2010 – what a year


I love looking back over a year and thinking about all that has happened and all of the possibilities and unknown joys that lie in the year ahead. It’s been quite the year for me. When I started the year I  had no idea I’d have a baby! Feeling sick for a week in February only to discover I was pregnant. It was a huge surprise as all of our other babies required doctors, drugs and umpteen home pregnancy tests a month.

would you like some fabric with that!
It was this day at a market that the nausea really kicked in but I just thought I picked up a virus!
We made a baby au naturale -this is what my OB put on my card, told me I’ve done more than my bit for Australia now that I’ve had 4 babies. So of course Elodie was the greatest project of the year. I adore her! She is a miniature version of keira and finn and the sweetest, cuddliest little bundle you could wish for. Having one baby after twins is a dream and I totally recommend it. No running around like a crazy woman with 2 crying babies in the background and you can cuddle away without worrying have you cuddled the other twin that day!  This is the reason I’m so addicted to having little bundles of joy, they are just so adorably sweet and innocent. We are so lucky to have you with us, sweet Elodie. Sorry you had to come and live at such a noisy house!  
can't stop looking at her
There are moments where I sit back and look at all 4 and wonder are they really all ours? And I’m starting to feel that I’m done, that 4 is my magic number and my tummy lives to tell the tale, let me tell you.  But then I have moments where I think we have room for one more and wouldn’t 5 be lovely. But retro daddy firmly says no. I think Elodie may be the straw that broke that camel’s back, not mine, his! But look at those little faces….they would love one more little brother or sister, don’t you think!
different expresions
please daddy, please let mummy have another baby, pleeeeease!
My other big project of the year was Notebook Magazine’s The Craft Room. I went from going in to their offices to hear about their latest idea, The Craft Room, last year to running the show and being featured in their magazine. All moments where I needed to pinch myself and think wow is this really happening. To me. Little old me. It was a beautiful and inspring magazine to be associated with and a lovely team of people. It was a lot of hard work but I miss you Notebook.  
I'm in it!
Oh and another big project was the Don’t Look Now workshop. How could I forget about that other baby. It was so much fun and an honour to bring such a talented quilter like Kellie up to Sydney to teach such enthuisiastic ladies. I’d like to think I put 110% effort into it and can’t wait to do it all over again in 2011. 
the best group of quilters ever!!!!!
And who could forget the day we got to visit the playschool set! That was a highlight for all of us, and I know a lot of you mummies wanted to go!
finally I get the lighting right!
STILL WITH ME? I won’t lie that it’s been a totally crazy year. Exhaustion from being pregnant and then a new mummy, managing the homefront, 3 other children who all need me 24/7, a store, a blog, markets in sydney and canberra, Notebook work, retro daddy who works 24/7, family and friends, the jobs we do at church……..and so it goes on. I’m a worrier by nature (just ask retro daddy as it drives him nuts) and I always worry that I am not doing everything 100%. That people will say oh that Corrie, she doesn’t have time for me anymore/didn’t reply back to me/didn’t call me back/didn’t post my order and so on. I’m learning to accept that with a family of 6 you have to prioritise. If people aren’t happy with you or don’t like you then don’t worry. It’s their loss, move on.  I’m working on this.
kids go wild 
this is why I don’t always reply to you! I have kids going crazy in the background!
But in all honesty, my mum’s health has been my biggest worry of the year.  Cancer spread again  this year and it has been devastating news for all of us to come to terms with. All I want in 2011 is for her to be happy, healthy and surrounded by the people who love her most.  She is off to France for a dream holiday in a couple of days and I’m so glad that she and my Dad are doing this. To all of you who have been touched by illness or sadness this year, I hope from the bottom of my heart that 2011 is a better year for all of you.  
Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of things to show in the craft department. In fact, I’m not really sure what I actually made this year. How sad is that, this is supposed to be a craft blog! There were no new big quilts, but there were lots of dresses and small projects. I hope in 2011 to make some big quilts and spend more time with my machine! I miss you!
all spread out
um, the biggest thing I quilted this year! not very impressive!
So what is in store for 2011? I honestly don’t know but I do hope it will be exciting. What with my big girl starting school, twins starting kindy one day a week, a new car, starting to make plans for our new kitchen and renovations on the house, mathilda’s markets, more nuffnang opprtunities, new fabrics for the store,…. 
the cake
So thank you for joining me this year. I can’t leave 2010 without some big thank yous! Thank you to retro daddy who accepts that I need to spend time on the computer when he’s home. Thank you to Nuffnang and my sponsors who give me some great products to give away and review. Thank you to my family and friends who rely on my blog to see what I’ve been up to. Thank you to my customers who send me reminder emails if I forget to do something for you.  And thank you to my lovely readers and customers who stop by to see what we’ve been up to. You make me laugh with your comments, your emails and your own blogs, you’ve supported me, encouraged me and made me feel less like I’m spending my days at home with no adult company!! Thank you for stopping by. I wish I could sit and reply to each and every email and comment but I hope to get better at it next year. My other goals for 2011 are coming tomorrow………….


