So I was waiting for this revelation, this moment after Elodie was born when I’d know that I was done having babies. At the start of the pregnancy I knew this wouldn’t be my last pregnancy, that I wasn’t ready to call it a day. Then in those last few weeks of the pregnancy as I was getting bigger, more tired and the little people were starting to drive me a little crazy I was thinking ok this is it.
But then I had Elodie, and cuddled her and realised I didn’t want her to be my last bub. And we used to joke, retro daddy and I about how we could go for number 5 but now he’s not joking. It’s official. He’s done…………….no more…………but I’m not!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the twins
Four babies in four and half years has really taken it’s toll on him! He misses his long runs, overseas holidays, dinners out, a nice car and has seen enough nappies to last him a lifetime. Me, well I don’t mind the nappies or lack of holidays. I just love my family so much………….
so that’s where we’re at. I’m going to make the most of every baby day I have with miss elodie and just see what happens.
What beautiful babies! I can’t blame you for wanting more!
Whatever happens will happen, I guess. Retro daddy might change his mind 😉
Its early days for both of you but rest assured you get back all those things Retrodaddy is missing and it seems to happen fast!
I know the feeling so well. I would love another one, but someone doesn’t agree, but I do have 3 wonderful girls and I can be happy with that.
I know exactly how you feel. It was a compromise to have four for us and I had to promise no more. 5 years later and I would still happily have another baby but I promised. Its never been about holidays, money, space, time, cars for me at all.
I am jealous of your number four! It’s such early days wait till elodie is a toddler then he might miss having a baby around
I felt like that as soon as i had my 3rd bubba, wanted another one but oh well you enjoy them each and every day!!!And never say never! You do make beautiful bubba’s!!
We are debating over 4 babies! We have two and have just started trying for a third but the jury is still out on the fourth! I love babies too but my hubby worries about the car (and sanity!!) situation with 4. Can’t wait to cuddle another baby of my own again!!! Miss Elodie is just gorgeous!
New babies are a bit addictive. I don’t believe there is ever a time when you want another baby more than when you have a brand new one. Soak it all up and enjoy it. The newborn phase goes way too quickly.
Two colicky babies and I was done. Six good babies and I’m still not sure if my sister is done.
Enjoy your time together as a family. SOunds like Retro Daddy feels strongly about not going for number 5 (is he scared he might get 5 and 6?)
Hugs and hope that you can both find a compromise and are able to enjoy your little family.
I can see the two of you being foster parents to a mountain of kids in later years:)
you certainly have such beautiful babies! my dad is from a family of 13! and my best friend is the youngest of 17!! you just never know i guess!!! wishing you a long lovely nap!
I am still waiting for that feeling that Im done and my youngest baby is turning 5 next month!!
OK, if you are looking at your 4th baby and thinking about a future baby, I’d say you definately have more babies in store! And, Retro Daddy, hate to break it to you – but one more baby in a year or so is not going to change your lifestyle anymore than it is already changed – Anyway, 5 is the new 4.
Truly, I can’t stand the word “done” in relation to # of babies, weather refering to a small or larger family. The spirit of “done” is the opposite of the spirit of “openess” regardless of #’s, if that makes any sense.
We’re in a similar place to you (except we only have 2). We’ve just decided to take a break for a bit and never say never!
I agree .. very early days yet
it was not until Josh was about 3 that I really relised I was “done” and I no longer felt the pain and sadness of not being able to have anymore.
I think I got a taste of life on the other side of the early childhood years, and it was really nice!!
I am also finding that as they get older they really are a lot more work, and life was easier when they were little, although I never believed it then of course. Between school, assignments, homework, sports etc there is such little time to be with them one on one.
Take your time Corrie, and enjoy each day just in case it does end up being the last newborn for you xxxx
awww…….that’s love
I always wanted 4 and it took until the third was about 18 months for me to decide that 3 was enough for us. i still smell a newborn and wish a little but in my heart i know that i am ready to move into the next stage.
best wishes with whatever you decide
I guess its a time in our lives where us maternal women have to realise that the baby days are over..i think at 65 i will still long for the pregnant belly….i have 4 little ones…and dont feel done. But like others have said…Elodie is still so new, its still very early days….for retro daddy to change his mind…not you….
i tend to agree with Chris..once they start school ( i have one at school), life gets busier, you seem to be constantly out of the house, homework, school activities, after school events seem to take over…
Good luck….its a tough road to travel…
She is beautiful!
