, sometimes I have so much to say I just have to blurt it out all at once!
What a cute family…..
My goals…is to have better health….
Happy New Year.
Corrie, did you make the babushka pillow on Keira’s bed or did you buy it? If you bought it do you remember where, I love love love it and would really like one. Happy New Year to you and your gorgeous family, and I hope you have lots of success with your ‘goals’ for 2011.
Cheers Leesa
leesa I bought it about 3 years ago when keira moved into her big bed from adairs for kids. I’ll check the label and see if it says what range in case you could chase it down on ebay or from them!
I have similar goals and I have stopped myself from building my stash (even though it’s very mis-matchy and our dollar is doing very well). I plan to plan our meals a bit more (even though we like it on the fly) and to finish my half finished projects too. I was getting better (less lazy) with the cleaning and putting more effort into my tidying but I can also say that carrying our fourth is going to be one of my excuses next year for piling up of dishes and things on benches, urghhh. Still we are so grateful for what we have and try not to get on each others nerves. I think I will add “communicate more often” and “try not to judge others” as part of the making of a better me for next year. Good luck to us all and I hope we have lots of happiness.
All the best for 2011 Corrie!
Love your goals. LOVE that kitchen too. I want one just like it.
Here are my goals: (wish me luck!)
xoxo Jacinta
I’m married to financially sensible too which is great! We’re about to start a renovation and will only be spending money we’ve saved. It’s been a long 3 yrs saving enough to do it but it’s exciting to be almost at starting point. 3 bedrooms and 5 kids just isn’t going to cut it for long!!!
A new kitchen is part of the plan and even though we’ll just be using IKEA cabinets I am hoping it will have a little bit of that Something’s got to Give look. We’ll be using white subway tiles (like in our laundry that we redid this year) and the IKEA cabinets are fairly traditional looking. Should be fun pulling it all together. Can’t wait to hear how your reno turns out!
After spending much of twenty 10 suffering with pnd my biggest goal for the year ahead is to be happy!! and to create to my hearts content.
Happy New Years to you and yours Corrie
Love it, we are currently doing our kitchen and oh boy a few small little cross words here and there…
Our kitchen is going to be very similar to the one in your picture, the only thing I think we have decided not to go the dark stone bench but lighter, well I think we have,big grin.
Bought all out new appliances on Wednesday and it went well, even got my dream Vacuum cleaner a Dyson.
Can’t wait for the kitchen to be finished, hm maybe another 4 weeks.
gotta love that kitchen- a girl can dream can’t she?? hope that 2011 is kind to all of your family. Best Wishes, Di
Elodie looks so sweet in that little hat. Bless. I too *Plan* on getting a new kitchen this year – we’ll see if it actually happens.
Ha ha, I’ve just done a similar blog post! My goals being making a household budget (and sticking to it!), being more tolerant (of the in-laws) and a new attic conversion… we sound similar, DH is also the saver, I’m the spender!
Happy New Year to you all
Happy New Year to you and yours Corrie! By the sounds of things we have around about the same “goals”for the new year. Your husband sounds like a gentle giant and I would say it would be very much to your advantage to do what pleases him. You’ll be a winner and in more than just a new kitchen. There’s a French saying that says “complainers are the nicest people” And in my experience this is true because in reality they are hidin a sensitive and loyal heart,and they’ll do anything for the one they love and treats them right!! (maybe even a number 5!!) Just kidding Retro daddy
God Bless, Iris. PS i love reading your blog.
oh yes, marrying someone who’s got a good sense of financial accountability is useful. Gets me out of all sorts of scrapes!
Happy new year!
I love your blog. I think your family are beautiful and God has blessed you with an amazing ability to love them, care for them, create wonderful work and make us laugh and feel like ‘normal’ mums!! You are truely inspiring. May all your dreams come true in 2011
Love Emma
A very happy new year to you.
I have set goals this year too… to eat REAL food, get some exercise, settle back into life in NZ (once we move in a few weeks),get organised, make some stuff to sell, turn 40 without freaking out (gulp) and cope with my last baby starting school… oh the list is long
Happy new year
Happy new Year!! Have a lot of fun:)
That’s a really great list – very realistic with some ‘nice’ things added in to make you feel you good

But meanwhile, you have the most divine looking family – definitely one of the sweetest babies I’ve seen in a long while…so don’t beat yourself up over fitness too much just yet! But I’m there for you when you’re ready (I’ve got enough pep for both of us
You have a beautiful family.
Happy New Year!
Ok, well when you pull that kitchen out and get your brand spanking new one, package that one up and send it my way….I’d love a kitchen like that…..soooooooo big….and the stove is 2Df. Look forward to seeing your new one….save hard! Hugs and happy new year. Naomi
We very nearly brought a house with a kitchen that looked so much like this one you showed early in 2010. It was a dream kitchen for me too! But the rest of the house didn’t have any space for me to make a mess and be creative… so we choose something less ‘dreamy’. One day maybe? Hope you get yours soon
yeah…pretty cool house all round that one…dreams do happen
no real resolutions here, only to work ‘smarter’ not ‘harder’…thats a biggie for me but does not have to be i am sure of it!!!
And to sew, knit, crochet, generally MAKE more…love it! Happy New Year to you and yours x
Oh, ist the nice jane quilt so nice. I love it. The fabrics are so cute.
A hppy new year for you and your family
happy new year corrie,after looking at your little quilt and talking about binding made me think – just hurry up and bind it! it’s not acceptable that the twins are actually using my unbound quilt. will take your simple solution and get cracking. other than that i havent made any resolutions this year, actually it doesnt yet feel like a new year, maybe it will set in soon. hope to catch up soon xx
Oh my goodness! You have 4 beautiful babies, run a business from home, have 4 beautiful babies…go get what I mean?
At 53 I’m done with resolutions, I want results:)
You are a women after my own heart!!
That Kitchen is my all time favourite, I have printed out the pages and have it in my “dream home” file!!, and that Nicey Jane Quilt is super devine, love it, loving the pay quilts too, AND I have twins too!! Max and Lacey are 8 months now, time is flying!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you !!xo
Dear Corry,
I love your kitchen. Your kids a so cute and your quils are so artful. I´ll follow your blog from this day on.
Happy New Year
I am also spending a lot less so I can have a new kitchen. Our old Colonial homestead has the original wood stove with an old gas oven plonked next to it and it all needs a makeover.