
Taking my three to a park on my own is stressful as the twins go one way, keira goes another and no one ever wants to get back in the car (think big tantrums and throwing themselves on the ground). So I save the park for weekends…………………when retro daddy is on hand.

at the park
I get to sit down on a bench and relax. We’ve had such a great sunday together starting with hosting morning tea at church, playing at the park, trying out a new sushi train restaurant and picking up the latest edition of Country Living (ok well that one was for mummy).
choo choo
And now I’m off to sew…….perfect!


  1. Know what you mean about parks & muliple children, not fun by yourself. There’s one park in our area with a good fence around it & a secure gate. It was my favourite, they could run in whatever direction they liked, they weren’t going anywhere dangerous :-).

  2. hehe I took our frills to the park solo today – then went to Macquarie and got some new cookie cutters and Donna Hay kids issue :) Similar, but different 😉

    I spy gymboree! We wore candy shop last year – I still have heaps of it left!

  3. Yes I could just imagine how hard it would be with 3 little people wanting to go in all different directions. I have to say your kids look so cute in their outfits, Miss Tillie’s stripey cardigan is just gorgeous.

  4. I can totally relate, Corrie. My children are 4.5, 2.5 and 1 so I don’t have enough hands either. Parks are Daddy’s thing!

  5. what a lovely family day and mummy is relaxed at the park too… totally understand the not enough hands as well…good on retrodaddy
    Hugs x x x

  6. Well you’ve seen my 4 at the park, remember when one of my twins managed to go into the water at Manly Beach in Winter, when we were in the park, NOT ON THE BEACH!! So for me, taking children to the park, someone always finds a puddle, pond, river or surf to get saturated in. So add to my drama, wet children (in your new car!!) My trick (assuming car park is safe) is to have them race to the car & then race to put their belts on (as best they can try when they are really little) as i had the children who NEVER wanted to leave a party, park, play date, OMG, it always ended in tears!! But they liked being first, even if it was first to end the fun!! Tricky. Good luck, love Posie

  7. When my 3 were litle I would save going to the park when I had the back up of another person.
    Beautiful photo’s.

  8. SOunds like you had a great day – Park dates are always fun – We hae tears here too.

  9. I know what it is like and didn’t take them all to the park for ages by myself (it is better now).
    Sounds like you had a lovely day.

  10. Sounds like a lovely Sunday was had by all. I hear you on the park issue. I generally wait until I have a second pair of hands to take my twins to the park. Occasionally I’ll lapse and take them myself (only to be quickly reminded why this is not a good idea).

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