two weeks

time flies when………… aren’t getting any sleep! Well I do get a bit, little miss gives me 2 hours before midnight and an hour or two after 4am when she snuggles next to me, so I can’t complain too much. Especially as I’m getting more sleep compared to when the twins came home….. any sleep is better than night time with newborn twins! 

elodie wears handmade
But I’m still not really living in the real world as retro daddy is home this week but next week it’s official….I’ll be flying solo. He’s off interstate in his first week of work and I need to get used to it as he’ll be away each week. I hope the twinnies learn to sleep through the night everynight and everyone behaves themselves! Oh behaviour…’s all gone downhill since little miss elodie came home. But look at this photo….butter wouldn’t melt…………WRONG!!!!!!
My biggest fears are leaving the house with all 4 and dinner/bath/bed time. So being the planner that I am, I have another nanny coming in midweek so I don’t have to take everyone to ballet and I’m getting my dinners delivered so I have a nice dinner to look forward to at the end of the day and the kids can have their favourites (pasta, pasta and more pasta at the moment!).
the next keira model
thank you Aunty Debbie for this gorgeous knitted outfit!
But somehow in this busy week I found the time on sunday to make a cheesecake from last month’s Super Food Ideas …. it was delicious and proved a great snack. Tell me it’s low fat and I eat twice as much!!! Tell me I’m not the only one.
lemon and passionfruit cheesecake
And somehow this week I need to find some time for market preparations and packing for Mathilda’s this Saturday…..don’t ask me how but I’ll get there! I have another 10 bolts of fabric arriving today so at least I don’t have a problem with stock levels!


  1. I love Elodie’s beautiful knitted outfit. Very pretty. You are one crazy super mama! Inspiration!

  2. That first photo of Elodie is too delicious!
    You continue to blow me away with how well you cope with EVERYTHING on your plate. You are amazing.
    Andi x

  3. Miss Elodie looks beautiful in her auntie’s outfit! I dont think you would be happy unless you were super busy Corrie, your always doing something and I dont know how you do it. I hope all goes well with Mr. Retrodaddy away at work. I am sure you will get it all under control. The cheesecake looks delicious too.

  4. that photo of the three of them is a winner! I love it. I am also in love with Miss Keira’s quilt. Did you sew this?

  5. Hi…I ve been reading your blog for a long time now! I am amazed by what you can achieve…A big congrats on little Elodie!! One of my most favourite names in the world…All your babies are beautiful…

  6. Is sleeping optional in your world? You sound so fabulously busy and on top of things.
    How do you do it? I only have 3 and sometimes the wheels are almost completely off!
    Well done – you’re amazing!

  7. Wow – what you are accomplishing is amazing – new born, four kids in all, markets, sleep – and CHEESE CAKE. Impressive. Don’t forget some me time for you before the Mr goes away!

  8. yes peta I made the quilt! you can see all the details here

  9. That cheese cake looks great. Oh and I hear you on the attitude from Miss 5 at the moment. Apparently it is common for them to play up towards the end of the year. Think that it is bordom and wanting more than they are getting from home, kinder etc.
    Good luck with getting ready for market – you are a supermum.

  10. You continue to amaze and inspire me..I am loving reading about you and your family…..

  11. Gorgeous girl, I love her name and her outfit, leaving the house with 4 is always a challenge!

  12. Oh little miss Elodie is just gorgeous :) I love the outfit too!
    I have to say, I thought I was crazy and try to fit too much into one day but you take it to a WHOLE different level! Good for you :)

  13. Elodies outfit is gorgeous, as is the photo of the three little angels sitting on the bed 😉 Superwoman, making a cheesecake with a new baby, and going to Mathildas, wow! What a woman :-)

  14. your children are just gorgeous!!
    Good luck with flying solo next week!

  15. I saw that cheesecake recipe and have been meaning to try it! Any sentence that has the words “low fat” and “cheesecake” has me at hello.

    Miss Elodie is just beautiful! xx

  16. wow – two weeks already! Elodie is too too cute! Good luck next week.

  17. AH!

    That outfit is devine.

    Your children are gorgeous.

    And the nanny sounds awesome too :)

  18. Yes! One baby is sooo much easier after having twins. As for the leaving the house bit, I still haven’t figured that part out 😉 Good luck, it will all work out just like it always does.

  19. You truly are a super mum Corrie, what Mum with 3 kids and a newborn in the house has time to make a cheesecake ?

    Gorgeous photos as always x

  20. My friend (and another one of your followers) Emma put me on to your blog today after I was having a little melt down on my blog about looking after a toddler and a newborn! As it turns out your new daughter was born the day before mine! I’m in awe of how calm you sound with four children…suddenly two doesn’t seem like so many! Looking forward to following along…


  21. Gorgeous photos! You sound completely on top of things and so organised. You are amazing. I like your idea of having dinner delivered. And an extra pair of hands is always good, isn’t it?

  22. A big fat Awwww i love Elodies hat its just adorable just like her. And your other children just as gorg to bless them all. And bless you, looks and sounds like your doing great. Take care Dee

  23. Congratulations, what a gorgeous family, and i love the knitted hat tooooo cute xxx

  24. Congratulations on your beautiful new baby girl. Elodie is such a wonderful name and her outfit is divine. I hope you manage to get everything done that you want to achieve. You are amazing (and ever so slightly mad!) to attempt a market now. I’m in awe. Hope you can fit some rest in too. xx

  25. Elodie is a gorgeous baby. Congratulations on her birth.

    I love her outfit too. There is something wonderful about little babies dressed in white knitted outfits.

  26. Just had to comment on the beautiful outfit Elodie is wearing – she looks so sweet in it.

    I had it a lot easier with my twins, my nightmare was the single child (gastric reflux and badly) – but I am missing cuddles

  27. That is the cutest baby….and the most exquisite knitted baby outfit ever….go Auntie!!!! What a sweet, cute family you have!!!!

  28. Oh – she’s lovely!

  29. Wow! Elodie looks so much like Keira! She’s a beautiful girl, Corrie, you must be so thrilled and I adore the knitted outfit that she’s got. What a great aunty!!

  30. Oh my word, those kids are SO cute. I cannot believe how busy you must be right now with all those LITTLE kids and a new baby! I am so jealous that you get to snuggle a little newborn right now! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. I just wanted to drop by and say hi.

  31. Oh she’s so adorable. I love the hat. I hope the kids are being really good for you. You’re doing such a great job with all 4. There must be some crazy hair pulling times. If I didn’t have 3 of my own I would come over to help for sure!

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