a good man is hard to find

Yes he is! You see the barbies who live in keira’s campervan were craving a bit of male company…..so keira sent me off to the shops to bring home 5 Ken’s for her princesses! I suggested one Ken for all the Barbies, let them fight over him….

Unfortunately all I could find was surfer Ken who looks like a bit of an aussie bloke and not the prince we had envisaged would come to live at the campervan. And the morals on him…………….this morning I woke up to find most of the barbies were missing their clothes as was Ken….tut tut. Tomorrow I’ll probably find empty beer cans, pizza boxes and the toilet seat up in the campervan!


  1. Is Ken starting to morph into Barbie, or is it just my imagination?
    He seemed more manly when I was younger!

  2. Not that there’s anything wrong with Aussie blokes!!

  3. HYSTERICAL Corrie! And I know all too well the goings on with Barbie..

  4. That is so funny Corrie, eat your heart out ‘The Bachelor’. I’m sure Ken is just loving the attention.:)

  5. Oh no!!!

  6. I had about the same Ken:Barbie ratio- why is that? And poor Ken- besides being named Ken, mine had to be married over and over, and wear the same boring clothes over and over. Barbie gets all the best stuff. BTW have some old barbie clothes patterns if you ever feel the urge….

  7. The Barbies in our home never seem to stay dressed either. Hmmm.

  8. thanks! that gave me a good chuckle!

  9. What a hoot!

  10. I didn’t have a Ken doll, I had Gene Simmons instead. Not all my Barbie’s like him ( I did have 13 after all) Many were much happier marrying each other.

  11. oops, was going to ask if it was surfer’s combi van.

  12. Sounds like an American reality show!

  13. The things going on in the middle of your night when you are asleep!

    We have naked Barbie here too. Seems to be a trend.

  14. Too, too funny!

  15. I don’t think it matters if Ken is around or not. All the Barbies in our house end up nude too. I think Barbie might have a problem.

  16. Surely Ken can use his own combi/panel Van being a surfer and all. Sounds more like his style.

  17. Oh Ken – you bad boy you. LOL Corrie – this has made my day.

  18. I think my Ken when I was little looked a lot more manly too. He had a bigger jaw and really dark eyebrows and hair.

    He was naughty back then too, though. He eloped with my barbie one night, I found them around my shoe the next morning, all dressed up. Although, maybe that was Sinterklaas (Dutch kind of Santa Claus, who puts treats in shoes) joking… hmmm.

  19. I had 3 little girls with goodness knows how many barbies…and one action man…he ended up looking like a drag queen half the time!

  20. LOL… that is hilarious Corrie. You win blog post of the week!

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