be the first!

Just in time for christmas…..gorgeous new patterns from Izzy & Ivy Designs and we are the first Australian stockist which is very exciting! These dresses are just perfect for girls and we love that the sizing starts at 1-2 and goes up to a 12-14 in most of their patterns!

new patterns

They arrived from the states this morning and are going up in the store now…..but leave a comment to go in the draw to win their cute Macy Giggles sundress pattern! Entries close Sunday 10 January 2010!


  1. ooooo these are adorable!!!

  2. I love these patterns!!

  3. Liitle girls can never have too many cute dresses – and these are beautiful!

  4. I’ve not heard of Izzy and Ivy before but my goodness they are dead set cute arent they!!

  5. oh How pretty!

    Merry xmas! Just in case I don’t get back to comment in the next few days. I love reading your blog and seeing your children grow. All the best for the new year.

  6. I love these dresses. I think all our little girls would look lovely in a new dress.

  7. Yes please! They are gorgeous!

  8. Please enter my name, these patterns are pretty as a peach!

  9. So cute! I have three girls in that age range!

  10. Yay, I’m soooooo excited that you have these patterns. My little girl is not so little now, so it’s great to be able to buy bigger patterns.
    I really love this sundress pattern.
    Have a great Christmas. :-)

  11. They look gorgeous – always good to see new patterns :)

  12. Great patterns! You are so lucky to get them first!!! Count me in!

  13. Pick me!! Pick me!! I HAVE to have one for little one for my sisters wedding…and I just brought a townmouse dress! Oops, back up if I run out of time 😛 Beautiful and generous as always xox

  14. Wow those patterns are so adorable for little ones! You have to love a pattern with so many multi sizes included to.

  15. These look lovely!

  16. Very Cute!!! Merry Christmas to you and the family Corrie.

  17. I love these dresses, old fashioned and pretty is the way to go.

  18. I love that these patterns are for big girls too. They look great!

  19. Beeeeeeeautiful!!! What gorgeous dresses!

  20. Oooh these are all just gorgeous! I haven’t heard of this designer before, will have to take a closer look I think 😉

  21. what lovely dresses. Maes me wish for a little girl to knit and sew for

  22. Oh my – off to check out the store – I have not been in for so long:( Congrates of being th first stockist in Oz:)

  23. Beautiful dresses – I am always on the look out for new dresses

  24. what a cute dress pattern, you are very generous with your give aways

  25. Super dooper smart patterns! Love them!!

  26. OMG these dresses are gorgeous, I want them all.

  27. Oooh little twirly girls patterns – count me in please Corrie.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. I love them! Would adore having a go at sewing one for my girl.

  29. I love that they’re different to your average twirly dress. Little Miss 5 would like one in Ninja Turtle material please. (nothing in life is easy!)

  30. those are so cute! I would love to try this pattern for my girls!

  31. Ooooo!!!! I’m so excited that I have just stumbled across your blog & shop. Just loving these gorgeous dresses…Too cute!!

  32. oooooo I’m so excited that I have stumbled across your blog & shop.. Just loving these gorgeous little dress…too cute!

  33. ahh they look so cute

  34. gorgeous gorgeous, I even have that patty young fabric sitting on my shelf for something special. this might just be it!!

  35. Super cute – Thanks for the chance!

  36. Oooh, gorgeous!! I’m SO in :) Thanks Corrie

  37. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  38. Oh that dress is so cute! I had a look at some of these patterns last night for Bianca! Cute, cute, cute!

  39. They look lovely. I have decided I want to make most of the dresses my two girls wear, and am always on the look out for new patterns.

  40. Maybe the perfect thing to break me into the world of sewing dresses for my two little (in age and size) girls). Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  41. Those are adorable, Corrie! And so nice to see that they go up to large sizes. My girl is just about grown out of most of the cute, indie patternmakers like Oliver + S and Modkids.

  42. so cute!!

    gill x

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Merry Christmas!

    Adorable dress, just lovely.


  45. these dresses are so cute…we have a couple of weddings to go to next year and these will be just perfect. Merry Christmas to you and your family

  46. These patterns are just so cute!

  47. The patterns are so adorable, sweet and girlie. My 2 girls would look lovely in them.
    You’re so generous to have a give away.

