one for the boys

poor little Finn, I love pink so much I don’t make as much for him as I should!

but this cute japanese fabric has been sitting in my stash untouched for almost 2 years! its perfect for little retro boys!


  1. Oh I love it Corrie, how perfect. Now all you need is a cheeky monkey and an owl and he’ll be set. I used to be so upset when my son was little as they never had much range in boys clothes but I do think they are getting better nowadays, only problem is they grow out of them so quickly.

  2. I have given you an award. Please go to my blog to get it.

  3. That is so sweet Corrie, and your stitching is so neat!

  4. Very cute. Poor little Finn. It is much harder to find suitable designs for little boys, especially if you aren’t into skulls, and monsters.

  5. Very cool! I too have far too much girlie sewing. xox

  6. Such a sweet little elephant!

  7. I bet he looks very cute in it too. I think it is lovely, clever you. I must get into applique when my list of things to do gets down a bit. Looks fun.

  8. Cute, Cute, Cute – did I say Cute?

  9. So cute! Poor little Finn must feel a bit left out amongst the sea of pink in your house.

  10. That’s lovely Corrie! Finn will look so cute in it.

  11. I have that fabric too. I love it so much to cut it. I suppose it helps I don’t have any babies to make for.

  12. Yes it is!!!!

  13. Corrie, you life is 2 girls: 1 boy, that is just how you will roll for the rest of your life. Having 3 girls first, i didn’t realise how limited the world of boys gear was until i had a son, so like you, made my own!! After 5 years with that boy, my business is still very much 3 girls: 1 boy & that’s fine. i am sure there is some study out there proving daughters have bigger wardrobes than boys. If you have time, pop over to my blog, i have an article in the current Chronicle in Canberra in the build up to Handmade UpMarket this Saturday. See you in July for Magnolia, love Posie

  14. Glad to see poor Finn does get some handmades too. Love the Elephant.

  15. Very cute Corrie. I know what you mean about pink, but something different is nice for a change

  16. I love the yellow elephant.

  17. Love it! Oh and the new label looks fantastic too! -kb

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