heather bailey love

I love heather bailey! She wouldn’t know me from a bar of soap but she’s so clever and does the best floral fabrics ever!!! I stocked up on some more this week from her store as I knew her new range would be coming soon

and check out the new range! oohhhhh I can’t wait! It won’t be in my store as I’m sticking to the japanese fabric brief strictly but trust me I’ll be getting a nice healthy stash of it going on my own!

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well the movie was fabulous! I had to giggle when retro daddy said ‘so what is this movie, a comedy or just about crafty bloggers!!!!’ he he! and while I ducked to the loo and he got a seat I found him in the back row…..he obviously took ‘date night’ quite literally! I moved him closer to the front so no tall person could obstruct my view and we shared our popcorn and diet cokes!

meryl was fabulous and its a sweet movie about life, love, cooking, blogging, french food……a nice night out. The book is arriving soon for me to read and I can’t wait…..and I’m reinspired to get back to some fancier cooking in the kitchen. You see before blogging and children I balanced out my investment banking career with courses at the cordon bleu, cordon vert (vegetarian cooking school) and other schools in the UK. If you love food you’ll love the movie too!

So this Saturday I’ll be hoping to plant my roses (finally), finish my 5th knitted tee (more tomorrow) and get these gorgeous needles photographed and in the store. This is just a selection of them but everyone coming to my house this week has commented on how gorgeous they are!

Don’t forget you can win in a pair in my giveaway which ends tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a great movie, and a wonderful weekend planned. Hope it’s sunny in Sydney, it is a beautiful Melbourne morning!

  2. I really should add that movie to my list… book seems more likely though and then the movie later on DVD release 😉 Gorgeous photos. I could almost smell those roses! Love the knitting needles too :) K

  3. Up and early with the birdies! The roses look lovely.
    And lucky you gettng a date night!

  4. It sounds as though you loved the movie, will have to put it on my to watch list! The needles do look great, cant wait until they are in your shop. I cant believe you are on your 5th knitted tee, havent you only knitted 2 in the last post about them. You have definately been busy knitting.

  5. Oh well you’ve just confirmed i will see that movie too. i married & had children way too young to even think about a cooking course, shame i cook to survive & not for flavour!!
    Beautiful needles, love Posie

  6. At the risk of being innapropriate, one pair in particular made me laugh !

  7. How wonderful that those gorgeous knitting needles are going into your shop! It’s been ages since I’ve been to see a movie…

  8. On your suggestion I went and saw Julie & Julia today, fabulous movie, not sure my DH would love it or even pretend to. You are lucky Retrodaddy will humour you and your interests. I think every time I head into town to do the weekly shop I’m going to check out what movies are on at our little cinema, even if I have to go alone I know I will enjoy it.

  9. The flowers are beautiful and the movie sounds like exactly what I need! I just saw a book called “Handstitched Felt” on your sidebar… I’m intrigued! Have a great finish to your weekend. Meagan.

  10. glad you enjoyed the movie- i read the book after seeing the promo of the movie and was very disappointed in the book, but i might give the movie a go…i bought these knitting needles in tassie earlier this year and was hoping to get more- good to know you have them!!!

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