I haven’t done a thing

Many a day retro daddy comes home from work and I tell him I haven’t done a thing all day, nothing……and with a new baby feeding on you 24/7 that is pretty easy to say. But as the week draws to a close I realise that we put up a tree…

twin decorating

OK, I put up the tree and got hit in the head several times by excited little people waving branches at me….we still haven’t finished decorating it…….

merry christmas
Yes, to keep the peace at the shops I had to buy that ben 10 drink.

I’ve made 6 batches of rocky road for teachers, helpers, playgroup and us! I have sooo fallen off the diet wagon and better get back on it soon.

and more rocky road for teachers

I’ve posted out over 40 orders, made breakfasts, lunches and dinners, done the dishes, answered emails, washed clothes (no folding though – haven’t got up to that yet), swept floors, made a dent in the christmas shopping list, waited in line at the post office twice, been to the preschool concert, been to the paed for Elodie, started on some lap quilts for christmas

finding time to do lap quilts

changed basinette sheets umpteen times, changed the nappies on 3 little people, bathed children, fed and cared for an 8 old week baby…..

we breed em big here!
We breed ’em big here!

tidied up at the end of each day, taken the bins out while retro daddy was away, blogged, bought 3 new dresses online to hide my weight and done 3 rows of knitting. Phew! So next time you think you haven’t done much in a day just think about it because you’ll be surprised………I am!


  1. Absolutely, by the way baby Elodie is looking as adorable as her siblings, keep up the good work!

  2. Oh your children are so lovely!! They do look just like little angels! And you wee baby is adorable, just like my little girl at that age, bless!

  3. I’m sure you really have been very busy with nary a moment to yourself and all sitting down has been breast feeding related …

  4. Busy supermum that you are Corrie! I cant believe how much Keira and Finn look alike! Your twins must seem so much bigger now that Miss Elodie has arrived. She is so cute too. Enjoy your christmas decorating and all that goes with it and I hope you get some time to relax soon.

  5. Wow, you have been super busy! If I think about it so have I, so thanks for inserting some perspective into the ‘holiday’ season with this post.

    Mrs BC

  6. As my husband says “it’s not a competition” & as i reply “no it’s not, as you’d never win”.
    Loved that you got 3 rows of knitting done, 3, you!!?? He he.
    When you’re a housewife, it’s the same thing every day with varying activities & degrees of mess. When you tidy up no one can see how much work was actually done between waking up to a tidy house & going to sleep to a tidy house, love Posie

  7. She certainly is growing, leaps and bound.. so adorable.. your milk must be rich.. Happy Holidays,,
    Try to get some rest..

  8. You make me laugh, never say you haven’t done anything, being home with four children and running a business is not nothing.
    Take care

  9. You have done sooooo! well Retromummy, it is good that you rethought your achievements this week! Retrodaddy is very proud of them too, no doubt and Elodie is doing very well isn’t she. (and the other kids look very happy!)

  10. It makes me so happy to read your blog each day and you have so many lovely ideas. Where did you get dresses online to cover up??

  11. Elodie looks absolutely gorgeous, just like her brother and sisters.
    I know the feeling of not having done a thing at the end of the day(but then I think there must be a fairy in the house because everything has been taken care of…yeah, right…I AM the fairy mom!!!) Julie…your sister in law agreed to start a mother rental business….I am on the top of the list but If you really need it, you can take my place!!! :-)

  12. Go mama Go!!

    Actually – Go put your feet up you Trojan!

    Quite a life we lead, eh?


  13. Gosh I can’t imagine how much you do when you’ve done ‘something’!! Tasting rocky road is not lack of weight control, it’s quality control :). Love your adorable smiling children and Elodie looks happy and thriving.

  14. I think its great to write it down like that so you can see for real that you have done HEAPS!! And that last photo is divine! I have no idea why she has no bite marks on her, she is just edible.

  15. That is the cutest photo of Elodie!! Sounds like you’ve achieved way more than you realised this week!!

  16. Holy crap, look how big and beautiful Miss Elodie is! The diet wagon can wait until after Christmas – that rocky road looks too good to resist xx

  17. I’ve been reading your blog for a little while now. Your little girl is adorable! I was wondering what kind of skill level is required to put together a pram quilt with one of the charm square packs in your store. I have only been sewing for a few months, but I do have access to live help when I need it!

  18. elodie is so cute, i am sure you have been busy doing a lot of breast just looking at her lovely roundness. love the quilt!! you have inspired me to finally finish the one you worked on for me! xx

  19. You are doing an awesome job Corrie!! Just feeding the baby and keeping everyone else fed is achievement enough!
    Tell me where you go shopping online for dresses…I never know where to start with online clothes shopping for me.

  20. What a great post! Rings so true, with many a mum. I’m sure you’re doing a fabulous job, it’s go go go for us mummas.

  21. Wow. I have two tweens who can do almost everthing for themselves and I still haven’t done as much as you this week (although I do work outside the home 3 days a week) BUT, still with 4 little people you get plenty done.

    ps the photo of Elodie is the sweetest.


  22. Jeez, what a bludger you are! 😛 You love to be busy and I totally relate – it’s a disease I tell you – a disease!

    You are achieving so much – be proud!! xxx

  23. Just unbelievable, Corrie. I admire your ability to even remember what you did, let alone write it down. I’m tired just reading it ☺. Elodie is such a gem – what a cheeky grin! J x

  24. you are AMAZING!!! I remember those days but probably not so hectic as I had only 3 under 4.

    That rocky road looks great, mmmm my diet would go out the window too.

    Gorgeous photos of your babies, they are beautiful.

    M xx

  25. You are doing a beaufitul job with those all your babies!

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