mathilda’s market preparations

Preparing for Mathildas this sunday is yet another occasion where I shake my head and say why do I do this to myself with a new bub. Normally, I’d be sewing and keeping busy in my craft room (aka making a huge mess)………kind of hard  to do when you’re either feeding, settling or walking around the house with a baby on you. But this morning I can kind of say it will be ok! There are dresses waiting for labels and price tags
dresses waiting for tags
I’ve been going all out pulling out all my stock, checking every drawer/tub/basket/cupboard for things that never made it to the store, patterns and books I forgot about, making up fabric gift packs, pulling out old end of bolt fabrics that have been forgotten stashed away, clearing out all my jelly rolls and moda odds and ends……..and have another order of Moda arriving today!!!!!!

fat quarters

My sewing table gives the impression of calm and order….

giving the impression of order

and then you turn around and see the rest of the room – just keeping it real, people! I’m just keepin’ it real!

when you turn your head
and because I couldn’t be bothered  didn’t have the time to make metres and metres of binding, I used some binding my very lovely sister in law Julie kindly ordered for me on my navy dresses and LOVE it! This is still my favourite fabric, Love by Amy Butler.
my favourite new combination

So I’ll get there……..eventually! I’m actually looking forward to the day with little miss in the ergo and Liss as my helper again. So be sure to come by and say hi to us! I’ve dropped the price on all of my fat quarters and my clearance basket is huge at $4 a fat quarter!!!

You’ll find us on the back wall in the far right hand corner, 9am – 1pm this Sunday 5th December at Riverview, Lane Cove. There are so many lovely stallholders and friends there too so it’s going to be a great day! Bring your cash too as my intention to get eftpos for this market just didn’t happen. Or do what I do, bring your husband! Pick what you want then turn around and look at him and say ‘will you get this for me, honey. Thanks’ and smile sweetly! It works and I see my customers do it too. Don’t think I’m not watching what you do, ladies!


  1. It’s official. You.ARE.INSANE.

  2. Please do an online sale of all your fat quarters for those interstate that can’t get to the markets! I love all your fabric x

  3. will do Mrs Richo, next week for Christmas!

  4. Corrie, I love that you’re so down to earth, natural and real!
    Have a great day!
    ~Natalie from Sweetpea Princess (on Facebook)

  5. Fabulous!!!! You’ve made me a happy woman today. Love all your designs x

  6. Awesome. Hope the markets go well for you.
    And geez, I wish that trick with the hubby worked for me… my hubby NEVER has cash on him.. he’s coming to me for money!!

  7. i was just about to beg for an online store too, then read here we might get a turn!! i def live in the wrong state!

  8. I am hoping to get to the market on Sunday, haven’t been for a year or so. Hope you sell heaps and enjoy showing Elodie off.
    Love those blue IKEA bags, I use one as a swimming bag and it is a great size for a family with 4 kids.

  9. I have to say Corrie, even the ‘rest of your room’ looks pretty organised! Looking forward to getting some fabric, need to make the girls some stockings!

  10. I was gonna say the same thing but Mrs Richo bet me to it this morning :) Living interstate is a good thing and a bad things some times.. I will definitely check out the fat quarter sale (sweet broderie fabric is still calling my name i want it all :)

  11. So wish I lived near you and could come to the market! Toowoomba is just a tad too long a drive!! Well done for doing so much with a newborn and growing family, you are amazing!! Hope it goes very well for you :)

  12. I must say to bad i live on the other side of the planet! Have a great day!

  13. I love the red spot binding on navy. I must add that to my must make list. Have a great market, wish I could be there.

  14. You are such a star, Corrie. An absolute, gold-plated legend.

    Ooh, I’m looking forward to the online sale. If only Riverview were still around the corner. Sigh. Best of luck, Lovely – you’re such a trooper! J x

    PS Thanks ever so much for ‘keeping it real’ I appreciate it ☺.

  15. Good Luck with your Market..those little dresses are just the red check binding too…

  16. Corrie, your family book is lovely. The little shirred dress in it that your eldest daughter wears at the piano is divine. I’ve just discovered that shirring is easy, so can you tell me what pattern you used for the littl dress?

  17. I SO wish I lived near you and could go to the market. On another note, I am totally amazed you got so much done. Good for you.

  18. funny story, I was so excited about scoring $4 fat quarters I raced over and maths obviously left my head in amongst the fabric and i bought 4 for $20! well actually I got quite carried away and bought 8 for $40!

    hope you had a good day x

  19. I love your messy craft room. I could lie down and make snow angels in all your beautiful fabric.

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