things I haven’t told you lately

Although I blog daily, lots of things happen here that never make it to my blog so here is a bit of what you’ve been missing out on………

she sleeps
a rare daytime nap that wasn’t in my arms

– last week I wore my slippers the entire time a friend visited and I wasn’t at all embarrassed!
– sometimes my kids have a muesli bar for breakfast because we are running late
– I made them ham sandwiches for dinner one night and they loved it
– I think I’m buying a juki tl-98p for christmas – for myself – I deserve it!
– I’ve been trying on clothes in my wardrobe and nothing fits
– I’m addicted to california sushi rolls because they are 3 pro points on weight watchers
– I dream about making quilts and am itching to make something
– I sing carols to Elodie as I walk her through the house and change her nappy
– I dream about breaking off the roof of my gingerbread house and eating it early
– Elodie had a little cough and I took her to the dr to check it wasn’t whooping cough – it wasn’t. I like my Dr
– my cleaning lady is my new BFF as she makes my house sparkle every monday
– morroccan oil is my 2nd new BFF! good stuff for the frizzy hair
– I lost a kilo then gained it back then lost it again.
– I bought pink and silver asic gels for almost 3 times the price of the shoe retro daddy showed me.
– The shoes are still sitting in their box upstairs.
Elodie Tillie has a tantrum with me every morning and wants to wear keira’s dresses every day!
– I call my girls the wrong name on a regular basis
– retro daddy told me to throw the ventolin up the stairs, I said no I’m not a good thrower, he said go on do it underarm, I did and smashed the ventolin on a stair…plastic chipped off and we still can’t find it all. I did warn him.

And that is pretty much some of the stuff that goes on around here that I don’t always share!! Exciting times here as you can see!


  1. love it!


  2. Don’t be so hard on yourself! You have a new baby!

  3. Don’t worry about mixing up the girls names. We’ve got 3 boys and mix up their names all the time. Even the dog’s name gets thrown in sometimes!

  4. An ace post, Corrie! I love your ‘keeping it real’ theme. What a great way to encapsulate the craziness of life with littlies. Forget the airbrushing. J x PS So delighted with the pretty header!

  5. Corrie, it is good to know you are human after all. I was starting to feel bad about myself. haha!!Besides, kids grow up sooooooooooo fast. And things go back to normal…somehow. If you want to see how fast they grow, take a look at my last blog post (there is a translator tool on the right side). I wish I could have that baby back in my arms for the long nights I used to. Don´t be so hard on yourself!!

  6. LOL sounds Normal to me…what about when my New Granddaughter came to visit I called her by my dogs name…and not just once…
    so use to having our doggy as our Baby…

  7. What Maree said. It sounds like normal household to me. I remember being told when my three sons were in their teens what wonderful boys they were. I wondered if the person was talking about the three boys I knew! Enjoy them and the chaos they all bring.

  8. That’s hilarious. Some days (most days, ahem) I stay in my pj’s and so do my kids. I hardly put my baby down to sleep when she was a baby. We have breakfast at 9.00 – 10am cos by that time we’re all starving! A house full of littlies is just like that. They’ll grow up in a blink of an eye. I keep telling myself that.

  9. Great post Corrie!
    I’m grinning from ear to ear!
    Andi x

  10. This is a great post – a bit of an insight into your life! I loved it!

  11. Keeping it real! I love that.
    And im pretty sure we can all relate.. especially about the sports shoes still in the box…oh and the sammies for dinner…and calling the kids the wrong names, sometimes I just go through all of them and some of their friends before I get it right.. lol.
    I love reading your blog… its my daily read.

  12. What’s Moroccan oil? With this humidity I could use some by the sounds of it.

  13. You have a beautiful family:)
    And I love moroccan oil too!

  14. Beautiful blog. I really like it.

    Muesli bars count as breakfast on more than the odd occasion in our house. Sometimes they are even eaten in the car.

    At least if you were wearing slippers they would have matched. I have entertained with a different coloured version of the same sandals on each foot. Serves me right for just finding one pair of shoes I like and buying them in lots of colours…

  15. :) oh the joys of being a Mum – I know that you know that times will get better (and possibly worse before they do:) But i is nice to know tht you are only human like the rest of us.

  16. I love Moroccan oil it is the best.

  17. I loved reading your “keeping it real” post,lol. My mother used to go through a few names before she got the right one.

  18. A sleeping baby on your chest can be so nice but it if also fantastically liberating to have yourself back to yourself even if only for a few moments. Stock the glove box up with muesli bars and think of it as an incentive for the kids to get themselves into the car on time. Museli bars are a great rescuer

  19. I love morrocan oil too, doesn’t it make a difference! Amazing! Just think, in between all that you’ve been doing all the other things you have been bloggin about, so you’re doing ok!

  20. Haha! Just everyday family goings on then? We’ve been snowed in for 3days and guess what – the kids have worn their PJ’s. All day. Everyday!

  21. Yep, all those things SOME people blog about daily & really, we all just sit there nodding in agreement. I think your amazing cleaning lady has sucked up the stray piece of ventolin plastic!! If not, she should have. Love Posie

  22. so love this list – it is amazing just how much can go on in a house with young kids – insane sometimes but awesome at other times.

    you are looking super awesome and love the family picture!

    Naomi x

  23. I loved that.. so simple but sure not. she is getting more beautiful every day if that is possible. The weight will come off, be patient. Kids love not having a big supper sometimes..

  24. Gosh that made me laugh!! sorry but it did!

  25. Roflmao!! Sorry but it sounds like our house when I was growing up then my house after I’d grown up! It’s nice to know that your family/household aren’t the only ones who do some of these things :D. As long as you get the right kid’s attention does it matter what name you use??

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