rum balls

So I took a break from market stuff yesterday to make these delicious rum balls. And I say yesterday but really it’s 1.30am and I haven’t been to bed yet!! I only make my rum balls at Christmas time and it’s probably the only time you’ll see a bottle of rum on my blog, it lives at the top of my pantry and comes down at Christmas time. I’ve been making these since I was taught the recipe at my cake decorating classes in London. I was terrible at cake decorating, just in case you were wondering. Hopeless.

If you don’t do alcohol then use orange juice or reduce your rum and use a combination of the two. These are also delicious made with Cointreau instead of rum……….

in progress
rum balls in progress
loaf of madeira cake (mine was 450g)
1 cup icing sugar sifted
1/2 cup cocoa
rum – enough to make the mixture moist (or orange juice)
coconut or chcolate sprinkles to coat
– Slice off the brown edges of your cake then crumble the rest of the cake into a large bowl.
– Sift in cocoa and icing sugar and stir well as you want it all evenly distributed. I use the back of a spoon to squash out any bigger cake bits too.
– Pour in rum ( about 2 good sploshes) until you have the right consistency and your mixture is coming together.  Mix well.
– Roll tablespoons full of mixture into balls and coat in coconut or chocolate sprinkles. Don’t worry if you can see little bits of cake, the mixture all comes together and they turn chocolatey in no time.
all wrapped up

I keep mine in the fridge and then put into pretty containers as and when I  need them. I’ve used pretty mason jars for this batch with a bit of organza ribbon.


  1. That sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  2. We will be making rum balls today. I always make sure there is a large bowlful in the fridge in December – for unexpected visitors, of course!

    I make mine with weetbix and condensed milk as they were made when I was a child. But I’d like to try these to. Thanks for sharing your recipe:)

  3. So glad to hear a fellow can-do-anything-with-fabric creative type can’t ice cakes, ditto!! In fact, my children dread their birthday cakes, i can bake, but icing, um, not my forte!! Good luck at Mathilda’s today, love Posie

  4. yum! i LOVE rum balls (the only place i enjoy rum)… but none for me this year!

  5. The rum balls look amazing!

    I am definitely going to have to try that!

    I just found your blog and I’m excited to follow you!

  6. Yum? Love the presentation xox

  7. yum! They look great!
    We’re big fans of rum balls here. The kids love to make them, although they’re not always ball shape or fit for other’s consumption.
    We use rum essence instead of rum, I must try your recipe 😀

  8. Wow! What a beautiful, yummy, and fun gift! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe….and they look so gorgeous in the mason jar! You are all style!

  10. Rum balls are a good fall back if you can’t decorate cakes. As are cheesecakes to biscuits. In fact I think in both cases, they are better options. Yum, yum and thanks for the recipe. Cointreau sounds like a good idea.

  11. They look and sound delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe.

  12. Hey there Corrie,
    I just wanted to say thankyou for your comment. I have just begun this journey and your blog truely did inspire me! Thankyou!!
    Enjoy all that Christmas baking.. I’m stealing your rock road recipe for the family!! yum!!!
    Love Emma xx

  13. The run balls look yummy for sure.

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