I’m going short

EDITED: Well first I might need to reassure a few readers that I am a strong independent woman! No man rules my life and this post was written a bit tongue in cheek.

I don’t know about you but sometimes I like to spice things up……….with my hair! After the twins were born I went for the big chop of my hair…………and loved it. However, retro daddy has very specific ideas on how he likes my hair….very blonde, very straight and long. Easy for him to say mr chuck-some-product-in-his hair-and-walk-out-of-the-bathroom-in-one-minute. He even bought me a hair straightener for christmas just after we were married…subtle hint, no?

me and my niece Beatrix April 2009

Anyway, I love my hair very blonde and very short! I’ve been telling him for ages I’d love to go short again, his own Mum even said I’m too good and should just go and get it done (yes, you read it here people, his own mother!). And then over the weekend I got the ok from him! So next saturday look out world, I am going short…………. and I’m not mentioning it to him again all week (honestly I’m not) in case he changes his mind.

So does your other half tell you how he likes your hair……..


  1. You go girl! I just went blonde and short on the weekend too!

  2. You go girl! Can’t wait to see the final product! I have always fantasised about going REALLY short but never had the guts!

  3. Nate’s easy, as long as I’m happy with it, he is. And I’ve had everything from long (to my rear) and blonde to short and purple. And Red.

    Which is why I tried to hold my tongue 4 years ago when he decided to grow his. It is his head, after all!

    Enjoy your new style!

  4. You’ll suit your hair short, can’t wait to see some photos.
    I’m too scared to cut my hair short… I’ve always had long hair. Mines naturally blonde and straight, I only visit the hairdresser once or twice a year.

  5. I’ve also just went super short and WHITE from long and very BROWN! And I love it! It’s hard to keep up with the regrowth but great for the summer! And with an 18 month old, it’s great that it takes 5 mins to do and gets wash only once a week (terrible, I know!)

    My other half actually likes it short. Although I think he might just be fed up of me talking about it that he now just agrees with me!

    I feel like I look the way I feel with short hair.

    Vari @ Buttercup Ink xx


  6. Ahh yes, sounds very familiar!

    My Hubby is exactly the same, long and blonde are the requests, and I also cut mine short after our 1st child and loved it.

    I also recieved a straightner for Mothers Day this year!!

    I wonder if they would change their minds if we passed the bill on to them each time we had a cut and colour?LOL!

  7. the idea of someone telling me how to wear my hair makes me feel all in a rage. He basically says ‘you have to wear it – you do what you want with it!’

  8. Dan and I were having this EXACT conversation about 3 hours ago!!!
    My hair is short now but I want to go even shorter for summer.
    He’s not so sure.
    Can’t wait to see your short locks!!
    Andi x

  9. I recently had my hair cut shorter – short at the back and longish at the front! I’m loving it – short but feminine! I can’t wait to see what you end up with.

  10. My other half wanted my hair down for my wedding and I have a very special aunt that wanted it up. It was half up and half down. The front and back half, not side to side. And both were happy. And no, he had no say, but it is shoulder length. And I am sure you will look very pretty with short hair.

  11. Oh yes. We are high school sweethearts & he wants it like it was when we were 16. I am now 57!! NOT!!

  12. My husband like mine to my shoulders and able to be tied back. He really doesn’t like long hair and he is alway asking me to have Maya’s cut to her shoulders, but I’m keeping hers long. I braid it every day afterall!

  13. Good for you! I’d love to cut my hair short but I tend to look like an Oompa-Loompa if I do! Be sure to take pics!

  14. It’s Your Hair after all…He should Love you for You not your Hair…are you listening mr.RM.
    You Go Girl!!!

  15. Corrie, your post made me laugh!!! I thought it was only MY husband who liked long straight blonde hair!!!!! And I keep doing the opposite (short, half blonde and wavy!)

    I must also THANK YOU for your lovely rocky road recipes !!!!

  16. It will be adorable. I actuall cut mine REALLY short this summer and my husband LOVED it. Go figure.

  17. Nope, my hair, my choice, I don’t tell him how to wear his so ‘ditto’. Much easier short with littlies around, nothing to tangle chubby fingers in…

  18. short sounds very appealing to me! and it suits you!
    i’ve had very long hair for many years and i’m thinking about giving it the chop before the new bub comes because it’s always up anyway to keep out of my little one’s fingers! My husband is encouraging me to cut it… fortunately he’s not much fussed on how my hair looks!

