busy, busy

long time, no blog post! I have been flat out here this week and here is just a taste of my week…

cute picture

* Papercraft bar at S&C. I hear it’s very popular and running smoothly thanks to my ever so helpful team down there. My goodness it has involved a lot of emails with everyone involved and has given me a taste of craft shows! I’ll be at the Sydney show in August for all 5 days and be a total pro by then.

* Notebook Magazine’s The Craft Room! I am all packed and ready to go for my first sewing class tonight and can’t wait, the July timetable is done and looking fabulous. This is the gorgeous project you get to make in jewellery making in July, picture courtesy of Etelage and I’ll be bringing my mum along to this one with me….

jewellery making

*application approved for Handmade Living…woohoo now to actually make the projects and photograph them beautifully, I’ll be using my sister and keira as models I think.

* School tour and information morning for Keira where I started crying when kindergarten started singing ‘If I were a butterfly’…it just brought back so many memories of when we used to sing that at school combined with the realisation that my big baby goes to school next year…’and if I were a fuzzy wuzzy bear’……

*twins that climb out of the pram while it is moving and want to push the pram instead of sit inside of it. When they are not doing this they are wrestling each other and laughing hysterically at whoever gets knocked down first. No injuries….yet but thank goodness they love to play with each other

* growing a baby….I am now 16 weeks and have no idea where the time has gone, 3 weeks till I find out if its a boy or girl and can someone please tell keira it might be a boy! She’s argueing with me over it…

* crocheting hats after we almost sold out at Mathilda’s and I have Handmade Canberra, Mathilda’s Canberra and Mathilda’s Lane Cove in august to prepare for too

* ordering supplies for 60 kits for sew it together next week!

* new shoes for everyone for winter and a pair of very comfy silver birkenstocks for mummy! ballet flats just aren’t going to contain my expanding feet.

and the usual snotty noses, poo poo nappies, meals to cook, toys to pack away, floors to sweep and wash, clothes to wash and dry (this is now done at night time in the washer and dryer just to get it done), orders to get out the door and kiss my husband goodbye in the morning! But you know what… I’m loving it! Everyone is happy at home, things are getting done and so I can’t complain…..but this Sunday we have a special mothers day for my own mum at a beautiful waterfront restaurant and I can’t wait to just relax!


  1. Yikes, what a week. How do you fit it all in? Do you ever sleep??

    My twins haven’t worked out how to get out of a moving pram yet but they can jump out of high chairs. It is cute when they play together, isn’t it?

  2. Man I REALLY dont know how you do I would of fell in a heap by now!! Sounds like you have lovely plans for mothers day, have a nice relaxing day and dont forget those fluffy slippers:)

  3. Good luck with your classes tonight. I’ll be thinking of you.
    I was at S&C yesterday (at the knitting bar) and saw your papercraft stand. It was busy, busy, busy!

  4. Go super-retro-mummy! You are super busy indeed! PLEASE take care of yourself though.

    Can’t wait to check out your new shoes. Woot!

    Catch up soon! xx

  5. You sound so super organised Corrie! I am sure Keira will adjust when the baby comes, whatever the sex, how exciting though to have 4 little ones to look after. Your classes sound wonderful, just wish I lived closer so I could join in the fun. Those hats are just gorgeous that you make Corrie, no wonder they sell out so quickly. You should do a tutorial for them so I can make one for Isabelle!

  6. Sounds like a lot of fun, Corrie.
    I hope everything works out with the kits and enjoy mother’s day with your mum, that sounds like a very special (and relaxing) way to spend Sunday.
    I can’t wait to hear about the baby! J was determined that JW would be a boy, he was going to call him Brother and had it all sorted out. In his mind since we already had 2 girls why on earth would be end up with a 3rd? Poor lad!

  7. Hey Corrie, I’m glad its not just me who seems super busy at the moment. It sounds like things are going super for you guys but please do look after yourself (sorry that’s the preemie nurse in me talking!) I do so wish I lived in your neck of the woods as all the craft shows sound fab, not much like that here in the UK. Boo Hoo! Justine xx

  8. Hey gorgeous, Birkenstocks are the BEST while pregnant, go for it!! I cry at school assemblies, so over proud & happy school memories too, you would not have been alone at that. Enjoy your classes, super ace, love Posie

  9. Thank you so much (not) for reminding me of that song. Now it’s going round and round in my head as the words come back to me.

    I can remember crying at a Christmas assembly for my eldest son. A tiny little girl played a violin solo of Silent Night on a quarter sized violin. I wasn’t the only one crying either!

  10. Wow! You are busy! I know the classes will be fab. You are fab! Can’t wait! 7 sleeps to go!! xox

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