smocked sundress

yep you guessed it….another project from THE book! I just can’t help myself. We have church this afternoon so I thought my little miss could do with a new dress to wear. This was my first shirring adventure and I need more practice….my lines are ummmmmmm wonky and I probably would have benefited from doing a couple of parallel lines on some scrap fabric first.

but Heather’s instructions were super simple and I wonder why I was so scared of shirring because once you iron it, the whole thing crinkles up and is pretty forgiving….

I whipped this up in less than 2 hours using some very cheap but pretty cotton in my stash (that Keira actually selected herself) and that includes several breaks to feed babies, change nappies, pick up crawling babies from the hallway and return them to the loungeroom and supervise Keira’s breakfast. I will definitely make some more once I go back to the shops to get more elastic thread!


  1. very sweet dress & model!

  2. That is a gorgeous dress. You are certainly getting your money’s worth out of that book! You could be addicted to worse things!

  3. WOW! You are on quite a sewing streak! Everything is so pretty, I think I need to find one of those books for myself! Seriously, your things are beautiful. Have a great day!

  4. She looks so cute in it. I am so making this for Melody this Summer.

  5. i have got to get this book

  6. Anonymous says:

    Corrie you seem to have heaps of that flower print cotton… did you get a roll of it from spotlight? I managed to get a whole roll of the same fabric for $10 when they were clearing stock, it’s great for the little girls clothes! 😀

  7. That is so lovely, she looks gorgeous in it! x

  8. Love your shirring. I was always scare of it but ventured to give it a try for the EB clothing swap and realised it was so easy! Susan

  9. Gorgeous dress! You make it sound very simple, I think I’ll have to check out that book.

  10. You are on a roll! Very pretty dress.

  11. That is the prettiest dress (and of course the prettiest model too!!). You are really starting to make this book sound irresistible. I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold off buying it for much longer….:P

  12. Just beautiful!

  13. Oh I saw that tut too. I went and got the fabric and elastic and it’s all ready to go…one day…sigh…

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