new labels

My black retro mummy labels don’t really suit all of the sweet little girly things I make. Sooooo, when this nice lady told me she got her labels here well I decided to try them out.

Verdict….I love them! Perfectly girly and sweet!


  1. Nice! I get mine somewhere else. Can never remember exactly where off the top of my head. Apparel. Something!

  2. I just got some from Cashs too, weren’t they quick? And so cute!

  3. Hello, I have given you an award! Congratulations! It’s on my blog!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure their the ones that we used to get for boarding school!!

  5. Oh they are lovely! I’m so jealous – you have no idea! I am going to pop over to that website right now and take a look and talk to my husband sweetly… :)

  6. So cute! I get mine from there too.

  7. They look lovely, as do the sleeping babies in your last post!

  8. I love your blog, and the labels are lovely!

  9. Great resource. Thanks.

  10. And why wouldnt you love them! Just gorgeous

  11. Awww….they both look cute in them.

  12. Timely post Corrie I was just about to start looking at labels, now you’ve saved me all the leg work

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