all good now

Phew, I’ve had to apologise to my lovely sewing machine. I said such mean things to it on saturday afternoon when it wasn’t sewing for me. Turns out after I tried to fix it internally I put the bobbin case back in all wonky and that made things worse.

my sewing space

Thank goodness its working and we’re friends again! And here is a sneak peek at my sewing room almost done. Its actually 2 adjoining rooms with its own little ensuite for toilet breaks. I am loving the brightness of the room but once the door is open I hear 2 little scrambling babies hurry in…..can you see that little head down there!

storage solution


  1. Corrie's sewing machine says:

    You are forgiven. :0)

  2. Your room looks great Corrie. I have the same problem when I leave my sewing room open. Hope you don’t want anything out of the bottom box in a hurry.

  3. Oh so nice to have your own sewing room Corrie. I am sure you could make part of it a little play room for the babies. Glad your machine is working again, I do things like that too and curse until I realise I did something to make it not work properly.

  4. Looks like a fabulous dedicated sewing space! How does your back go cutting on such a low table? I cut on my ironing board, but it’s a bit of a hassle. First I have to move the cats, then get rid of the cat hair, then I can iron, then move the iron, then I can cut!!! The cats do not seem to agree with me using their sleeping platform, blasted animals, they run the place around here! LOL :-)

  5. Oh I want your room!! So lovely and bright. And organised! Where are your dirty little secrets Corrie?? xox

  6. That looks wonderful Corrie! You’re a lucky girl. I love the little ‘helper’ who made it into the photograph.

  7. I’m so sure your sewing machine will forgive you!! love Posie

  8. An ensuite ! I’d never come out .

  9. Oh, so ready for some sewing action- brilliant!

  10. Love your room. great big space, and my Lord those boxes full of fabric! How fun it must be to play in those any wonder your little ones are in there like a flash!

  11. Ok I am now insanely jealous of your sewing room!!

  12. The sewing room looks marvellous, so light and clean.

  13. I love your sewing area, what a great room!

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