  19. Very cute story, My partner had never known me with short hair I always wore it very long or the shortest I had was a bob. So after the birth of my second child my hair seemed too hard to look after so I had the ‘big’ chop all of it off and loved it!! and so did he! I am now growing my hair after my third baby and really enjoying the change…however ask me in a couple of years and I may just go the chop again!! enjoy your cutting experience x

  20. I have had short hair for about 14 years now and I have to say it seems to get shorter every year with this being the shortest it will be now. I havent been blonde for about the same length of time either as I used to have a blonde bob a long time ago. You look gorgeous in that photo with your niece Corrie and I am sure the short hair will make you feel so much happier as you will have more time to do other things too!

  21. Hey gorgeous, i was just thinking, hot hair for a mother of a new baby – ah yes, 2009 hair do. My husband likes it really short, natural blonde & simple. Right now, i’m really needing a hair cut, i think i’ll beat you, i’m going on Wednesday!! He does tell me, but after 17 years & 4 children, living in the tropics in Darwin to snowy winters in Canberra, it’s pretty much whatever doesn’t drive me crazy!! Love Posie

  22. Well I wear my hair the way I want, it doesn’t make me a different person.
    I can’t believe that young women today still take that, he wanst me to be this and that… thought that went out a long time ago.

    Equality thank you, happy haircut

  23. My husband is the same – loves my hair very long and I fantasise about going short too – like Jane (I think that was her name) on Melrose Place. I have always chickened out though – maybe I might be brave enough one day, but for the time being it remains long.

  24. I just got mine cut last week… my husband still isn’t sure because he said it’s short and ‘different’. check out my blog post here: http://splattersofpaint.blogspot.com/2010/12/jasmine-gets-haircut.html
    HAHAHAHA he didnt exactly tell me how he likes it, just that this is different. Bless them huh…. if only they wore our hair around all day then maybe they would think differently :-) GO YOU cant wait to see pics!

  25. Nope my husband would not dream of telling me how to have my hair, he married me for me not for the colour or length of my hair. His words would be…its on your head you do with it what you want…and I do its short and blonde !!!!!

  26. we both like my hair long and blonde, but we ALWAYS argue about his hair which i like medium and shaggy and he likes very short for work. i admit i sulk – a lot- each time he cuts it.
    im getting my hair cut this week too- christmas treat!

  27. I just cut it and tell my husband it shrank when I washed it…

  28. Andrew really doesn’t mind what I do with my hair, he isn’t fussed at all. Can’t wait for the ‘after’ shots!

  29. My husband is much like yours, likes my hair long and blonde. But since I not a natural blonde that requires a high level of time and money to maintain, not to mention the peroxide destroys my hair.

    Since he’s been away I’ve had my long blonde hair chopped off and dyed dark, very dark. I love it!

    Have a wonderful time at the hairdressers x

  30. Oh yes, he sure does!!!

    I just got back from a 3 hour hair appointment at a new (for me) salon here in Perth – very much shorter, blonder and feeling great!!!

    Husband is in Singapore this week so emailed a photo – prompt reply came back “I love it”!!!

    Everyone happy – my darling Sophie (3 yr) also told me “you look very bootiful mummy, just like a princess”

    Life is good.

    Good luck with your appointment too.

    Christine xo

  31. Yes, my other half wants my hair to be very dark (black) and very looong. I hate black hair, so I have dark brown, but also very long, although I wish to have short. You’re lucky, rtro daddy gave you the green light to shorten your hair. I’ll have to wait until I’m 60 or more….. Give me a hint how to convince my other half for cutting my hair.

    I’m sure you’re look fantastic with short hair.

  32. You’re so cute! I hope you have fun at your haircut — you definitely need something that’s easy to care for. My hubby definitely has an opinion — he wants it long. Finally, after all these years, I’m creeping it shorter — I’m not the sweet young thing he married anymore LOL!

  33. Go short. The only thing TDH says is don’t go red. I had a henna rinse one time before he knew me and it turned fire engine red and he saw the pictures and said please don’t go red.

  34. He does…. more or less. He has spoken his veto over a few hair cuts, but for the rest I do as I like and feel up to!

  35. You go girl, I would love mine short too as Im getting older Im getting braver. Mine is v curly though so i have got a little shorter and Hubby seems to not mind says its refreshing ha ! Ive just bought a straightener though so best keep length for a while. Oh to be blonde Im jealous !

  36. I love having shorter hair when the kids are small because it is so much easier to look ‘done’ rather than just pulling it back into a pony tail. My hair is longish at the moment (just below my shoulders) and I am keeping it that way for now because I am pretty sure that once this little one arrives I’ll be getting it chopped off again within the first few months.
    Enjoy the time to yourself at the salon!!