Wise words from Chris gets busier & busier (& that’s just with 3 here!)
I think your plan to enjoy & savour the special newborn days & just wait & see is a good plan. Babies grow up so fast.
I just don’t know what to say.
I knew before I even started that 2 was my number.
I can’t even fathom 4 … let alone 5!!!
Me too! Only with 3 babies in 4 years and still busting for a few more
Gorgeous pix!
I have been readong your blog for a while now…I am a mum of one! Hoping to have many more!!! Congrats on the new arrival, I love, love her name…one of my favs!!!
I totally hear you Corrie, my Hubby & I are having exactly that problem now…I’m ready for number 3 and NOTHING will change his mind. And exactly like you, I knew the day my 2nd was born that I wanted another
Tell me please how to change his mind?!?!?!
Yes, it’s definitely true that you do know when you’re done. Before we had Adelaide I couldn’t part with any baby gear and I definitely dreamed of another bub. Now that I have her I know our family is complete.
It’s all those new baby hormones coursing through your veins at the moment that are making you so clucky. I can definitely relate to it. You just want that newborn stage to last and last.
Congratulations… I’ve been away from the computer for a week and missed your news. She’s beautiful.
I was done at two…but ended up having 3 in under 2 1/2 years. My youngest is 6 now… I’d love to have another one now and get very clucky.
she is beautiful, congratulations to you and your gorgeous family xx
I can understand you so much, it is just a wonder having a baby. We have three kids and I would love to have another baby, but my husband doesn’t. Enjoy the time with your ‘fresh’ baby.
Oh she’s gorgeous and Elodie is such a beautiful name! 😀
who know what the future will hold! Elodie is just beautiful – enjoy those new born baby moments – your in your state of euphoria and you might change your mind in a year or so. thanks for sharing 😉
Take your time cuddling and enjoying. Time will tell what will happen in the future! How many more C-sections are you allowed? My friend could only have 3…
How can you ever make that call ?
I’m not sure any number is ever going to be enough. I love being pregnant and love giving birth even more so i’d be worried that there would never be that feeling of ‘being done’ which is why i’m safe to stay at 2 LOL.
Enjoy this newborn stage, relish in it and things will be what they’re meant to me.
Ahhh, the universal battle — women seem to want more babies than men! Maybe Retro Daddy’s pain will be like the pain of childbirth and with a little time, he’ll forget! Four babies in four years is a LOT of work! They’re all so beautiful though!
Thank you for one of the most beautiful posts! Babies…!!! It doesn’t get much better!!!!
Oooh, doesn’t Elodie look like Keira as a newborn? I’m the same, I thought after 2 I might feel like I was done but I definitely want at least 1 more. I’m just not ready for this to be the last newborn I get to care for and cuddle.
Wow, all I have been able to see in Elodie is Finn, but I see how much she is like Kiera here. Maybe its just the dark hair, and the gorgeous chubby cheeks in these photos? Yeah why not go for more, they are just soooo gorgeous, why stop now??
Hahaha! I am exactly the same. 4 c/s and really shouldn’t have any more but desperately want one!
Completey get where you’re at! We had 4 under 5 years old, and the first 2 were before our second wedding anniversary! But I share the feeling, my fourth is now 14mths old and I just feel like I’m hitting my stride! My husband hasn’t actually said no yet……we’ll see!! Elodie is just divine and you have such a beautiful family.
Wow, I have been thinking how similar Elodie looks to Keira and this post has just confirmed it – two peas in a pod!!
As for us, we’re the other way around – I’m happy with two but Dad would like 3! We’ll just have to wait and see!!
I was done after 4 too…I had 4 under 5 and thought I couldn’t do it anymore…the 8 year break was the best thing ever! Just enjoy the moment and know that everyone has the capacity to change their mind! xxt
ps. congratulations by the way…she is absolutely divine….