the australian ballet 2025

I always hoped my little girls would love ballet and oh how my little miss does!!!!! Yesterday was her first class of the year and she just loves that her uniform changed from blue to pink….

oh so serious ballerina

I am just loving how she just works the camera these days! no prompting necessary!

my favourite

oh the dear little face!


  1. At our ballet it is a step up from pink to blue and I know the excited face that comes with that change.
    I look forward to seeing her dance at the Opera House in 2025.

  2. Awww adorable!

  3. Isn’t she beautiful!!!!

    Ellie is here scrolling through your blog, in order her comments were

    “Keira pretty” (Ballet photos)
    “Baby nini” (Bea sleeping)
    Pretty dress” (Keira in red dress)
    “Who’s dat” (meaning Finn)

    It was so cute.

  4. Ohhhh… she does look like such a little ballerina! Just gorgeous.

  5. What a gorgeous little ballerina Keira is! I am sure she must adore wearing her pink costume. Her poses for the camera are priceless!

  6. She looks so professional! what a cutie!

  7. aw she is so so cute! great pictures!

  8. Shall I buy my tickets now?! Such a cutie xox

  9. How fun, and what a beautiful dancer you have. :)

  10. she has the most angelic features. stunning- and also loving the poses. xo

  11. Love the eyebrows in the first one, so serious. She looks adorable.

  12. Awww, that’s so, so cute!!!

  13. We had Daph’s very first class today and it was such a mixture of cuteness and complete hilarity, I had a ball. She absolutely LOVES it!! Now I just have to master the art of putting her hair in a bun! Your little Keira is just beautiful and I agree, pink is sooooo much better!

  14. Lovely photos Corrie – she knows that you have a new camer and is working for it:) Glad she is enjoying it.

  15. Oh she is just too cute! I love her serious little face in the first picture!

  16. oh how sweet she is!

  17. How beautiful she looks, gonna be a star that one……

  18. Simply adorable, what would we do without our little ones??

  19. aww, ok total cute overload corrie !!!

  20. they are the most precious photos ever! Hoping my little mini might like the ballet, thinking shes too much of a tom boy but you never know!

  21. Ooohhh, too cute!! My big sister was a professional ballerina, they have it in them from a very young age. All the ballet schools my 3 girls attended wouldn’t let you start until age 5, boy, were they naturals. I loved watching ballet, wait until the concerts Corrie, you have the biggest smile & tears all at the same time. Love Posie

  22. Ooh, she looks utterly adorable! Quite a natural in front of the camera!

  23. your litrtle girl looks so cute in all the photos and the austrailn ballet is a big step well done

  24. your little girl is so cute and perfect for ballet

  25. your little girl looks so cute and is perfect for ballet

  26. oh god she’s adorable i love that concentration and pasion face and her hands and arms just love it!!! congratulations!!! hope she stays in ballet just do whatever you love to do!!!

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