perfecting the yo-yo

I haven’t touched my yo-yo makers since Christmas but I didn’t feel like knitting or crochet last night so pulled out my basket with scraps and yo yo makers instead.

and I am now in full on yo-yo making mode….and isn’t my model co-operative! She stood so still and we enjoyed a little piece of chocolate afterwards for being such a good little model!


  1. Your Yo-Yos look fab!!

  2. They look fab – I love the polka dots. I saw yo yo makers are on sale this week, I might just have to go buy some.

  3. They are addictive aren’t they! I bought a few different sizes and shapes awhile ago and have only just started having a real play with them.

  4. These are so cute. What do you put on the back of them so they can stay in the hair?

  5. So cute! I love that you had to bribe your gorgeous model. And hooray for overcoming zipper fear!!!

  6. Oh Corrie! Since you got me addicted to them AT Christmas i haven’t stopped making hair ties / clips/ embellishments etc!

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