  37. My hair is short – usually is. I occasionally start to let it grow but get very annoyed very quickly with it! DH doesn’t care – it’s my hair and I’m the one who has to deal with it. It does strike me as unusual to feel that you need to get permission from your hubby to cut it. As you said easy for mr chuck-some-product-in-his hair-and-walk-out-of-the-bathroom-in-one-minute. As for his mum agreeing with you, while that is nice, if he was mine I’d be telling him to let you do what you want!
    BTW – I think your hair will look fabulous short!

  38. Go short! You have encouraged me to go red again, I have been thinking about it for awhile and need a change, plus hubby (who normally doesn’t voice his opinions about my hair) said he likes it long & red.

    I can’t wait to see your before & after pics, and love your blog – its so real & pretty.


    (I blogged about you & my hair today: http://modernmake.blogspot.com)

  39. WOW!!! awesome! I see people are hot in this topic and I am not going to feel left out. Yes, I do ask my hubby what he likes after all, I married him; for him. BUT, here is a BIG BUT, having three and more children, I think I just need to do what is best and suit my lifestyle the most. My hubby too, can walk out the bathroom door in 1 minute so it is definitely easy for him to tell me what he likes. LOL!!! I am loving this blog
    Thank you RetroMummy

  40. I read your edited post and just want to say the post didn’t need a disclaimer. I also have a hubby with specific ideas for my hair and my friends are jealous! He takes an interest- go retro daddy for taking an interest in how you look! It’s not controlling if a husband likes you to look what is most appealing to him (as long as his idea is socially normal!)- and he must understand that you have final say on his appearance too!!

  41. Go the chop!!!

    I love shorter hair but I can’t wear it. I’ve had the same long, curly, reddish hair since my disasterous haircut in 1985 when I was temporarily known as ‘Chewbacca’. Dear me.

    So, LOML only knows my hair as long but he does prefer it when I wear it down rather than up! x

  42. Hubby likes my hair short, but I don’t. My hair is long, but always tied up – probably should get it all cut off, but I feel naked without it!
    You look so cute with short hair Corrie, like a little pixie. :-)

  43. Short is cool, there are lots of great short hairstyles! I remember going short a few months after my twins were born, and it was soo much easier in the mornings. I went a little short at first, a bit too short for my liking, but now I have found a style I have stuck to for some time and love.
    Enjoy. x

  44. My husband loves the long, dark hair. Luckily, I am only sometimes tempted to go short. He’s also lucky in that long hair is easier for me – with short hair, I just have to style it. With long hair, if I’m too busy it’s ponytails.
    Can’t wait to see your new ‘do!

  45. Corrie, I had to chuckle at your disclaimer, because I knew you were going to get grief on that subject! For the record, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting our husbands to like the way we look, and even letting them have input within reason. I definitely didn’t get the impression that you’re a wilting flower who lets your man boss you around. :)

  46. funny. when i was getting my hair cut really short, my hairdresser kept asking me, “are you sure that your husband won’t mind? really? REALLY?” and he really doesn’t, so i’m always a little surprised when i hear when other people’s spouses do. but i think hair is one of those things that people feel very strongly about. hmm, i guess i feel fairly strongly about his hair, so i do understand after all….

  47. Well I too am an Aussie. My husband is a Yank. I think poor Yank men have a shade over their eyes and minds when it comes to women’s hair. You see, they think that women wake up, and their hair is long and has that soft perfect wave in their hair, and they have that flawless “natural” look as husby likes to call it. When we got married, he realised VERY FAST that the “natural look” is far from natural. So as much as my husby would like my hair to be long and shiny, and my natural brown colour with that soft wave flowing in the breeze, he is living with the frizzy blonde ‘takes an hour just to dry your hair let alone style it’ girl and just dealing with it. It is long though!! But I don’t keep it long for him, I do that for me!! I look like a male rhino with short hair!!

  48. Yes i have friends who have hubby’s that have certain lies. Mine is a darling and loves me anyway i come – I think he does like it long though most of the time. I have it long now and hmm have been thinking of changing – waiting to see how you go! Maybe my inspiration :-)

  49. He never did, but he was always careful to notice when I had it done, and to say it looked terrific.

  50. Good for you! I’ve got long blonde hair and my husband would hate me to cut it all off, to be honest, I think I would too…. though I do fantasise about a short Carrie(Sex in the city) style.

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