not perfect….

but pretty cute!! I had real dramas with the neckline and copied the wrong pattern front as there were 3 different options but of course only realised when things weren’t looking right…..but its cute and will make a lovely outfit for my little niece Beatrix.

Fabric all from Spotlight and patterns from a baby/toddler Japanese craft book (ISBN978-4-579-11100-8). Ready to tackle another project once we’re over the upset tummies that we all seemed to wake up with this morning…I wanted to call in sick but of course as a stay at home mummy you’re the boss so you’ve got to keep the whole show going!


  1. Oh how gorgeous Corrie. Hope your tummies feel better soon. Lachlan had that at the start of the week and then developed a nasty sore throat and cough. He is just starting to feel better now. I agree that the sahm should be allowed a few sick days every now and then.

  2. It is very cute. It’s very pretty fabric.

  3. Super cute! Hope you guys feel well soon. Tummy bugs suck :( xox

  4. Very cute Corrie! Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the pattern. I have the same book and want to make up one of the tops for Maddie. Any hints?

  5. the top looks lovely, Corrie. I have bought that same fabric for a little gypsy top for my 1 year old niece. Hope mine turns out just as nice.

    Hope you are all feeling better soon.

  6. Very cute. Your nice will look lovely :-)))

  7. I hope everyone gets better soon and that little outfit you made is just gorgeous.:)

  8. That’s a really cute top. I’m sure your little niece will look adorable in it.

    Hope you all will feel better soon!

  9. That is a very sweet outfit.

  10. Oh its lovely! One of these days I’ll start some summer sewing ….

  11. Very cute Ms. Retro! Hope you’re all feeling better now!

  12. What a sweet outfit! Love the fabric you have used.

    Your breakfast muffins look delicious!

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