  1. What an amazing year for you and your family Corrie – I hope you mum has a wonderful holiday and I can’t wait to read all about your new adventures throughout the coming year

  2. What an amazing year, how could 2011 top it?

    We will be thinking of your Mum and hoping your year in review this time next year holds wonderful news of her and her battle.

  3. Oh wow what a year, I think you have done great and don’t worry about the small stuff.
    Corrie you can’t please 100% of people 100% of the time.
    Do what feels right and glad your parents are taking this wonderful trip.

    Take care and have a wonderful 2011 I will be reading.

  4. What a full-on year! I wish Id found you earlier…I have some back-reading to do :-)
    All the best for 2011.

  5. thank you for all the happiness and escape you have given me this year, you have really helped me remember life exists outside my full (6 kids one was new this year) house! Much love from a cold south england …..am so in awe you find time to blog, seems such a big thing but what an amazing record for your babes…. Xx

  6. That’s a heck of a year, you should be proud of all you’ve achieved. I did the baby thing and that’s pretty much it and I’m certainly chuffed with myself for still being coherent with him and just one other tiddler around, you’ve blown me outta the water, lady.

    Hope your mum enjoys her holiday, bon voyage to her.

    Happy New Year x

  7. 2011 will be a banner year,,,what with #4 learning to crawl and walk before the holidays and putting her two cents into the family history. Have fun,,,they are only young once…

  8. OMG I don’t know how you fit it all in. I must be super lazy or something. I will have to use “Retromummy” as my motivational word in 2011 I think.

  9. WOW Corrie and I thought my year had been busy 😉

    I miss Notebook too, it was my fav mag.

    Take care and all the best for 2011.


  10. Phenomenal year Corrie – don’t know how you turn around and do it all again next year AND add things in! Crazy mama. Looking forward to your little (or not so little now!) families adventures in the coming year. I can’t believe you do the things you do plus have a sick mum, if my mum was sick I would just crawl into a ball. Admiration x 1000000

  11. Have an amazing year next year Corrie!!! You are doing just great, don´t worry. I love to read your posts and look at the kids pictures, to see how they are growing and what they have been up to. Time will come for quilts and more sewing and we will all be here waiting.
    Take care!!

  12. My, what an amazing year you’ve had with lots of adventures and achievements. Hope your Mum enjoys her trip, I’m sorry to hear she had been diagnosed with cancer. Looking forward to more of your blog in 2011 x

  13. I have 4 children too! I know the joy and the work it takes. They are grown now and I love how they enjoy each other. I have done my job!
    I love the freshness of your blog and look forward to another new year.

  14. Yes, what a year Corrie, Well done! I have only been a blogger for a month and have been very inspired by your blog for my own crafty pursuits, parenthood and blogging. Thanks, you do more than you realise! God bless, Fi

  15. Great post! It’s certainly been a fulfilling year for your family in every sense of the word! You definitely can’t please everyone all the time – something I’m also getting to grips with as I’m a perfectionist! It’s actually quite refreshing.

    Wishing you all the best for 2011 and strength for your mum in her battle. I hope they have a fabulous overseas trip!

  16. Twenty ten sure has been a year of achievement and I have enjoyed following it with you. I am a mum of five but with bigger age gaps than you so understand how extremely busy life can be…I take my hat off to the amazing job you are doing. Never under estimate yourself and only do as much as you can.
    Have a fabulous twenty eleven

  17. What an amazing year you have had Corrie!! I love stopping by to see what you have been up to – you are so inspiring on so many levels. Wishing you and your beautiful family all the best for 2011.

  18. I has been an amazing year for you. I, too, wish for health and happiness for you AND your mom this next year.

  19. Great post Corrie, and what a big year. I hope you mum and dad enjoy that dream trip, and Keira enjoys school just as much

  20. You’ve had a BIG year Corrie! I’m really glad that I got to know you a bit this year – that’s a plus for me. :-)
    Happy 2011!

