I love a bargain!

Yes, I love a bargain and $5 patterns from Spotlight made me very happy! Of course there were no prices on the boxes so they weren’t being snapped up but it meant there were more for me! I love the Built by Wendy patterns!

and I found my little miss under the table today, we start them sewing early in this house!


  1. The pattern at the top on the right looks like it has some potential for some gorgeous dresses. My kids like to drag the tape measures around the house too. Oh, and stick pins in things :O

  2. Your little helper is so precious. Well done with the patterns, they all look nice. I wish I lived closer to Spotlight, you might have to become my personal shopper!!!

  3. Hi Corrie, Love to hear of a bargin. I have never seen the Built by Wendy patterns, are the easy? I am not confident in my clothes sewing skills.

  4. They look like great patterns, great bargain. Very cute little helper.

  5. What a score – I like the look of the Built by Wendy ones – I have though about getting the pants one to try I need new shorts for summer.

  6. Great patterns! Very excited you are reopening your shop! Yay! xox

  7. woo hoo! i scored the same top right pattern and a different built by wendy top pattern at my local spotty – they had $5 each or 10 for $20! i’m picking up supplies at a different store tomorrow, must check their bin too…

  8. wow, what a good score! I have to admit I do like spotlight.
    I love the pattern on the top right hand side.

  9. Hahaha — what an adorable picture. Someday when whe’s a famous pattern designer, she’ll appreciate this picture!

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