pretty things in rows

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alleluia on a sunday

well the roses still aren’t planted, the tee isn’t finished and it was one of those mornings! I’d run out of clean cloth nappies, put a disposable through the wash (don’t do this!), finn jammed tillie between the glass door and flyscreen and hurt her, our homestay student spends most of her time on our internet and leaves the kitchen for me to clean up, someone in the family isn’t talking to me for some unknown reason and it all got on top of me this morning!! try dealing with this while getting everyone dressed and out the door for church by 9.30! I nearly lost the plot but thank goodness for a bit of peace and quiet at church, you always leave feeling happy and calm!

so we then went to our favourite sushi train (a first time for the babies)

and finished it off with ice-cream so now all is well in the world again! Alleluia!

Keira and I are now spending the afternoon trying to make our first paper buntings….hope to reveal them tomorrow!


  1. Oooh paper bunting. I cant wait to see how that turns out! Put yout feet up and have a breather. Sounds like you deserve it!

  2. Glad your day improved Corrie! I love your paper bunting – so pretty – a fun carft activity for you and Miss K! Btw – Sarah and I loved Julie and Julia – makes me feel like getting my French cookbooks out, but first I need to stock up on some butter!

  3. So you’re a real human being then!! Oh & a mother!! If all this was happening in my household, my husband wouldn’t actually notice. Well other than the fact he hates sushi & if i ever take the children there, it’s solo. Such is life, you wake up & it’s another day.
    Had to giggle when Finn trapped Tillie between the door & fly screen, my twins would manage to get tangled up in similar situations.
    Well Retro Mummy to the rescue, as all the things you listed, ONLY a mother can fix. Just in case you didn’t have enough physical & emotional responsbilities.
    Love Posie

  4. We all have those days sometimes, losing the plot is common around here.
    Glad you could feel peaceful at church.

  5. Can’t wiat to see that movie and make bunting!
    been meaning to make some for YEARS!

    Glad you did get some quiet! Time to get them to bed and pull out the needles! Hey Tuesday is around the corner!

  6. some days are diamonds and some days are stones! Glad you found some peace at church! And glad your day improved!

  7. I hear you – we are moving soon and the new church in the area has a family service at 8.30am – let me tell you that THIS family will not be making it to that one LOL. The bunting looks great:)

  8. It seems you are rushed off your feet. Might have to speak to that student of yours too, my teenager tries to do the same thing but I wont let him now, it takes up all my time when he could do it himself. I always think that they should do it so they are responsible for things in the house too and it helps them when they are out on their own to live. The paper bunting looks very pretty and it seems your day ended well. Poor Tilly getting squished, thats what brothers do dont they, although not always on purpose, lol! Hope you feel better today.

  9. Alleluia indeed!! The kids love sushi, and it’s so sweet watching them tuck in.
    I hope this week is nothing but fun!

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