Thank you…please keep praying

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lovely thoughts and prayers. Unfortunately, today my mum was transferred to intensive care due to complications with her lungs. Please keep her in your prayers to those of who pray..she’ll be in there a few days before she can get back on her feet again. We weren’t expecting this setback and another batch of rocky road was required to get me through the afternoon. My Sunday day of craft will be a welcome relief to take my mind off things…………


  1. I’ll be thinking of you all and hoping to hear better news soon.

  2. Certainly, Corrie. I’ve seen several who’ve had the hip operation. MIL had one hip done three times, the other once. Complications are quite common and it’s regarded as quite major surgery, even without adding in any other problems.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thinking of you and your family Corrie, and hope your mum is feeling better soon. Rebecca.

  4. Thinking of you and your family. Keep baking that Rocky Road and crafting away to keep you occupied.

  5. I’m so sorry to here that Corrie, my thoughts are with you. Hopefully we’ll all be able to cheer you up on Sunday.

  6. I’ll be praying tonight..

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this challenging time. xxxx

  8. You and your mum are in my thoughts. Lots of love coming your way xxx

  9. Have been praying for your mum Corrie and will continue to do so. xx

  10. Praying for you and your Mum Corrie. Take care, all of you. And keep on eating that Rocky Road (mmmmm, my favourite)

  11. Sorry to hear about this:( I’m the praying kind so I’ll pray!! Be of good courage!

  12. Oh Corrie sorry to hear this news. Will definitely keep your mum in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you get better news tomorrow.

  13. Oh Corrie, I am so sorry to read this news on your blog, it must be very hard for all your family :( I will certainly keep your mum in my prayers. Take care of yourself and do whatever you need to for comfort xx

  14. Thinking of you and your family Corrie.

  15. Thinking of you and hoping all goes well with your mum.

  16. Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I will keep praying. “Oh, Dear God, we call out to you. Please bring strength and healing to Corrie’s mom.”

    I will continue to pray, Corrie.



  17. Here’s hoping its just a minor setback, and that your mum will be up and about and back to her normal self soon. It sounds like she’s been through an awful lot. Look after yourself.

  18. I shall keep your mother in my prayers and hope this set back is quickly resolved and she is well on the road to recovery.

  19. Thoughts and prayers coming your way. Maybe brownies today?

  20. Still praying, particularly that you will be given strength whatever the outcome with your mum.

  21. thinking of you x

  22. Corrie, I am thinking of you and the family, and especially of your Mum.

  23. Corrie, lots of love and prayers from us in the top end. My hubby’s dad had major cancer surgery earlier this year. Horrible thing cancer. Take care of yourself and your beautiful babies. xox

  24. Oh Corrie – bigger hugs coming your way. Eat that rocky road and enjoy if it helps. Hope things improve and that you have a great Sunday of Crafting.

  25. Corrie..I am a regular lurker here..comment on and off..but i had to wrte today…sending positve vibes and get well wishes to your and your family will be in my thoughts.

  26. Just wanting to let you know that our thoughts are with you all at this time and hope your mum has a speeedy recovery.

  27. oh, Corrie. I’m thinking of you and your Mum. Just stay positive.

    Selina xx

  28. Thinking of you and your lovely Mum Corrie. Hope all is well soon. xxx

  29. Our family are praying for your Mum, for you and for your family. xo

  30. Oh gosh I’m so sorry to hear of all this. It must be incredibly hard for you, and thankyou for sharing. Your beautiful mum looks like she has a positive, fighting spirit so no doubt she will be around for a long while yet, bed hair and all! xx

  31. Am thinking of you and praying for your Mum. Hope to see you at Brown Owls soon – with good news about your Mum.
    Fran x

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