my first market done!

Yay I did it, my first market under my belt! Oh the nerves in the car on the way there but once I saw a few familiar faces I was fine. It was a lovely venue, I had a lovely spot right near the door grabbing everyone as they walked in and to the left which is the path I normally follow when I start at a market!

done and ready for action

fabrics to the left on keira’s toy stand but there were tears as she drove away leaving it with me! Bianca’s pencil rolls were up top and this was before I realised we should open it up to show it off….so cute and I can’t believe Bianca even sews the books together!!!!

a bit of fabric

dresses to the right….I loved all the colours and I had so many lovely comments and buyers which gives you a real buzz. An assortment of lovely handmade was in between….including Katia’s cute little cross stitch panels which were popular! It got a little quiet at times but we seemed to keep busy most of the day and for my first market I’m happy. I learnt soooo much!

from a distance

Of course I spent up…a pair of sophie’s shorts for a friend’s little boy (perfect for a little boy and I’m losing interest in sewing before Christmas after my marathon sewing for market), a sweet owl from claire (oh I loved claire’s softies), a gorgeous sweetie petites for keira (lisa’s package is just cuddly and soft and we will buying up more for presents next year)……….poor little keira has been missing her mummy who goes off sewing every night so I did let her pick what she wanted!

keira's new babies

and a darling little headband by katia which keira is loving…in fact she won’t put down her owl, sweetie doll or stop wearing her headband so I think she is going to love her mummy doing markets! I loved seeing the smiles when people discovered my cute fabrics and stall. We have agreed on the homefront I can manage one market a month and with some exciting projects in the pipeline for 2010 it will be a great way to get out there a bit more and meet more lovely people.

keira's new headband

Thank you to everyone who came and visited and to your lovely wishes (for those who live a bit too far to make it)! I’m soooo exhausted and got a little sleep-in this morning, although apparently I woke up a little bit tired and cranky so a nice strong coffee down at the shops picked me up! Huge thank you to katia who was the perfect stallholder buddy and bianca and amelia for their lovely contributions too (more on that later)! Time to rest up and play shops with keira for a while (her new favourite game)


  1. Congrats on your first market! I hope it was successful for you and now that you have done the first one you wont be so nervous the next time :) Well done! hugs Vicki

  2. Congrats, your set up looks lovely, wish I could’ve seen it in person, but a bit far from brissie.
    Keira looks gorgeous in her mermaid dress, and what sweet treats she scored at the market. :-)

  3. I can’t believe how organised you must be to be able to be doing your first market this close to Christmas. I would have been running around in circles in a mad panic! I bet you are relieved it is over!

  4. Your stall looks lovely, especially the rack of beautiful dresses. Well done!

  5. Lucky Keira, I don’t think she will mind Mummy going off to play “real shops” every now and then. Your stand looked fabulous.

  6. Congratulations! I’m glad to read that you enjoyed it! Your stall was very nice!

  7. well done corrie,your first market. Glad it was a success for you, your wares look gorgeous!

  8. Well done Corrie. You did so well to achieve all you did before christmas. I’m sorry that i did not make it on saturday. Was thinking of you wondering how you were going. Your goodies look gorgeous. Are you selling goodies in your online shop? Let me know when your next market is too. Fiona

  9. Well done! I just had my first market too, and I agree with you about the nerves.

  10. Congratulations on your first market. I would have love to have been and spent!
    I hope it was good learning and good fun.

  11. Congratulations on your first market!! You’re a winner!! Hope you sold lots..
    Rainbow smiles.. Gloria

  12. Hi Corrie,
    I met you at Allie’s Attic and your stall did look gorgeous.
    i would not have known it was your first market -congratulations

  13. Everything looks gorgeous! Well done!

  14. Good for you Corrie! I’d be smiling if I came across your stall too :)

  15. Corrie your stand looked gorgeous! And I have to say that Keira really does have the biggest blue eyes I have ever seen.

  16. Excellent job Corrie – no need for your nerves, everything looked and was fabulous!

    I’m so happy to see Keira loves her Molly doll. I’m so impressed that you made it straight away after a long day at the markets. Roxy (nearly 6) also now has the expectation that I will bring her home something from every market.

    I love the fabric I got from you and the sweetest little cross stitch mouse too! I’m not as quick off the mark as you at blogging about the day… but I will do it soon(ish).

  17. Congrats! I really wanted to come and check out your stall but we had a wedding that day and I don’t think the bride or groom would have been that accommodating! I also got a couple of fabrics from the ‘Grandmother’s garden’ range today- I love it!

  18. Congratulations my love!! Before you know it, Keira will be helping you, wandering around & letting you know which stalls to visit & what she’d like you to spend your money on. Your stall looked beautiful, well done, it’s a big effort. Love Posie

  19. COngratulations! Your stand looks amazing from the pics. I’m sorry I didn’t get there – I really wanted to but I forgot I’d also booked a hairdresser appointment which, given I have to get the works done, takes 2hrs and ate up my market going time…next time…

  20. wow, your stall makes me smile!
    it’s gorgeous!!

  21. Congrats! Your table looked lovely. Thank you for sharing the photos.

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