  48. I’m always looking for a cute dress pattern to make for all of my firneds who have little girls. This is perfect!

  49. They are very cool. Always love a new dress pattern!

  50. Clare just saw the pattern on the screen and said “isn’t it beautiful – is there a pattern?” so clearly she’d like me to sew her one! Would love to be included in the draw.

  51. beatiful dress Corrie, and going up in big sizes-yippee!

  52. I have two daughters who would be the absolute Princesses with this pattern…and I could use a break to sew!!! 😉

  53. Delicious!!!! Are you including international…If so count me in. I’d love to try and sew something from an actual pattern, I’m usually a cut and pray kinda gal! Thx for sharing.

  54. We would love to win one of these. Very pretty! Thankyou.

  55. They look gorgeous. My daughter would love them all.

  56. Wie gerne würde ich gewinnen! Sooo wunderschön!
    Greetings from Germany!

  57. Happy New year! These patterns are just lovely, I know a little girl who would adore them.

  58. They are wonderful patterns, and the sizes sound wonderful too!

  59. Aww you have the best giveaways around. Thanks again for the chance.

  60. Just adorable, I went back to read the post and noticed that they go up to “big” girl sizes, so I’m in! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  61. count me in 😉

  62. Ho Hum More descisions to make!! Just adore these dresses and have to have to have to have one of these patterns indeed. Very Very Cute!

  63. how absolutely divine!!!

  64. Super cute!
    Thanks for the chance!

  65. love that pattern

  66. What adorable patterns! I love these. Thanks for the opprotunity

  67. I’ll have to look for these! They are way too cute!

  68. they are lovely! thanks for the chance!

  69. Oh yes please. I have no patterns at all, I sew everything on a whim from my head. I’d love to try to follow a pattern for once.

  70. Oooh, these look gorgeous!

  71. My Kirra would love this dress in pink, and my Amy in any colour (my son however would probably not like it at all!)
    I do so love your blog, and hope I am picked for this giveaway. Thanks

  72. Thanks, Retro Mummy! Would love the chance to win!

  73. My daughter Maya is leaning over my arm as I type saying “I want that dress and that dress please Mum”. We would love to win a copy Corrie!

  74. Very cute. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  75. Count me in please Corrie, they’re beautiful!

  76. I love the Ava tie top!

  77. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

  78. Oh how gorgeous are these patterns. I just love searching for beautiful things to make my little girl. Thanks for sharing with us.

  79. Yes please!! I’d love a chance to win…. love a cute girl’s dress!

  80. Oh Yes Please! I would love to have a go at one of these patterns!

  81. Very cute dresses. I would love to win.

  82. I was just thinking today my DD needs some new dresses… this would give me the push to create some :)

  83. Since my 3 yo will ONLY wear dresses with full skirts I must enter this giveaway!

  84. just gorgeous!


  85. Thanks for introducing me to Izzy and Ivy. My niece Izzy would look super cute in that dress.

  86. so much ooo’ing and aah’ing it “sounds” like fireworks…i was going to ooh and aah….but, instead i will just jump up and down excitedly hoping to win :) these patterns are so cute…thanks for introducing them to me :)

  87. What gorgeous patterns. Thank you for the chance to win.

  88. Gorgeous patterns! Just divine and great size ranges. Waiting (not soo patiently) to pick up my new sewing machine from layby so I can start making some clothes for the kids! The boys shorts you made for Finn are just adorable too!

  89. Both of these patterns are gorgeous, but I’m especially in love with the one that your sister-in-law just sewed, it’s beautiful.

  90. Much to late to join but I want to say that I love this kind of dresses. You make lovely and beautifull thingh. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Big sewing hug.

  91. Lovely dresses!

  92. Beautiful dress!

  93. OMG those are so adorable!!!
    they would be perfect for my little miss.

  94. These dresses are gorgeous but how would I manage to narrow down what fabric to use lol….

  95. Oh these dresses are gorgeous you are so generous you are truly a gem

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