this mummy went to hospital

but not to have my baby! Unfortunately, the pity party continues here at retro mummy as my OB put me into hospital on Friday. I’ve spent the last 2 days hooked up to a drip to rehydrate this poor little sick body of mine. I had to listen to the little newborn cries of other babies and a little part of me was aching to have my own baby but thankfully the sensible part of me said get better first and enjoy the birth of your baby next week. But oh those little newborn cries! I had my own lovely room, the best midwives, almost 8 litres of fluid pumped into me and lots of rest.
my friend for 2 days
And as a result I now have colour in my face, a smile, some energy and am starting to feel my normal self. Today, you’ll find me at home in my pj’s, eating jelly and directing the family from the couch. My to-do list is a mile long as we only have 3 full days (yes, really) till baby arrives and so many things still to do but thankfully retro daddy is on the case. I had great plans that this weekend I’d be cooking up loads of healthy meals for the family to eat while I’m in hospital but am now planning super easy meals that retro daddy can manage to make and the kids will eat. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure dinner would be sponsored by Domino’s every night!


  1. You poor thing! I wondered why you were in hospital. I hope you get to have a restful “last week”.

  2. You poor thing, I thought you might have had the baby early! I hope you’re feeling better soon, I can’t believe you’re having a baby in 3 days! You are such an inspiration, you achieve so much with your time. As a mother of a toddler and 5 month old twins I don’t know how you do it! I hope all goes well with your babies birth and I look forward to seeing photos of the little one.

  3. Well not every meal 😉

    I was sure when I called your house on Friday night that you’d gone into labour like I cautioned!

    I’m glad you’re feeling better and on the mend because you want to enjoy this week at the best capacity you can!!

    Lovely to see you on the screen, I missed you xx

  4. I knew you were getting close to having your baby! Sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well, but glad you’ve rehydrated and relaxed, soon you’ll be welcoming your new little one, and I can’t wait to see photos! Take care and best wishes!!

  5. Feel better so you can enjoy the new baby!

  6. O no, poor you. I can see how rest and fluids were exactly what you needed to recover and be fit for a baby to arrive! Enjoy your PJ, couch etc… this baby will arrive soon enough! How can you be so sure when it arrives? Is it a planned birth or even a Caesarian section?

  7. Look after yourself for the next few days corrie – you will need all your strength for the important business of babying….

  8. Oh Corrie! Poor you. :-(
    Rest up, only a couple of days to go now. Looking forward to hearing some HAPPY news!

  9. sounds like you are very organised to me! and taking it easy, so you are very sensible. Take care Corrie, so exciting for you and your family.

  10. Hope you can get lots of rest at home now! Can’t believe your darling little girl will be here so soon

  11. I’m very glad that you’re back home safe and sound (for the time being anyway)!

  12. O no you poor thing, i am sorry to hear this. But glad your feeling a little brighter. Sounds like you have a wonderful man just think in a few short days the baby cries will be of your very own little angel. Enjoy the rest and the jelly. Take lots of care. Dee x

  13. get as much rest as you can! you will need it 😀 i spent the week before i had my bub vomiting and horribly unwell in hospital… i found lemonade ice blocks were a lifesaver!

  14. Take care Corrie and enjoy the last days of this pregnancy. Look forward to hearing your baby news.

  15. Oh Corrie, you poor thing I had been wondering if you had ended up at the “hotel”.

    Have a restful few days until your darling new girls arrives

  16. I’m sure everything will run smoothly without you, and if not, oh well! You take care of yourself and STAY on that couch! Three days!!? How exciting! You’ll need every bit of energy you can save! Good luck with everything if we don’t hear from you before then!


  17. Glad to see your home! Take care my sweet! Rest up amongst the cooking xox

  18. I have missed your cheerful postings, i am glad you’re ok and hope you take all the opportunities you can to rest until the new bub arrives.

  19. Oh you poor thing!
    I’ve been in hospital a few times through my pregnancies to be rehydrated. It’s tough on our bodies when we get sick, isn’t it?
    Can’t wait to read that the new retrogirl has arrived.

  20. Oh you pro thing, enjoy your final few days and I hope you can get through that to-do list!

  21. I hope you are feeling so much better. Not long until you can hold that new baby in your arms. Bliss

  22. Rest while you can, you know you need to, try and stay on the couch so long it leaves an indent of your bum!

  23. Oh how yucky to have had to go off to hospital but good that you are now well rested and ready to meet the next lil love of your life :o)

    Best of luck for the birth and coming months x

  24. Poor you, Corrie. I do hope you’re feeling better now and will be strong and smiling and happy when you welcome your new little one.

  25. Oh Corrie! Your poor thing! I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Wishing you all the best this week, I think you have had the fastest pregnancy in history!!
    Can’t wait to see and hear about your new arrival.


  26. Oh lovey!! Not long to go and so glad you are okay and feeling a little better. Not long now – wishing you a delightful birth – probably not the best way or word to describe it but oh you will be holding that little bundle of joy soon – we will be thinking of you and your family!!! xx

  27. Take care Corrie – not long now. Glad you are pumped full of more liquids and energy.
    How exciting – you will be meeting your new bubba – a whole new person you and Retrodaddy made, very soon.
    Best wishes, Cat.

  28. ooohh rest up enjoy being ordered to sit on the couch and prepare of that wonderful new little bundle that will soon be ready to meet her family!!

  29. Glad you’re on the mend.
    Take care and don’t stress too much about the direct line to Dominoes.
    It won’t kill them!
    Andi x

  30. Darling girl, get well soon & you’re so lucky you have people like Liss so close by to cook for the family, what a gem, so kind!! Sorry to miss you, again, i miss you!! See you soon, oh to have a new baby in your arms, gorgeous!! Love Posie

  31. Oh Corrie! You poor thing! I’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling better (and enjoying some quality time on the laptop 😛 )

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