we love boxes and new fabric

Today started out like any ordinary day at home. I made the executive decision that we were not going anywhere (yay) so we are wearing whatever we like, we played outside in the gorgeous weather, did the laundry, had 2 minute noodles for lunch and then keira ran to tell me that a big truck was in the driveway! 5 big boxes of fabric from Japan – woohoo!


I was excited because it meant new fabrics for the store but the kids were thinking one thing………boxes! We’ve made cubbies, cars, trains and aeroplanes so far. Fabrics up in the store now. I practically killed myself unwrapping and photographing it all and keep forgetting about this big belly of mine which slows me down. 

more november books
But here is a sneak peek to keep you going…….


  1. delicious!

  2. Ohhh yummy!

  3. Gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the rest!

  4. Can not wait for you to post them in the shop! You know I love them all lol!

  5. Aren’t boxes fun:)

  6. Gorgeous, children & fabric, love Posie

  7. Oh so gorgeous!

  8. You’ve earnt a rest Corrie!

  9. That looks AHMAAAZING – will definitely head over tonight to see the rest, am thinking about making a lecien quilt…hmmm

  10. Ooh, Corrie! I love the German writing! There’s so much French about but little German. Can’t wait to see the rest J x

  11. can’t wait to see the rest of your new stock!

  12. More please and soon

  13. Salut!!!My name is bogdan from Romania!!!
    We can be friends ???
    I can put on your list of blogs?? thanks

  14. as always, really lovely!

  15. Those little angels are sooo cuuute! Isn’t it fun to think that there will soon be one more? Love that cute fabric too — you sure have a great eye!

  16. Enjoy those stay at home days this year. Next year you’ll only be able to do that during the holidays!
    Looks like a great day, Corrie. Can’t wait to see all the fabrics, they look very sweet!

  17. Corrie, how gorgeous…both the children and the fabrics! Sounds like you need someone at your house to enforce some mandatory rest!!!! Have a great day.

  18. Love Tillies dress!

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