Dance Around Dora

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Well my little ones think it’s Christmas. They are all huge Dora fans and when the latest Dora doll, Dance Around Dora, arrives on your doorstep to play with and review on mummy’s blog…..well you’d think it was Christmas too. We have several Dora dolls already but Dance Around Dora is something special. And there were tears as everyone was fighting over her and I was trying to get her out of the box as quickly as I could!

dance around dora

Dance around Dora is pretty clever because she dances on her toes, yes you read right, her toes. She is dressed in hot pink and sparkles from head to toe – that’s because she comes from the Crystal Kingdon – don’t you know????? Keira needed to tell me this as if I’ve been living on another planet and didn’t know. As soon as you press her necklace Dora is off dancing and singing and everyone is up to join in. And she gets around the room pretty quickly keeping everyone entertained and active.

finnie loves to dance
Dora also gives instructions on how to dance with her which was appreciated by keira….our own dance around girl…….
dance like dora
And here is Dora after she’s been through her dance moves and everyone has cuddled and played with her! I think she needs her hair brushed again.
dora's after shot
The little people are still playing with her a week later which is always the sign of a good toy in this house……and she would definitely make a perfect birthday or christmas present for any little girl (or boy if your name is Finn and you have 2 sisters obsessed with Dora). She’s suitable for ages 3+ and this will probably go down as Keira’s favourite parcel to arrive in the mail to date.

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quick spring tablecloth

Yes, I am loving the new fabrics in the store now that they are all loaded up and that big job is behind me. But last night I went to bed thinking I must make a quick tablecloth in the morning with one of the pretty floral fabrics. Let’s just say I still need to take it to the overlocker for some rolled hems, but isn’t it pretty?

new tablecloth
I just laid it out on the table from the bolt and you could either do a little folded over hem on your machine or  a little rolled hem on your overlocker. Either way it’s so perfect for spring and summer…………….

pretty tablecloth up close
So 2m of fabric from my store, an ikea jug and $10 bunch of flowers from woolworths has ‘springed’ up my dining room on the first day of spring.


  1. Very pretty. I might have to Spring up our house too.

  2. Oh poo, should have ordered some of that too lol!

    Lovely and fresh! Happy Spring to you and your little family xoox

  3. how pretty

  4. How adorable, Corrie. I love that old-fashioned pretty hanky look. It is the most spring-like thing in my view today; Ballarat’s weather is bleak and grey, so thank you for this touch of brightness. Hope you’re keeping well.

  5. This is gorgeous! Thanks for making up so much of your shop fabric and showing it off on your blog – it really gives such a good idea of what it is like. Although you’re not helping me with my determination to not buy more fabric!

  6. You clever thing, Corrie! Time to have a peek at your store…J x

  7. Lovely, ahhhh, such a lovely sunshiney warm day too, even in brrrr Canberra, but we had icey snow winds, so not too Springy. Love Posie

  8. This looks so charming, love blue and pink …

  9. I love it and the enjoyment from it, priceless!

  10. Hey, this fabric is lovely! Is it still available?

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