one of those days

Firstly, don’t worry – the Cottee’s $1,000 giveaway is coming back. Sorry, but the Terms & Conditions just have to be approved but all of your entries have been saved and the competition will go live again in the next day or two! But boy it’s been one of ‘those’ days. A day where I think my children have woken up and secretly conspired that it should be ‘make it hard for mummy’ day. Firstly, just getting out of the house is hard enough……no wait just getting ready to get out of the house is hard enough.
trying to get into the car
Then you get to the bottom of the stairs and little people want to go and climb them again while you are standing at the car ‘nicely’ hurrying them along. We had to make a trip to the GP’s for a referral before the paed visit tomorrow and of course I sit next to the lady with 3 girls under 5 making it 6 kids under the age of 5 spread over a few chairs  n-o-i-s-y but at least they were entertained for most of the half hour wait for a 5 minute appointment.

wanting to do the stairs again
time for a ride on the trampolines at the mall – something keira had no interest in last year but was desperate for all weekend! Meanwhile, Tillie had a huge tantrum the entire time, jealous as she wanted to be with keira. Love that person walking by who said ‘listen to that naughty child crying’ – oh nice one lady, real nice….I could hear you!
having fun
then it was a quick morning tea stop (make a mess in the nice cafe) for babycino’s and banana bread before braving Big W for some fold out couches. Dear Lord if I’d known how much fighting would go on with Finn desperate for a barbie couch or the huge tantrum the twins had at the checkout – well we would have avoided the store and couches. I’m beetroot red trying to pay for everything, trying to lift Finn from the floor who was doing his deadweight trick with his feet hovering over the floor and my mum is pushing the pram telling everyone we’re leaving and laughing to keep it lighthearted and I’m thinking get me out of here……now!
just proving how high she got
this one is to show Daddy how high she got
And then we came home to play outside, fight some more over the fold out couches (everyone wants Keira’s Barbie one it turns out), drive grandmummy home, watch the latest Nanny McPhee movie on foxtel and this little guy just summed up how I felt……………pooped! 
And that was my day…and I still have bathtime and getting them all off to sleep before daddy comes home . And he is actually looking forward to his 6 days with the little people while I’m in hospital – good luck with that!


  1. i can remember what those days were like, you have my sympathy retromummy! we have had a bit of a day ourselves today with car breakdowns and a few other dramas. thank God tomorrow is another day.

  2. Hope you managed to get comfy in your pjs tonight with no disturbances…..
    Sounds like you need it!!

  3. Sending you waves of sympathy … Someone told me only recently that an everyday bath is not essential if the child is not covered in dirt, it was a totally new concept for me, I used to be so conscientious about bathtime, anyway just a thought …

    ps your little dresses are adorable!

  4. Oh Corrie what a day….. maybe I shouldn’t have read this as I am going to Dubbo shopping tomorrow and I know it exactly what I am going to have to deal with.
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow :o)

  5. Here’s to a better day for you tomorrow! Hats off to you with 3 and a Timmy to contend with at the shops, I struggle with 1 child!!!

    And 😮 with that horrible lady and her comments. People just can’t keep there mouth shut.

  6. Golly, that’s one heck of a day! My children get like that, and I just wish they’d do it on the days that I don’t have to be anywhere, or do anything. Maybe it’s the hurrying, or maybe it’s just the terrible toddler years, who knows.

    I say to myself when I have days like this…this too shall pass. And it does.

  7. I love the faces on Finn and Keira on the stairs before you left…they look like they have plans for the day already. Cheeky, cheeky faces, but oh so cute.

  8. See i’m now the mum who helps those ladies, ensuring “i’ve been there” & trust me, i’ve helped women to their cars & strapped babies in, while assuring them i had 4 in 4 years & i’m not crazy or about to steal a child. I know i’d have appreciated it when i had those shopping trips. One thing i did avoid were cafes (i don’t drink tea or coffee anyway) & would do everything first thing in the morning when their bellies were full of breakfast. With a husband away all the time, we’d have starved if i didn’t do the groceries calmly.
    For me it was my eldest who’d lose it & the twins would watch one. Doesn’t matter how many you have you, you only need one to meltdown & it’s a nightmare. It just always looks worse when you have a bunch of children & are pregnant, like you’re planning on having 10 screaming children. Deep breaths, keep your anxiety low or they’ll know & work you. Love Posie

  9. O waht a day. Being pregnant so far doesn’t make it easier either, you will be more tired anyway…
    I had a laugh about your comment for daddy having teh kids on his own.

  10. Ahh they don’t call it the terrible twos for nothing. Unfortunately I’ve been there too and it’s not a happy time. It’s far worse in twin tandem as I also know. Hope your day was better today.

  11. Crazy day!! Kids just knows how to put you on the spot! Hope tomorrow goes much better.

  12. I’m still have those days with Master 11, Master 8 and Miss almost 5 going on 15…its just the volume that changes and words go with the I sneak in the shopping early and have bribery for going shoppinf without any tantrums, I want or teasing each other etc…Enjoy the break in hospital and remember to gets lot os sleep

  13. Hey look at you 700 followers, wow wee, impressive honey!! Love Posie

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