you need some kleenex for this blog

I’ve been discovering lots of new blogs lately and one of my new favourites is nienie dialogues…..if you haven’t heard of it then go and have a read….but bring the kleenex first…

there is no craft on this blog just a beautiful family, an amazing story, honesty, love, hope, faith and beautiful pictures. And I did warn you about the tissues….ok!


  1. I know, isn’t it just so touching. I discovered this blog about a year and a half ago and pop back every once in a while to check up on them. They are such an inspiring family and much stronger than i think that i would ever be.

  2. ok. crying now…

  3. I’ve been reading Nie Nie for a while now. She’s a tear jerker alright!

  4. I’ve been reading NieNie for a while too – an amazing family.

  5. I have been reading her blog for quite some time. whenever I need a reality check I hop on over there.

  6. Yep. She’s one pretty special girl.

  7. this too has been on my (very very long) list of blog reads. what a truly remarkable couple. and her sister is very funny! have you read any cjane?

  8. Inspirational family and mum in the after marth of a terible tragity – yet she stil amnages to focus. She is an inspiration for all – have been reading her blog for a while (the biggest tear jerker is when she wrote about how her little man called her sister Mum – a tear jerker and kleenex moment if I ever read it.

  9. I discovered her blog a while back, certainly makes one thankful for the life we have been given.

  10. I remember reading her blog pre the crash, and about her and her husband when the crash happened, there were auctions and fund-raising done for them and their family if I remember correctly, but then lost track of it all when I got a new computer and lost my bookmarks.

    Such an inspiring woman and family.

  11. A good find, Corrie. The perfect perspective-check. I’ve been reading Stephanie’s blog for a year or so and it is such an inspiration. She has become a true constant on my reading list!

  12. Ok I must be the last person to discover this blog!

  13. I found her blog just before the accident, and then became so real waiting to hear the news from Courtney. She is such an inspiration, and the day she revealed her scarred face on her blog was so brave, she is still so beautiful. And to top off how lovely she is and her outlook etc, she has the most gorgeous style, love what she does.

  14. I came across this blog a while back also…..I can’t read it anymore. I am afraid it makes me too sad but she is an inspiration I can see that.I don’t think I would/could do what she has done.

  15. I love this blog. I also REALLY love her sister’s blog Cjane.
    What an adorable family!

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