year of the fat lady

Wow what a year……when I reflect back on 2008 all I can think about is being huge….we were only in melbourne for a week or two before I got doubly pregnant….I went through 4 pairs of maternity jeans (thank you Ripe in Brighton for the best ever maternity jeans), gained 18 kilos (only 2 more to lose), ate TUMS religiously and struggled to do anything but oh it was so worth it!!!! I just adore all three of my babies and can’t wait to have more….

and so while reflecting on the year that was…..I hope in 2009 I will get into shape, make more and spend less, do more for others, keep the washing under control, unpack those last boxes, get all my paperwork in order, try to resist purchasing every fabric range, pattern or yarn that I see, save for a new sewing machine and just get out of the house more!


  1. Gorgeous. Love it all.

    I hope to write a post like this at the end of 2009!

  2. It was so lovely to meet you this year Corrie and what an amazing year it has been. Your children are absolutely gorgeous and I can’t believe how much you can get done while having babies, moving house, and running a business. I wish you and your family a fantastically happy and safe New Year!! xx

  3. It has been an exciting year for you hasnt it. I hope that 2009 brings many more surprises and happiness to your family too.

  4. It was toally worth being fat for, I am sure. Happy New Year!

  5. Wow – what a year! Mind you I am still drawing breath at your ‘can’t wait to have more ‘comment….

    Anything you need to share? Heh heh. (Nervously she asks).

  6. Happy New Year Corrie!

  7. I’ve *never* found maternity jeans that fit/suit my maternity figure … and I think I would be faerful of the prices of Brighton Maternity :)

    Lovely montage there and beautiful babies – hope you have a very lovely 2009 ! :)

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