how do you find the time???????

If there is one question I get asked a lot…other than are my boy/girl twins identical..and especially in the queue at spotlight…its how do I get anything done with these three beautiful children of mine. I can honestly say I don’t know because each day just flies by and I grab precious moments to myself when I can.

I have also become very efficient at washing, cleaning, changing and feeding. I love that the babies love to entertain each other on their playmats and roll toys to each other…..honestly thats when two is better than one. Craft time generally happens on the weekend when the babies have a long afternoon nap and keira is with her daddy and night times when I have the energy

some nights I just want to lie on the couch and do absolutely nothing and other nights I want to sew, knit or crochet till midnight

and I couldn’t resist a picture of keira’s present that perhaps ummm mummy really wanted…I mean its the barbie campervan and its pink with a pool too!


  1. Oh those little bubs are gorgeous. I love chubby cheeks!! And really I am just going to keep believing that you have a magic wand tucked into your bra. Because I can’t even find time to brush my hair, and I’ve only got one! lol 😉

  2. Hi Corrie,
    I find I get asked that too, and if I am honest, I often met with bewildered looks and many compliments on my time management and if I am REALLY honest, I will admit that I LOVE those compliments! I guess it comes down to loving a full life! Just enjoy people thinking you are a super mum, after all you are!

    PS I covert the barbie campervan too…I had the barbie beauty bath, though I desperately wanted the orange 1970’s campervan. It was a lot smaller then too!

  3. I could have written this post! I get asked the same thing constantly. Your children all look so gorgeous.

  4. What beautiful children you have! You obviously have great time management skills to accomplish so much.

  5. Hi Corrie I get asked this too and I only have one! Like you said, it comes down to being organised. Some people spend time watching tv, I might spend my time sewing.
    Love the photo of the twins. How cute how they play with each other. Susan

  6. As a nanny of boy/girl twins I get both of those questions all of the time too! (C’mon people…boys and girls have different private parts, therefore can NOT be identical!) The second question is usually combatted when I tell them that I’m just the nanny and get paid to take care of them. Then it doesn’t seem so outrageous… but it’s just as much work!

  7. Well, I’m assuming when people ask you if they’re identical, they don’t know that you have a boy AND a girl. They do look an awfully lot alike — above the shoulders. They’re just adorable — you must be having the time of your life!

  8. I had to laugh about the boy/girl twins (of which yours are adorable) being identical (my sis has b/g twins 5 years old now) and she got that question TONS!! :)
    I’m impressed with how much you get done! I have only one (well outside) and I don’t feel like I have much time. Our daddy is pretty busy on weekends (he’s associate pastor)and evenings (and during the so I feel like laying on the couch and doing nothing A LOT!

  9. They are both so gorgeous, and I think people just look at their adorable faces, not their clothing at first glance and then ask and realise how silly that question is later on. I am sure Keira will love the barbie campervan too, how much fun is that.

  10. So cute! It’s nice that the two of them can entertain each other. People assume I have all the time in the world just because I don’t work. Um, I have a baby to take care of and it’s a 24/7 job that never ends. I squeeze in as much crafts that I can, and it often means staying up late because the baby is asleep all night.

  11. Oooh I’d love a cuddle of those cheeky two!

  12. oh the little twins are getting so extra cute and chubby! mae has really chubbed up in the last few weeks too, i love all those edible little rolls in her thighs and arms : )

  13. jacquelinelei says:

    as for me, i just do the crafting, and leave the house to be in a mess…

    great to see you at Centennial Parks, i really can’t wait till the next one…

  14. I think my ovary just gasped and an egg came floating out *cluck*cluck*cluck*

    my goodness you make beautiful babies.

    Those cheeks…

  15. oh my how the twins have grown! Beautiful children you have Corrie. I love the quilt on the sewing room floor too, gorgeous

  16. Keira’s barbie van is COOOL. I am NOT showing Romily! LOL

    And LOL at identical twins. My brother and I often were asked if we were identical twins. I just think people don’t think! (And we looked quite different too!)

  17. hehehehe at the “identical twins” question! I am expecting twin boys in April and it’s the first question everyone asks followed by do twins run in the family? I felt compelled to educate people about it all to begin with… now I just say YES… at least mine are both boys though! Maybe you should just say YES, yes, they are identical… and see what they say then! LOL They are a bit cute though.

  18. Oh you and Keira can have such fun with Barbie’s campervan! And your twins are so adorable, kicking away on the mat. Can’t believe people ask if they’re identical though! Do they mean apart from the obvious under-nappy differences?!

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