almost finished

Before I give you the chance to say ‘heh retro mummy, isn’t this a craft blog?’ (because I have to admit there hasn’t been a lot of craft on here lately)………here is what I’ve been working on all week. I’ve been knitting my little heart out every night trying to get this little debbie bliss bolero finished for my little miss.
almost there

Tonight, I will pick up the last of the stitches and do the ribbing on the bottom border then it’s all ready to lightly block and seam up. I just love this pattern and you’ll love it too because it’s knit in one piece. And this little number will come in under $6 as the wool is Lincraft’s own ‘cosy’ wool which was on special for $2.99 for a 100g ball. Retro daddy are you reading this? $6! Bargain! See I am always trying to save you money!!!!! Well who am I kidding but I’m pretty proud this cost so little.

my knitting

And look at my little shadows who follow me everywhere…honestly two peas in a pod these two. Mondays and Thursdays we are without miss keira so these two get to have me (and all the toys) all to themselves.

two peas in a pod

mind you they don’t sit down long enough for the camera but I’m sure they’ll take the lead from their sister and grow into photogenic little people in no time.

can't sit still


  1. Oh what a sweet little bolero in the Cosy wool. I bought some of the pink/black and blue/black combo last time it was on special and still havent knit it up as yet! Your 2 sweeties are always adorable, even if they dont sit still all the time for photos!!

  2. thaat’s darling! And here I am marvelling at the tissue packet holder which I now I couldn’t do 😛

  3. Love it!
    And those two are adorable. They’re going to look enormous next to the new addition!

  4. For six bucks and fabulous bloeroness such as that I would be doing extreme high fiving and shoulder patting. Way to go Mrs!

  5. Yay — that cute little bolero i almost done! And the twins are just adorable!!!

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