progress has been slow

two teething babies has definitely slowed progress on the quilt…..I also have to break up their fights every now and then….

but I’m getting there with only 3 squares left to stitch…its been very enjoyable except when Keira finds a ball of perle cotton and decides to walk it around the house like a dog on a leash leaving mummy to rewind it and put it in another keira proof spot!

and while I was writing this post little miss decided to do this……perhaps another reason why progress has been slow! I was so busy laughing I forgot to remind her not to pull all the toilet paper off the roll!


  1. Oh the kids crack me up! Melody has on occassion crawled into the bathroom and did that to the toilet paper.

  2. I am thankful for the years where my eldest son was protective of his brother before the last few years of attacking eaching – breaking up fights before they are even one! lol

    I remember the days of having to re-roll rolls of tiolet roll, they are fascinated by it!

  3. mmmm sounds like fun and games at your house. Toilet paper is such fun, so is talcum powder, I found this poured into both sleepers one morning, a long time ago though. You sure have been busy stitching up a storm, how do you find the time with 3 little ones, you are a super mum. Happy Quilting

  4. I love the look of innocence on her face..too funny!

  5. Aren’t they all gorgeous!! Loving your quilting and can’t wait to see the final result.

  6. Your babies look so adorable! Glad you can see the funny side – Keira looks like a little angel. Love the quilt by the way!

  7. CUTE!! Wyatt does the same thing with my wool….. oh my!!

  8. wow Corrie the quilt is soooo beautiful! I just don’t know how you manage to do everything!!!

  9. Wait till you are entertaining some very stuffy, elderly visitors and she wanders through house to lounge room with undies around ankles. “No more pooh paper, Mum” I was told by then just three year old son.

    Yes, the paper was all on the floor but that was “dirty” and couldn’t be re-used.

    Visitors made their escape shortly after this, so some good came from it.

  10. Look at those babes growing up rolling around on one another. Wrestling never stops :)

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