who’s afraid of the big bad zipper?

I’ve never been a fan of the zipper! Sure, I’ve made pants and shorts for myself with zippers but generally avoid them. However, last night I decided it was time to overcome my fear…..

So armed with 5 little zippers I measured fabric to the same length as the zipper and made a few little pouches. They’re not perfect but are cute and will be good as a little extra with presents.

ta da…I’m not afraid of the zipper anymore!

ps I’ll draw the fabric giveaways tomorrow!


  1. I think you have done a great job. It is nice to see that the corners of the pouches are so straight too.

  2. Anonymous says:

    love those trees

  3. Zipperific!

  4. You are just too clever for your own good!
    Whats the secret? I’m scared of zippers too.

  5. Well done Corrie, it’s a good fear to overcome.

  6. That was a smart idea, just do it on a small project several times. Now you know you can do it. It looks like you did a great job.


  7. I whole hartedly agree. Zippers are not my favourite either. I can – just almost if I try really hard – put a zip in a cushion cover, but always seem to mangle it when I try in a skirt!

  8. zippers are freaky. However, I find them easier than buttons or velcro so I go the zipper every time. I just have to hide the ends.

  9. Congralations Corrie! Zipperific, what a great word :) xox

  10. Congratulations Corrie, I always think that once you have mastered the zip you can tackle anything. Your little purses are very cute.

  11. Looks like you have mastered the zipper! I love little pouches too, they are so handy.

  12. Fantastic Corrie!

  13. Those little pouches look fantastic. I love the fabrics you used too. By the way when are you opening your new shop!

  14. Me, me , me! Am so afraid of the zipper…but seeing these cute little pouches makes me want to try!

  15. What’s your zipper secret?? They look so smooth and neat – mine, on the other hand, never do.

  16. OK. OK. OK. OK. Just off to locate a Zippers Aren’t So Evil open mind before giving it a whirl…

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