a gorgeous garage sale

Wow, I am just home from the most gorgeous garage sale I’ve ever attended. Where to start……there was the smocking pleat maker in its original box that I almost walked past….

the box of ric rac

the overflowing boxes I bought of vintage lace, crochet trims and broderie anglaise including this dear little deer trim……

the overflowing bag of patterns…this is one of my favourites, I’m thinking a sweet Christmas Day outfit for Keira…

the crochet pattern books

and a modest pile of pink and patchwork fabrics including this gorgeous floral…..

I parted with $70 and secretly think the lady was glad to see the back of me as I was like a woman possessed! There was a rival mummy there but she just wasn’t fast enough for me and my honed eye but she did get some real gems of patterns before me! We were trying to be civilised over the pattern box…..ok time to breathe normally again…..


  1. well done! well deserved, a great anniverseray present? Congrats for yesterday, by the way.

  2. Oh my, I would never be so lucky, I’ve just finished breakfast! The early bird catches the worm alright.

  3. Yay ! Great scores , happy day !

  4. Wow that was certainly one great garage sale.

  5. Fantastic……what were you doing up that early after your night out!!!

  6. Wow, what a lovely score!!

  7. Wow…what a fantastic bunch of goodies you came home with..Makes it all worthwhile getting up at sparrows fa*t..LOL


  8. What a great find! Love that smocking pleater-we look forward to seeing some new creations now! Hope you had a lovely dinner last night to celebrate your anniversary and a wonderful (and busy) last 5 years. Kind regards, Christine

  9. Wow, what a haul! Well done. Wish we had garage sales like that around here…

  10. Garage sale gold!

  11. Breathe!!!
    You have conquered the garage sale.
    Now …. the world!!!

  12. LUCKY DUCK! And well spotted!

  13. Looks like you almost won the lottery! Yay :)

  14. Good on you Corrie. I’m so happy for you. The items went to a well deserved home. Love the box of rick rack! Do share your smocking adventures too. I’m most interested in this art. I remember doing it a little at school.

  15. oohh well done you scored really well, what a fantastic collection of goodies. have a lovely weekend.

  16. Wow, I saw a recent post on a smocked girls dress and it looked great. You’re so lucky. I am sooo jealous! Well done.

  17. What a score!

  18. Wow and all before 9 am – very impressive!!!

  19. impressive haul, i am jealous of that box of ric rac!

  20. what treasures! wish i could find a garage sale like that!

  21. Breath with me now – in and out!

    Well done – what a find – definitly Garage Sale Gold – i am so moving to your area:)

  22. I’ve never in all my years of garaging seen a smocking pleater, what a find!

  23. Lucky, lucky you, well done!!

  24. $70 and that included the smocking pleater. You are one lucky bargain hunter. That sounds like the garage sale to end all sales. I paid $200 for mine and thought that was a bargain. They are closer to $300 these days. All those goodies have gone to the right home though – I’m sure you’ll have fun with your purchases.

  25. They’re some fab finds Corrie. My smocker (just like yours) was about $150 and I bought it 21 years ago (I was 15!! LOL), so yours was a serious bargain.

  26. I am jealous, I never feel more jealous than when someone scores well at a garage store or op shop. (Obviously I am a bargain hunter through and through)

    Well done, especially with that pleater!

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