dirty sky and daddy’s shirt shorts

catchy, no??? well the sky is very dirty this morning and for the allergy and asthma sufferers of the house it spells a day indoors….

But last night I turned one of retro daddy’s nice work shirts (he only buys them from london but has a tendency to put holes in the elbows) into some cute shorts, well they turned out as pants but daddy shirt shorts sounds cuter! It was only as I was cutting them that I realised I would get a pocket on the back too, nifty., can you see it????

They are more pyjama/home pants but since Finn totally trashed one of his lovely Country road pairs at a party at the park (and the second time he wore them) they are just what he needed! To make your own, I took a simple shorts/pants pattern (ottobre is always a good source), a man’s long sleeve shirt and cut the pant backs from the shirt fronts and the pant fronts from the shirt back, sew it all up and you’re done!!!

watch out retro daddy, I might sabotage some of your nicer shirts after this initial success…..oh and of course I left a few toast crumbs from breakfast on the floor and a big smudge on my camera there for effect! Just to give the impression we live in the real world, ha ha !


  1. What a cute idea! Love the back pocket too. We like to take pictures with baskets of washing and full clotheslines in the background. We live in the real world too.

  2. Wow! That weather is madness. Total lock down I say. And the skirt shorts are very cute! xox

  3. Very dusty here too. I took some photos earlier when the sun was supposedly rising. Everything is blood red.

    When my boys were small, I used to make cute little shirts from my brother’s super high quality shirts. They were easy and very pleasant to sew. never thought of pants!

    Would there be enough to make sweet little bloomers for Keira to wear under a short, perhaps floaty top?

    I hope the chicken pox monster has decided to leave your house alone now!

  4. Those shorts/pants are adorable, and probably super-soft too. Which Ottobre pattern did you use? (just stockpiling ideas if this bump turns out to be a boy!).

    Off to vac and mop my dusty orange floors…… :)

  5. That is one seriously good idea. Perfect pants, for at home, day care and at the park. I’m off to raid Mr’s wardrobe as we speak!

  6. Supercute on Finn! Loving them.

  7. Great idea and cute pic!! Aren’t the sky pics amazing? I’ve heard it might be heading north to Brisbane, I’m glad I live south!! xo

  8. What toast crumbs?…what smudges?….don’t see anything for all the dust! hehehe I think we all identify with the ‘real world’!!
    Love the shirtshorts…what a novel idea!
    ;o) Wendy B

  9. What a great idea. And little Finn obviously loves them!!!

  10. Nice work on the pants, but has retrodaddy thought about the “shirt miles” that attach to his London-bought shirts? Jermyn St is all very nice, but is there really no substitute here?
    Tut tut, retrodaddy.

  11. Well shorts all the way from London, how special! I love the pocket as the extra bonus too. I am sure that I read a blog a while ago that made little girl dresses out of men’s shirts but I just cant think of who it was.

  12. great work on the shorts corrie, mens shirts are made out of way too nice fabric to end up in the bin. Finn looks so cute in them!

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