cinnamon roll city

This is what your kitchen looks like after baking a batch of PW cinnamon rolls. I ended up with 5 big full trays to be exact. We ate one straight away and once these babies had cooled, I wrapped up 3 of the trays tightly in foil as per the recipe and popped them in the freezer. We are working our way through the other tray for breakfasts and snacks. So as you can see, don’t be frightened by baking 40 to 50 rolls….they will go quickly!

cinnamon scroll city
And let me tell you…….breakfast of champions when you have one with a cup of tea! And I needed all of that sweetness to fight the two not so nice emails I woke up to this morning. This is the ‘I love retro mummy blog’, people! 
To end on a sweeter note, I was so thrilled to receive an email later in the day from the marketing manager of Samaritans Purse thanking me for mentioning them on my charity list. They asked me for any good patterns for their site so if you have one drop me an email – think cute soft toys and handmade items for children! 


  1. Corrie – Your cinnamon scrolls look absolutely delicious! They are definitely going on my “to bake” list. Love the idea of freezing the extra trays for when you need a quick and easy treat.

  2. Yucky emails?
    Stuff em.
    Then have another scroll.
    They look YUM!!

  3. I just don’t get what there could possibly be to not be nice about??! What is wrong with some people?! Like Andi said,
    Stuff em.
    Then have another scroll.

    Nice to get a thank you email though. My daughters school has participated in operation christmas child for a number of years, quite rewarding to be a part of :)

  4. Are you serious – some peoplejust need to get a life – I might have to make a batch of these (humm – might have to wait – I just did a huge supe butcher shop and there is no room in the deep freeze.

    I love Retromummy:) Will have to go and se what patterns they dont have on there list. Have you seen the new knitty – they have the cutest knitted elephant.

  5. Yummo, that look delish. Might even get baking myself! Wednesday, too much on today & tomorrow :-(

  6. I’ll second (or third, or fourth…) what Andi said. 😉
    The scrolls look amaaazing!

  7. I hope the emails lighten up!
    But a cinnamon scroll to help ease the pain sounds perfect.
    And I love the idea of having a whole bunch of them to freeze for later – genius!

  8. I didn’t comment on the first cinnamon scrolls, but I sure did bookmark the recipe and wrote it on kitchen blackboard to remind me! Love the foil tray idea too, I think that completely sells it for me!! And I am commenting now to tell you I looove your blog so much and I am sad you got nasty emails or whatever they were. P.s. the foil tray idea, my cousin makes big batches of lasagne in those foil trays with the cardboard lids and stocks the freezer to save your lasagne dishes etc. good idea hey.

  9. Your cinnamon scrolls do look wonderful Corrie. I dont have any room in the freezer at the moment but I think I may have to make some so I can have a scroll for breakfast – sounds perfect! As for those nasty emailers – they should learn to get a life and leave you alone – your just wonderful!

  10. Those scrolls look dangerous – tasty but really dangerous!! I bet your house smelt so good when they were baking.

    Sorry about the nasty emails – that stinks!!

  11. Sorry to hear you are still getting ‘sad’ emails…my motto is if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all!!!
    I love stopping in here…always something yummy to inspire. I’ve just bought the latest Donna Hay mag for the ‘cheesecake swirl choc brownies’ that you were talking about in a previous post. Hehe looking at those scrolls…I’ve got something else to add to the cooking list!

  12. why are people horrible? no need at all, delete them and eat another yum looking roll. Thank you for brightening my day xx

  13. How could anyone be mean to our sweet Retro Mummy??? Want us to spam them back LOL???

  14. YUM – so I’ve just read through the recipe…could you shed any light on what constitues a ‘bag of powdered sugar’… they come in a few different sizes!!

  15. What is it with people and writing bad emails. Don’t they know it takes twice as much energy to write something bad as it takes to write something nice. You go Corrie and keep doing what you are doing. You have a successful life and gorgeous kids and show those people how to be happy!

    P.s my word verification was jiblish…..that sounds about right for my comment. I jiblished on a little bit didn’t I.

  16. Corrie, You know what – you inspire so many people every day by just being you! We love it and keep coming back for more – that speaks volumes of the kind of person you are. Nasty emails speaks volumes about the type of people they are. Can’t wait to whip up some of those yummy, yummy scrolls! Have a great day! Cath

  17. that’s great, Corrie.
    spreading the word, sharing the crafty love.


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