  21. love and best wishes for a joyful 2011 corrie. and what’s that about not making anything much in the craft department this year?? you made Elodie! what crafty people you and your retrodaddy are!


  22. A lovely, busy post from another mum to 4 (they want another sibling too :)
    Best wishes to your Mum and I hope this year is a happy and holy one for you.

  23. What a year Corrie. I hope that you find time to sit down and relax in the new year. You have achieved so much in 2010 in your personal life and donut worry about the lack of sewing to show for a busy year . I have had a massive year with string and sticks and hoping to get to my 2011 list and sewing some more next year.

  24. Wow Corrie, what a year! You’re such an inspiration and I can’t wait to see what 2011 brings!

  25. Yippee, so much going on, reminds me of 2004!! I can definitely atest that 4 children are a great number, a single after twins, even the easiest twins is so easy, not to mention, one arm free!! That year when my eldest started school (2005) i had twins in preschool & a baby, well 10 month old at home with me, was just like i only had one again, well for 5 hours a day, it was so easy, dreamy, our bond is possibly the strongest. Wishing you well for 2011 with lots of hugs, love & happiness, especially for your Mummy, she’s so young & beautiful, it’s incredibly unfair. Love Posie

  26. LOL, I’m sitting here laughing at you lameneting the lack of craft, and no quilts!, after you listed off all those other enormous and fabulous things. Don’t be so hard on yourself, I think you have had your hands full!!

  27. You & hubby sure make beautiful babies…beautiful kids. Wishing you a wonderful 2011.

  28. You are an inspiration Corrie. Congratulations on a great year of achievement. Sorry to hear about your mum. Wishing your mum and dad a fabulous holiday in France.

  29. Wow what a year you have had…. cute kids too.. I hope your mum and dad have the best time ever!!


  30. It’s been great to read what you have been up to and looking back.
    Can’t wait to hear what your goals are. I’m planning on doing a post with my goals too!
    xo MODELmumma

  31. Thank you Corrie for sharing your life with us! Its been an amazing year for you all and I really hope this holiday season that you get some opportunity to relax!! Also I pray your mum has a wonderful holiday and that 2011 will be full of goodness and health for her. Happy New Year!!

  32. Aww, Such a sweet family, Great achievements and you are an inspiration :)

  33. You are certainly a busy woman – I honestly don’t know how you squeeze it all in. Your babies are all adorable – best of luck with your big girl starting school this year – my big girl is too and I’m so nervous!

    Glad I discovered your blog this year – it’s so happy and inspiring!

    PS please don’t reply to this comment – I would prefer it if you had a quiet cuppa, and maybe just gaze out the window for a minute or two instead!

  34. What an amazing year Corrie!!
    On the crafty side, don’t forget all the amazing stuff you made for your markets!!!!
    Andi xx

  35. What a truly amazing year you had Corrie! Elodie was enough in the achievement department she’s divine but all the other stuff going on is great too!

    Your blog is a real inspiration to me and long may you continue in 2011. Much love to you and your gorgeous family for the New Year. I will of course say a prayer for your mum.

  36. I loved following you and your family through 2010 and i will continue to do this the next year! Thanks for sharing and just being who you are!

  37. I’m a new follower to your blog – but already I’m hooked. I love reading about other mummies and how they juggle everything. I only have the one little one so far, so I take my hat off to you for doing it all with for gorgeous littlies :)

  38. great snapshot of the year. Thanks for sharing it all with us. Its nice to know there are other worriesome, busy mothers out there and you capture it all so well. All the very best to you and all your family for 2011. Susie

  39. I So Love reading Your Blog…Your Kiddies are so Cute…I Hope Your Mum & Dad have the Best Time E V E R they Deserve It…
    Bring on 2011…Happy New Year.

  40. Desejos sinceros que 2011 seja de muitas alegrias , sucesso e principalmente SAÚDE !!

  41. Happy New Year to you and your family Corrie. I love reading your blog and as I have baby number 3 on the way I hope I can do half the things you manage to do. Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading about all the wonderful things you will be doing in 2011

  42. Its great looking back at the year that was isnt it? Having a baby is certainly a great achievment, as is all the other things you managed to cram in. Baby is still so young, plenty of time to work on retrodaddy…:)

  43. You are an absolute, gold-plated legend, Corrie! I only wish I could grant you a few days of time alone with no little person needing you. I do hope you get the oaccasional break, my friend, as you are bearing such a big load. Cheerfully, of course.

    I’m so delighted to have found you in Blogland this year and have really valued your support and encouragement – thanks so much. Here’s to a fab 2011 for the Retro family! J x

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