sleepless in sydney

oh miss tillie… little party girl kept me up till midnight and then again from 3.30ish till 6am! Unlike her big sister who would hop into our bed and fall asleep straight away, miss tillie thinks our bed is a trampoline and its party time! She was climbing all over retro daddy to wake him up and eventually he found another empty bed to sleep in! I am oh so tired this morning but am enjoying party leftovers for morning tea….sugar and caffeine always help a tired mummy get through the day! Party photos tomorrow…..

You might be wondering why there haven’t been any finished projects lately and that would have to be due to the very slow nature of cross stitch! here is my progress so far……..slow…….I’m actually going to turn her into a patchwork cushion….whenever I actually finish her!

and winner of the cross stitch draw is comment 7, Fiona of bee-abi! Congratulations and just send me your details to


  1. I love those bunnykins plates – adorable!

  2. Dear retromummy. What a beautiful looking matryoshka doll! And I just want to eat those cupcakes.

  3. It sounds like you have a party girl on your hands.(lol) The cupcakes look really pretty. Hope you all had lots of fun and Happy Birthday to your little ones.

  4. Oooh, look at those yummy cupcakes! Hope you get some sleep this week!

  5. I totally understand the being up and down all night. My little one pulled that trick the other night, not fun!

  6. Hi there, I love your blog :)
    I had to post in sympathy with the crapy night sleep, I am hearing you… My son also thinks my bed is a time for bouncing and climbing too. What can you do? I hope those yummy cupcakes wake you up.

  7. I still can’t believe that the twins are one! You are making great progress with your cross stitch – I still have a couple of WIPs that were started perhaps a decade ago! You can’t rush a good thing.

  8. Yummy, yes cross stitch is about snail pace gratification! Corrie, how is your Mum at the moment?


  9. Your cross stitch looks so pretty Corrie. Happy birthday to the twins and I hope you have a better night tonight!

  10. Thanks Corrie. I am just thrilled to win your lovely giveaway. I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight too.

  11. Your doll is looking sooo cute !

  12. LOVE the stitching

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