a knock knock joke

Keira loves a good knock knock joke and I heard this one on tv this week and knew she’d love it (any bottom humour she finds very funny right now). So thought I’d share it with you……..here goes.
knock knock
who’s there
I did up
I did up who (I did a poo!)
insert laughter here…………….
Keira kills herself laughing every time we tell this one……love to hear your best knock knock joke!


  1. Just did it on L&O – fits of laughter!

  2. very cute – im going to share that with my boys today!

  3. Haha, i love it! Can’t wait to tell any little friends I come across in the next few days-and big friends too!

  4. Amy is going to LOVE this with her toilet sense of humour!

    Her favourite knock knock joke is
    knock knock?
    who’s there?
    Amy who?
    aay me hat blew off!
    silly but cracks us up every time!

  5. My Little Miss giggled too!

    Mr Happy’s favourite is:
    Knock Knock
    Who’s there?
    Boo who?
    Don’t cry… I’m right here!

    But the last line changes to odd things sometimes.

  6. My 5 year old makes up her own jokes all the time, along the lines of why did the chicken cross the road.
    the latest one was

    WHy did the banana stop in the middle of the road?
    Cause it wanted to get squashed.

    THey are not traditionally funny but she cracks us up all the time.

  7. lol…..
    we are in knock knock mania here as well our current top 2…
    knock knock
    whose there
    police who
    police stop with all the knock knocks

    knock knock
    whose there
    bare who
    bare bum

    lol… happy knocking :)

  8. Can’t resist this timely one…

    Knock knock
    Who’s there?
    Owen who?
    Owen the Saints, go marching in…

    Go Saints!

  9. I shared your joke with my boys. Mr.17 laughed so hard he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Thanks for making us smile.

  10. My fave?
    Knock knock
    who’s there?
    lettuce who?
    lettuce in
    The kids groan every time because it’s the only joke I can remember.

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  12. My four year old loved that. His favourite is:

    Knock Knock
    Who’s there?
    Europe who? (You’re a poo)
    That’s not very nice

  13. My girls were most impressed! 😉

  14. Oh Corrie, We have had hours of laughs with this one… Miss 4 thinks it is hilarious and we have made numerous modifications to extend the humour ever further…
    You smell like up…
    You look like up…
    Miss 1 just thinks it’s funny that everyone in the house is laughing! We even had to ring her cousins in QLD this morning to try it out on them! Please thank Keira for all the laughter coming from our house!

  15. Knock Knock
    Whose there
    Ya Who?
    Glad to hear you’re having a good time!

    Lame but my 9 year olds favourite at the moment.

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