another wednesday, another flower

Here are my flowers so far with my latest addition at the front! I have 11 more large flowers to do before I hit the smaller flowers for the quilt.

my flowers so far

I’m actually finding it so satisfying and have decided to do one flower a weekend so that I’m always prepared for Wednesday’s show n tell!!


  1. I love your fabric choices Corrie — they’re beautiful!

  2. Very pretty Corrie and I like the one flower a weekend idea.

  3. These are beautiful beautiful flowers! My mum is doing these at the moment and is making bibs to put these on. Yours are really gorgeous have I said that already?

  4. oh they looks so addictive… I think I am going to have to make some soon…. Hugs Dawn x x x

  5. Keep on hexing!

  6. Those flowers are lovely. Nice colours.

  7. Lovely flowers !

  8. What a lovely flowers and so colourful.

  9. Great idea to prepare yourself before wednesday. I like your fabrics!

  10. They are sooo sweet!
    You are really tempting me to join in.

  11. I love the colors for your flowers

  12. You made some very pretty flowers. Love the colourful fabrics.

  13. So pretty! I love those fabrics :)

  14. They are very pretty. Where do you find the time? You are an inspiration!

  15. Such pretty fabrics you’re using, look forward to seeing your small flowers.

  16. Oh I LOVE the fabrics you are using for your flowers! Just lovely. So glad to have you in this group:)

  17. Looking good! Keep up the great work.

  18. How pretty!!! And wonderful fabric choices :o)

  19. Very pretty flowers , love your fabrics !

  20. Ooohh, I like the colours of your flowers.

  21. I love your flowers and the fabric you use!! So pretty…

  22. Very nice fabric and matching bright colors.

  23. Your flowers are very beautiful and special. clever to make them during the weekend!

  24. Gorgeous flowers! The other thing I have to get better at is having a good little pile of hexies all ready to sew, or else I spend Wednesday trying to do that as well!!

  25. Your flowers are looking so pretty!
    It must be fun making them.

    greetings, Joke.

  26. Your flowers are really pretty, Corrie. I really like the fabrics!

  27. These are beautiful. Do you have a tutorial or did you follow a tutorial to make these?

  28. Beautiful colours you use for your flowers! Great flowers!

  29. Beautiful flowers! I love your choice of fabrics.

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