kids bedrooms

I love seeing inside other people’s homes and thought you might like a sneak peek at mine. I should say at the outset it is nothing fancy so don’t get too excited! Having 4 little ones so close together and moving house a couple of times in between has meant that I haven’t had a lot of time (or money) to decorate our house and especially the bedrooms. Keira’s room is very light and airy and is actually a rumpus room on the floor plans but makes a perfect large bedroom that she’ll share with Elodie next year…

elodie's side of the room

I love this quilt which I made about 2 years ago from the first Material Obsession book.

elodie's cot

I can honestly say that this room has been decorated using what we had around the house. The ikea wardrobe from the childrens range when she was born, quilts, buntings and cushions made by me, handmade toys, white paper pom pom from Pulp and white tree from Bed Bath and Table which I use for markets.

keira's side of the rooom
Since taking this picture Keira actually got a new bed so I’ll have to take a pic
the rocking chair was picked up from vinnies when I was pregnant with Keira.  We were clearing out our flat for sale and taking carloads of stuff down there and somehow the chair came back with us. It had a very dated 80’s floral seat and skirt. We paid  $80 for the chair and took it to an upholsterer and paid a couple of hundred dollars for the re-covering and I still love it.

my favourite chair
The twins share another room  upstairs and I defnitely need to do some more work on this room. Here is Finn’s side of the room….bed set from Spotlight – no expense spared as you can tell. I’d love to make each of the twins a lovely quilt next year just like Keira’s….
finn's bed
and tillie’s corner….crying out for a handmade quilt and cushions made by mummy don’t you think?
tillie's bed
One of my goals for 2011 is to finish the bedrooms and have them looking as handmade and lovely as possible. I thought if I showed you the pictures it will motivate me to follow through and show you the after pictures when I’m done.  Are your kids bedrooms all perfectly decorated?


  1. Big girl’s bedroom is slowly getting there with new furniture; king single bed, matching bedside table & a desk/hutch since she’s now well and truly into the homework. The other two … well it’s make do with all the furniture we’ve acquired moving around the country that doesn’t really match with anything else. After nearly a year to the day of having moved back in to our renovated house, curtains should finally be arriving for our windows … try getting kids to sleep-in during a Queensland summer … hellooo 4:45am!

  2. All your handmade goodies made such a difference to Keira’s room, I am sure as Elodie gets a little older you will be able to do the same for the twins. They will be so delighted too as they are just getting to the age where they will really appreciate that kind of attention.

  3. Your kids room look lovely to me!! A few years ago I decorated my son´s room with a pirate theme. I did everything myself and a bit of help from my husband. He loved it!! If you want to take a look there are some pictures in my blog
    Sorry the pictures cant be enlarged. I still haven´t figured out how to do that!!

  4. That quilt is beautiful. Love it to bits. Wish I was that clever!!

  5. ummmm decorated…no! but I have plans! And if the kids plans included keeping their clothes put away and their floors clean then that would certainly help :)

  6. They look like good sized rooms, Corrie! G’s room is the only one that’s finished. The other 3 kids share a room that will become a kitchen when we renovate so we haven’t dony anything to it. I’ll post pics of their room soon, it should look pretty amusing early next year because #4 is going to squeeze in there too…. somehow!!
    I’m really looking forward to doing the reno and being able to create some nice spaces for the kids. I’m also looking forward to painting all the rooms. The paint is too creamy for my liking, something a little more white-toned would be much fresher but there’s no point doing it now.

  7. I know what you mean about time & money.
    One of my goals is to also make the girls rooms handmade.

    Your quilts are absolutely gorgeous & I ahve wanted to do a banner flag for each of the girls for so long, do you have a tutorial on that?? wink wink

    I also love the other block quilt, gorgeous!!!

    Sleep ins, smeesh in, none here in our hot humid weather!!!

  8. I love seeing other peoples houses too :) Your kids room are lovely and light!
    I also struggle with decorating our kids rooms because we move quite a bit. Next month we will be moving to my parents for the next 6 months so Im going to make them a couple of cushions, bunting, pillowcases etc so it feels like they have their own ‘spot’ when we all share one room.. argh!
    I love the simplicity of Kiera’s room – exactly what I want for ours.

  9. I don’t think there is ever enough time in the day when you are looking after four little ones, I love the quilts you have made and the chair what a great find.

    Take care

  10. I think your rooms look lovely! I love personal touches and handmade bedding. It makes it unique and fits their growing little personalities.

    I’ll share my girls rooms on my blog this weekend but they are not as polished as yours. x

  11. Cate’s room looks like an explosion of little pet shops, it’s insane. I am looking at getting her a new bed with trundle as she has so many sleep overs happening, but I use under the bed storage so would have to cull big time. The boys need new bunks, the ladder broke like they care, just climb up over the end. Might revamp there rooms over the holidays too.

  12. Are your kids rooms all perfectly decorated… *snort*

    My achievement is that their beds have sheets on them.


  13. Lovely bedrooms. What I like best about them is no clutter.
    Keira has great view from her bedroom, I also love blue stripes and pink spots for the twins. Good job.

  14. oooooh, Kiera’s room is gorgeous, love your handmade quilt – you have such a talent. Also love the no clutter. I love my girls bedroom when it is tidy and I hate clutter so I try to keep on top of their toys and get rid of things they don’t use anymore. We don’t have a playroom so it has to be stored fairly well. Its worth it though, nice to read them a bedtime story in a cute tidy room!

  15. Oh such beautiful rooms! And yes you will have to share with us Tillie’s new things as soon as you make them!!

  16. You go girl. I am sure allof us are on the same page with you. thanks a million for blogging. xxxxooo

  17. I love the kids rooms they look awesome, wish my kids rooms looked as good as yours! Love the bunting!!

  18. Great work and love the banners!

  19. My children’s bedrooms are nearly slums. I’m such a bad mommy. All your handmade wonders are lovely!

  20. Thanks for the sneak peek inside your children’s rooms. That was fun. My children were lucky to have bedrooms, and beds to sleep in. LOL. They did have a quilt each. One was a Halloween quilt, the year I thought I’d make a quilt for each for every holiday. That lasted through … oh, Halloween!

  21. Having a comfortable sleep is one of the basic needs for every human being. You can now appreciate the concepts and designs used to make the comfortable bunk beds.
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