craft show haul

Today we made a trip to the city (oh so brave of me with the twins) for the Craft fair…this is my favourite one as I can park at hubby’s work and pop over. I always pack as if I’m travelling for a week and hope my children will behave. It was a great show as usual but I was so busy talking and shopping that I missed the 2 workshops I wanted to sit in on…there’s always next year. Here is what I came home with…some lovely wool from Bendigo….

some lovely fabrics from the always lovely Amitie and another store I didn’t pay attention at because I was so distracted by Heather Bailey fat quarters for $3….at this point the babies lost the plot and we had to quickly stop for lunch. Devonshire tea with the works and a big table to ourselves was perfect but unfortunately there was a 10 minute wait on coffee. I had peppermint tea and a huge headache later and 2 coffees back to back when I got home. I’m so glad the show has improved with a coffee and cake pitstop – of course its what all good crafters need!!!!

All in all a great morning….the twins were very well behaved and I decided to bring them home with me as well! Mind you there were plenty of ladies who were quite taken with them. And a big hi to Kate who I met at the Amitie stand, its always nice to meet other bloggers at the show!


  1. Oh what little cutie pies they both are!! They always are when sleeping though aren’t they? Sound like a very successful day out, well done. Love the wool, so soft and warm looking.

  2. I am jealous! Look at those fat quarters! Tell me I might be wrong but are you Melbourne? I am going to Melbourne for a weekend with my husband and need to make the most of being able to shop in “Proper” quilting shops! I would really appreciate it if you could recommend a good shop for fabric/wool. Thanks for your time. Stacey

  3. look at that loot – and those babies….just gorgeous!

  4. ooh I love the pink wools, it all looks lovely, so do the twins asleep!!!

  5. Such pretty wool, and I am incredibly jealous of your fabric. There is just nothing like sleeping babies so gorgeous…

  6. The twins look so cute all asleep in the car. Love the colours of your wool – very nice!

  7. It looks as though you bought quite a bit of nice wool from BWM. Lovely colors. I love all thsoe fat quarters too. Sounds as though you had fun and the twins are so cute!

  8. Engracia says:

    Oh that loot so looks so gorgeous, I am hoping to get to the fair tomoroow, but am wondering what to do with a 4 year old and a 2.5 year old who are both suffering from bad colds! Hopefully they’ll be ok by Saturday. I’ve just rediscovered my sewing bug and I’m keen to get down there.

  9. So lovely to meet you and that wool your purchases is gorgeous. BTW: I have NEVER seen two bubs as well behaved as yours…so bloody cute!

  10. Wow! You sound like you had a huge day! I’m keen to find out what the wool is like…have you used it before?

    Gorgeous babies by the way….

    Tam xo

  11. Love the sleepy bubbas.
    (Just how we like them 😉 )
    Lovely fabric haul.
    Andi :-)

  12. After the inital distraction of cute babies, and asleep at that… wow what a nice haul! Can’t wait to go tomorrow, I haven’t been to this show before and love everything you grabbed. I hope you left some for me!

  13. Sounds like a productive day for you. Your little ones are such little cuties. Thank you for showing all your lovely goodies.

  14. I was in sydney yesterday ( I live in a small town in the middle of NSW) for the PINK concert (which was fabulous) and went to the craft fair as well. I couldn’t get close to the Bendigo stall as it was packed out every time I went pass, the patch work was to die for, as a mum of 4 I had a great time wondering around by my self. PS I love your blog and I have a Kia Carnival too! I reconised the seats in the photo of the twins!

  15. I bet Jenny loved your babies! Love the Heather Bailey stacks – yum!

  16. Awwww, they’re SO cute! You’ve worn them out fondling all that gorgeous fabric. And great work starting them at the shows so young — it’s good training for them LOL!

  17. You’re a legend to take those two little cuties on such a big expedition!

  18. I went on Wednesday. Man, it was nuts! You’re very brave taking the three littlies with you.

    Your haul is very nice!

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