phew! we’re back! exhausted and we still need to unpack the car after such a busy weekend away. We headed down to canberra on saturday morning and checked into our hotel. It was lovely and flashy and everything was going fine until about 12 huge bikies from a notorious gang checked in, you couldn’t miss their gang name as it was all over their jackets! ahhhhh my worst nightmare and you could just see the faces on the other guests! I was terrified when they all got out on our level. Retro Daddy made small chat in the lift reassuring me they were lovely but decided not to tell me they were in canberra for a wake for someone who died a year ago. The next morning he joked to me did I hear the guns going off in the night…not funny retro daddy but they were harmless! We were up early sunday to set up for handmade and thought the venue was gorgeous….
we had a nice corner spot, tucked away from the main room and it proved a perfect location as there was gridlock throughout the day in the main room! In fact I’ve never been to a market that busy before! It was just crazy busy but if you’re a stallholder that is the kind of busy you like! people were 2 to 3 deep at times trying to look at our stall and our bargain baskets proved very popular. Nothing like packing up and having lots more space in your bags
We always rearrange our tables slightly different at each market and this time invested in a $27 card table from bunnings which created a nice little L shape and gave us more room. Thanks jennie for the tip! I’m bringing that baby to every market with me
The tree was gorgeous and we got lots of comments on it and the hats were hugely popular! My mum and I just need to work overtime this week to top up before allie’s this weekend in mosman and make sure we cover all sizes and popular colours.
I did manage to work the room a few times and got some lovely goodies I’ll show you tomorrow when everything is unpacked, my washing is all done and I’ve fully recovered. We did the masters exhibition yesterday which was fabulous but also tiring because the twins are not huge fans of queues and we had a torrential downpour while in the queue. Keira on the other hand absolutely loved it and wants to be an artist and turn our house into her own gallery!
So this was my best market in terms of sales by a huge amount and it’s all going to the bank today for my poor credit card which always seems to have a new fabric invoice on it!!!! A huge thank you to Julie and her helpers (Ros & Rachel) who made the day run sooo smoothly and are obviously doing a great job with this popular market. I think 10,000 people through the door is success in itself!!! We’ll be down for handmade again without a doubt and Sydney ladies who love handmade should definitely make a day of it! It was also great to see so many familiar faces too like posie patchwork, ensparkle ceramics, paperklip, gifts created, please eloise, summerblossom (rochelle is keira’s new bff) and more. Big thank you to katia my stall buddy and her hubby Mark because 2 big men packing up the car makes pack up a breeze!!!! And thanks katia for letting me use your photos as I didn’t have time to take any myself!!!
Your stall is beautiful Corrie! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend — yipee!!!
Wonderful job displaying all of your beautiful items… gives me inspiration for my upcoming Mom-to-Mom sales 😉
So glad you ghad a great day, but so sorry I didn’t get there myself!
Set-up looks beautiful. Sounds like you had a lot of busy fun, well done!
That is so great , I’m glad you had such a good and prosperous weekend .
Congrats for such a successful day, You’ll be on a high for a while now !
your stall looks delightful, i am glad it went really well, it really lifts my heart to hear such things. Well done.
Looks great once again. Will be on the lookout for bikies wearing crochet beanies.
Your stall looks great! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.
I hope you were able to enjoy the Masters exhibition. We saw some of those paintings in another exhibition in Melbourne a few years ago and I was blown away by how beautiful they were. Well worth seeing in real life.
Everything looks awesome Corrie! Can’t wait to see what goodies you got, what fun
You’re making me so excited for my first craft show, it isn’t until June though.
our stall is absolutely delicious! i hope you get some down time…see you on sat!
oops – i meant to say “your” stall not ours! i wish it was mine!
Wow Corrie it all looks amazing, really beautiful. You have the most lovely products for sale. Wish I could go to one of those lovely markets.
well done on a great day, your stall is AMAZING!!!
Everything looks wonderful Corrie! So pleased to hear it was your best market yet. Thanks so much for popping into my little blog and for your lovely comment too! Hope all is well
Your stall looks beautiful Corrie, pity I dont live closer or I could visit you too. Glad it went so well. Do you sell those crocheted hats in your shop as I really love the red one with the white flower and wouldnt mind one for my little miss. Is there any chance you could make one to size for me to buy off you. Let me know Corrie (when you have some free time)!
Oh it is gorgeous so glad it was a great success I wish I lived close enough to get to the market but sadly am in QLD well done and have a little rest now.
Wow, your stall looks great. I’m sorry I missed the market this time!
Congratulations Corrie. I’m so glad it was such a huge success (and love the bikie bit of the story…!!).
Another smaller success to report was that I made your brownie recipe for the school car boot market last Sat and they were all sold before I got a chance to taste one. Must make again – thanks for recipe…..
Your stall is soooooo pretty.
So much cleverness.
Oh your stall is gorgeous!!! Your work is so lovely especially your crochet. I love the colours you use.
Glad you had a good time. We loved having you there.
Your stall looked gorgeous, Corrie! The tree with the beanies really do work, i think.
Please to hear it was another success for you Corrie – everything looked great:)
Your stall looked great girl so glad you had a great market looking forward to seeing at the next market.
No wonder you were packed & gone so quickly, neat sized stall & 2 big guys to help you, bit different to my spread out stall with my 11y.o. helper!! At least i could load up the trailer easily.
Thanks for loving Handmade so much, it’s an insane success & fabulou!! Love Posie
I’ve rarely seen a stand as attractive as yours!!! Bravo!
FIORE from italy
Corrie – so glad you had a wonderful day! A shame I missed finding you to say hello but your stall looked beautiful. Tania x
I love those hats too, just like Sue above. Are you making them in your shop?? please please I have a 5 yold and 3 yold whose heads would love to have one let me know if you are selling them in the shop
x Happy Easter Corrie
Wow…I can see why you were busy, it’s pure eye-candy! Inspiring stuff!!!
Congratulations for your success!! Your table was lovely!!
love it love it love it!! Your stall is fab, and your hat tree is fantastic xxxxx
Hi there, thanks for the lovely mention, I’m just so happy that you got to be part of the Handmade experience!!! Until next time, happy sewing, creating etc.
xx Rach
Thanks Corrie – we love our handmade market and having your smiley self there!!
This is so beautiful! It is just awesome.
Were did you purchase the tree hat display?
Its adorable!!!