Sweet strawberry fabric makes for a sweet dress…..I made a dent in the pile with 6 sold at playgroup yesterday and one lady who offered me ‘constructive feedback’ (her words) that they were too expensive….I think $30 was more than reasonable and she couldn’t put down a little heather bailey number so don’t think the problem was my pricing!!!!
and our first roses are here…we just haven’t made it to planting them yet so they are blooming in pots on the balcony and the smell is just gorgeous!
you can’t beat a David Austin rose can you??? This little one is called a Mary Rose and is surprisingly easy to care for. Keira insists on stopping and smelling them everytime she walks up and down the stairs
what am I saying….so does mummy!
and a big thank you to everyone who has stopped by my sale, lots of bolts have been emptied but there are still lots of lovely fabrics at amazing prices!!!!
Absolutely gorgeous roses! That pink is just ethereal.
And as for your “constructive feedback” lady, I’m glad I haven’t got her nerve in my tooth! Your dresses are beautiful, and $30 is indeed very reasonable for a lovely, unique, handmade dress.
Clearly, this playgroup feedback giver has no idea what goes into making such a gorgeous little dress.
Also, she has no appreciation for the beauty and originality you can only get when it’s handmade.
I agree. $30 is a great price for your dresses. They are very cute! Don’t worry about that lady. There is always one that will complain.
That strawberry fabric was made for that dress. It looks abosolutely gorgeous. I think the fact that you sold 6 tells you where your market is at. She can go buy her cheap clothes elsewhere.
$30 is very cheap. Thanks for the strawberry fabric – the girls have plans for it. I do love the Mary Rose ( mine is hidden among the weeds at the moment).
Is she for real? $30? You’d be lucky to walk out of Target for a dress less than this….and yours is original and handmade! And with better quality fabric. She’s off her rocker.
Morning Corrie, your prices are so good & really, this is what erks me at markets when you get a stray comment like that. After nearly 10 years in business & 4 doing markets i just eye ball such a person & say “well do you go into Country Road & question them about the pricing of their lovely clothes?” FYI such a dress there would be mass produced, not as sweet, made in China & twice the price!! Clearly you don’t walk into such a store if you don’t want to pay the price!! Same goes for a market stall or mother showing some wares to friends at a play group – which you weren’t pushing on people, they wanted them!!
Just have your sales pitch down pat of ‘special pricing for play group, quality imported designer fabric & handmade in Australia by an Australian’ & that will shut any critics up. All those lovely mummies who bought dresses will not only get zillions of wonderful comments but can say “yes, the designer is a friend & awesome mummy too”.
This happened to a friend who had a similar gorgeous handmade dress for $40 at her stall & got the same feedback, well worse “you’ll never sell that for $40”. So happy that the lady behind her bought it, shut her right up!!
Enough said, you know your talent is superb, just let such feedback drive you on!! Gorgeous, love Posie
I bet you were laughing at her as you were walking away with $180 in your pocket. Honestly, you can pay far more than that for quality fabric and one-off pieces.
I think that dress is my favourite. $30 is more than reasonable, you are using such beautiful fabrics. Her problem, not yours.
$30 is a great price for a handmade dress. If she had of thought about it, she would have realised that it will also grow with the child and could be used as a top over leggings and a skivvy etc when the weather is cooler.
wowww beautiful dress and LOVELYYYY roses..
I am hoping to make some sales tomorrow at the rotary market..so that i can splurge on ur fabrics
$30 is a bargain for something original and handmade.
Sweet roses, makes me want to go and plant some right now.
Right on! What the other lovely commmenters said
I’d pay $30 for one of your beautiful handmade dresses 
The dress and the rose are just gorgeous! Especially the dress.
Gee it bugs me when people don’t realise 1. the time you and effort you put into making something and 2. the cost of quality materials!!!
Goodness me – $30 too expensive?? Is your time and care worth nothing? Some people just don’t understand do they? Gorgeous and very reasonable.
Its a really nice dress. I don’t think you are charging too much at all.
I’ve nominated you for an award because I love your blog so much. Please come to my blog to get so you can put it on your blog. Thanks.
Emily of Super Stitches, Age 9
She obviously has no idea… people sell similar dresses on etsy & madeit.com.au for $49.95!!!!! So your $30 dresses are a bargain! Keep sewing and selling!
i have been folowing your blog for a little bit and havent commented so far but this one just had to be said. lol.
as the old saying goes
“opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and sometimes they stink”.
i love your work and i wish i had a little girl so i could dress them up. keep your chin up love
30 bucks is a bargin, did you explain to here that “nice” fabric is around $25 a metre plus all you work to make such a wonderful creation ???
tell her to go jump !!
ooo I LOVE David Austin roses
Hi Corrie,
I have been reading your blog for years and used to be an EB’er as well!
I love the style of dress you make, and I was wondering if it would be too cheeky to ask what pattern you make it from or if its a pattern you designed yourself? I have tried to figure out in my head to how to make a dress in this style but Im still not sure I have it figured out.
Do you have a pattern I could buy from you (if its one of your designs)?? I am making some dresses for a stall in December and would love to add the “Corrie” dress to it! Please email me and let me know if you think this would be ok?