here she is….

I’ve spent the past few years chugging along on a very old janome dreaming of something nicer! its been trusty but was old, brown, 25 years old and getting tired. And I work hard in this house of ours and decided it was about time I treated myself to a new machine….so here she is…

isn’t she pretty? she does everything for me like thread a needle, cut my threads, quilts, has a knee lift, extension table, totally computerised and from the moment I turned her on I knew I had come into the 21st century…

to quote retro daddy ‘if you sell your machines you can get a new one’ and let me tell you I wasted no time in buying this. Service and shipping was fast from this lovely store and while its too far from home for a free lesson I had lots of fun yesterday testing her out! Ok well it only took 30 minutes to thread a bobbin and get started but I love her! look she’s telling me what she’s doing…good girl!

you’ll be seeing some more of her and today she’s whipping up a quick dress for a family function on sunday! Thankfully retro daddy hasn’t noticed her slip into the house and onto my sewing table…mind you I won’t be going anywhere near the shops and there is no fabric, yarn or books coming my way this month so she will be paid off!

ps if you need to do some clearing out ebay is just fabulous…I have a grand total of 27 people watching my machines so yay ebay! ‘use it or lose it’ I say and buy something nice for yourself instead of just having stuff just sit around!!!!


  1. how exciting…know the feeling about the 30 min till you could get it working, took me almost an hour with my new bernina! i was shaking by the time i got it going!
    happy sewing :-)

  2. :-)….how exciting..i know how you feel about it taking 30 min to get it working. when i got my new bernina, and hour has gone by and i still couldnt tread it. by the time it was ready, i was shaking with anticipation :-) happy sewing

  3. oh you do deserve her Corrie and she is wonderful!! happy hours ahead for you!!!!

  4. What a pretty girl she is! And talented too – I can just imagine the outflow of projects from you now.
    PS I crash tackled the postie yesterday as he had the Cath Kidstone book in tow – what a book of wonderfulness, thanks xxx

  5. ok now I’m really jealous!

  6. I love your new machine! You totally deserve it. You sew so much, so it’s going to get a lot of use.

  7. Very exciting – and very much deserved! After all, you do spend an awful lot of time at that machine. I am feeling more than a teensy bit jealous…

  8. Anonymous says:

    New machines are ALWAYS the coolest thing… ahh all the new gadgets on them… I wanna new one now 😀
    I can’t believe you are selling your overlocker… I find mine invaluable in children’s clothes making… cuts the time by at least half to get them done! Especially when making quick pants, dresses (things that don’t need too many fancy details or topstitching!!)AMy

  9. Oh I cant wait to see all the delightful creations your going to make on that machine. I am sure you will get so much enjoyment out of her and I notice she is pink too!

  10. yes Amy you are right they are fabulous! but when they sit there gathering dust for 2 years and my machine does a great overlock stitch you gotta say goodbye overlocker hello flashy new machine!

  11. Enjoy your new machine. It is gorgeous.

  12. Wow Corrie, you won’t know yourself with a new machine – especially if your old one was 25 years old. You’ll have a lot of fun.

    I had a similar positive experience selling a running treadmill in the trading post. An hour after I listed it I had a call from a guy two suburbs away. He came and took if off my hands and it felt so good to get something big out of the house that was just in the way. I’ve been thinking about what else I can list.

    Happy sewing.

  13. That’s so exciting! I am so envious…. She looks very techo

  14. She’s beautiful! Love those stitches

  15. Congrats on the beautiful machine!

    Might I ask what her model is? I am looking for a new one as well, nothing too fancy but with a few little extras.

    Also, I wanted to let you know I enjoy your ideas. The latest little sundress is darling!

  16. Arrica, its a brother innovis nv600! not too cheap and not too expensive but there is a 200 and 400 model in the range as well!

    I love her!

  17. She’s lovely!!!

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